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just a quick question, u have the stoppage of arimidex at week 12 , so the next 2 weeks the test is still in the body, is estrogen not a concern at weeks 12-14?
Love your work Sticky. The aus"BB" forum is now accomodating for "BB's"! Next there will be free samples of Jak3d to all members ;)

<3 Test E 500mg!
Low T

I have low Testosterone levels, but it seems Doctors won't offer treatment unless you start developing a vagina! I would like to boost T levels, but am reluctant to do a full steroid cycle. Question: Wouldn't Clomid offer a small boost in Testosterone alone, and are there any significant side effects to Clomid? Cheers
Some good and informative reading here.

I had lived with and known many users and been tempted to take it myself but always worried about my health so declined the offers of purchasing even though always been curious.

Seen plenty of people come off the gear, and take a bad turn.

Question: A friend of mine moved up north to hervey bay and was given some oral steroids, apparently they are quite old is there a shelf life for these I would imagine?
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So in a nut shell, your first cycle should look like this:
Weeks 1-12 Test E @ 500mg p/w
Weeks 1-14 HCG @ 250iu 2x a week
Weeks 1-12 Arimidex .25mg every 2nd day (may need more)
Weeks 14-16 Novladex 40mg every day, Clomid 100mg everyday
Weeks 16-18 Novladex 20mg everyday, Clomid 50mg everyday

I'm currently doing 5/3/1 with BBB, is it advisable to up my volume and/or training frequency on this cycle or do I just increase my weight in greater increments?
From the post:

Novladex for PCT is generally run at 40mg per day for 2 weeks, then 20mg a day for 2 weeks

So in a nut shell, your first cycle should look like this:
Weeks 1-12 Test E @ 500mg p/w
Weeks 1-14 HCG @ 250iu 2x a week
Weeks 1-12 Arimidex .25mg every 2nd day (may need more)
Weeks 14-16 Novladex 40mg every day, Clomid 100mg everyday
Weeks 16-18 Novladex 20mg everyday, Clomid 50mg everyday

So, Novla at 40mg for weeks 14, 15 AND 16?
Novla at 20mg for weeks 17 and 18?


Clomid at 100mg for weeks 14, 15 AND 16.
Clomid at 50mg for weeks 17 and 18?
what are the thoughts of some of you experienced lads on the use of 2on/4off cycles recommended by guys like Bill Roberts? on face value they seem to have a lot of positives. has anyone every tried them?
Hi guys,

Sorry for this noob question, but does the dosage vary for someone who may be 207cm tall and 125kg?

To whom it may concern,

I am currently requiring the assistance of someone with steroid knowledge, so any person with experience in cycling please pm me as I need 10 posts apparently before I can do this.
I have recently had a full knee reconstruction and I have limited time to get back to work before I lose all so again any experienced person/s please pm me.

To whom it may concern,

I am currently requiring the assistance of someone with steroid knowledge, so any person with experience in cycling please pm me as I need 10 posts apparently before I can do this.
I have recently had a full knee reconstruction and I have limited time to get back to work before I lose all so again any experienced person/s please pm me.


for a knee recon, you're better off waiting to heal naturally before getting on again. You don't want to have 'false bravado' and think everything is healed, when its not. Ive had a knee recon, & its bad enough doing everything kosher, let alone having to go thru it again because you couldn't wait to get on the juice again.
give it time mate!
I understand what you say although I have 3 months to get back to work or I lose all I have worked for bottom line.
I also comprehend what you say although a low androgenic such as Equipoise - Steroid .com is actuall better for recovery and tissue repair than deca durabolin from what I have read. First cycle with collagen synthesis in mind
and as far as the high androgenic such as test enethate has to be limited to no more than 200mg a week or it will destroy the progress made by the low androgenic and the test is for balance.
I have cycled several times and know men who have for over 20 years.
again I have 3 months to get back to work the surgeon who did the op is on holidays for a month the hospital stuffed up appointment times. and I was flooded the other time so Time has run outr for me I have been a swimming coach and taught other sports I am interested in the benificial healing.
I spoke with a doctor here in Bundy and he was opposed to steroids due to not knowing anything about them and said the direstion would have to come from the surgeon.
I could get these compunds when at work although I am unable to walk.
I heed your advice of not tearing and macho madness.
This injury was done overseas while representing my country.
I was hit by a car.
what more can I say.