Any experienced aas users out there? Need advice
Hey guys,
I’m about to start my 4th cycle and just wanted to see why you think about it, when to start pct and at which point to take the Dbol for best synergetic effects.
Cycle will be about 14-16w
Part 1
Test e - week 1 100mg mon & thurs (200)
- week 2-10 200mg mon & thurs (400)
Tren e - week 1 50mg mon/wed/fri (150)
- week 2-8 75mg mon/wed/fri (225)
Deca - week 1 100mg mon & thurs (200)
- weeks 2-10 200mg mon &thurs (400)
Dbol - week 1 10mg p/d (70)
- week 2 10mg am & pm (140)
- week 3-5 10mg 3xp/d (210)
- week 6 10mg am & pm (140)
- week 7 10mg p/d (70)
Part 2
Test p - week 10-16 200mg mon&thur (400)
Stanazolol - week 8-16
- week 8 - 10mg 2xp/d. (140)
- week 9 - 10mg 3xp/d (210)
- week 10-14 - 10mg 4xp/d (280)
- week 15 - 10mg 3xp/d (210)
- week 16 - 10mg 2xp/d (140)
Deca weeks 10-16 150mg mon & thurs (350mg)
Tren A - weeks 8-16 75mg mon, wed, thurs (225mg)
Will be taking 2.5mg letrozole e/d for 13 weeks then running hCG 250iu for a month
(I’d start with hCG but can’t get it at the moment and have bulk lettys left).
So my questions are - when is the optimal time to start the Dbol? At the beginning for a boost? At the end for a bang? Both have pros and cons.
Mainly I want to run it in conjunction with the synergy of the tren, test & deca combo at its peak.
About me-
I’m 6’2”. 98kg with a ‘covid gut’.
Goal - Looking to slightly bulk but mainly harden up and lose fat. Will be dieting harder (already eat good).
Training - Usually train an hour ea muscle group/superset 5-6 days a week. Been training since 2000 (even got my diploma of fitness in 03)
Side effects-
Not prone to gyno or much other sides (rage, low sex drive, hair loss, back acne etc. I get a bit more shoulder small pimples due to extra oil. Slightly thicker hair on stomach and upper arms.....
BUT I do occasionally i get the tren night sweats pretty hard lol. But that’s tren for ya. (SOO worth it though) Haha
What do you guys think? (Cycle & PCT)
What’s the optimal time to introduce Dbol?
A- straight away B - after 28 days (test/deca/tren synergy) or at some other time?
I love the tren/test/deca combo (even with heavy tren sides) but didn’t want to go as hardcore as last time (800mg test, 600mg tren, 600mg deca etc) but I did put on a lot of size on that but also had to run hCG and nolvadex for months after coz it killed my test production (I didn’t PCT enough for a 2gram a week cycle). ?*

Thanks for any USEFUL info ??