Just an update on the equipment we have
2 Force USA benches
1 Commercial GymDirect cage
1 Force USA cage with band pegs
2 pairs of JME olympic squat stands*
1 IPF spec competition combo rack
5 ABC power bars
1 Pendaly olympic bar
2 Muscle motion 600kg bars
1 No name olympic bar
1 Saftey squat bar
Wall mounted dip bars
2400x2400 lifting platform
3mx2m dealift pad
Muscle motion comercial flat bench
Flat bench matt made.
440kg colored G2 bumper plates in a toaster
155kg IronEdge bumper plates (includeing 2.5kg and 5kg technique plates) in a toaster
887.5kg rubber coated steel plates
1 pair of 2.5kg Ivanko collars
2 x 4kg Kettlebells
2 x 8kg Kettlebells
2 x 10kg Kettlebells
2 x 12kg Kettlebells
2 x 14kg Kettlebells
2 x 16kg Kettlebells
3 x 20kg Kettlebells
1 x 24kg Kettlebell
1 x 28kg Kettlebell
2 x 32kg Kettlebell
1 x 40kg Kettlebell
1 x 48kg Kettlebell
1 x 56kg Kettlebell
1 x 64kg Kettlebell
100kg atlas stone
Full set of PowerBands
velcrowed 3 board
25kg of chain
Various sized boxes
skipping ropes
Ropes for pulling cars and conditioning
3 tyres under 70kg for cardio
1 220kg tyre for man cardio (on loan)
1 Strong man log - 40kg (on loan)
1 2" fat bar - 40kg (on loan)
40kg keg
Lots of chalk