Ill do a pole shortly about what everybody wants as the next comp

Been a hectic past few days.
Tara started her prep for PR2. She squatted 75kg 5x5, benched 52.5 5x5.
Matt squatted 185kg for triples, 165kg for 5's.
Zach benched 115kg 7x5, squatted 120kg 12,10,12
Ricky, who is now coming to PR2 benched 145 5x5, then 180x3 in the super ram.
Loz and Dan both benched, and played with the ram.
Emma squatted 52.5 3x5, and paused 37.5kg for 5 singles.
Steve squatted 170kg 3x4 and 1x5, and pulled 215kg from a 3" deficit for 3x3.
Also, the direct debit system is now up and running.
Memberships are $20pw, no contracts.
Strength/conditioning/technique sessions are $25ph, and you do NOT have to be a member for them.