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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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I trained at Mounties for a while. probably saw you there. I haven't been there for about 4 years now. i train at home.
While the gym itself is great I can't tolerate the crappy music or the overcrowding in peak times.
Name- Clayton
- Age- 32

- Gender- M

- Location Bris

- Training experience- been training on off for the last 7 years.

- Any Interests- Training, making money

Been looking around at different bodybuilding forums for a bit, decided to join this one as it seemed the most proffesional.
Im basically looking for advice on different supplements etc as every nutrition shop just wants to sell me their products...

I started training at 69kgs and now hover around 90-92 kgs.
- Name: Mel
- Age: 26
- Gender: female
- Location: perth
- Training experience: I was former competitive swimmer now for 10yrs and now learning to how to adjust the types of workouts I do as its alot different style of weight training.

My name is Laura and I'm 24 from Perth. I'm currently training to compete in the Sportsmodel Division in the comp in Oct. I'm very nervous and excited :)

I have joined AUSBB to connect and talk to other like minded people in the industry. There is just so much hype and information out there on the Internet and it helps to talk to people who have been through it all... and people who know what works and what doesn't...
I trained at Mounties for a while. probably saw you there. I haven't been there for about 4 years now. i train at home.
While the gym itself is great I can't tolerate the crappy music or the overcrowding in peak times.

I agree with you Shrek - the facilities are great, but it's become so busy nowadays especially in the arvo/evening.

My name is Laura and I'm 24 from Perth. I'm currently training to compete in the Sportsmodel Division in the comp in Oct. I'm very nervous and excited :)

I have joined AUSBB to connect and talk to other like minded people in the industry. There is just so much hype and information out there on the Internet and it helps to talk to people who have been through it all... and people who know what works and what doesn't...

A welcome to you too Laura.
Hope your comp prep goes well.


- Name: Ben
- Age: 23
- Location: canberra
- Training experience:

Been training on and off for 3 years. This year ive taken it alot more serious. Starting a personal training course in 10 days so im pretty excited about that. Plan to finish the course and see if i like it. If i do ill get a job in the industry, if not at least ill know a few good tricks to use for myself. Also means ill be switching gyms to the one they use for the course, pretty excited bout that cos it looks like a pretty good gym. Other then that i play rugby union, love eating food and chillin to music!!:cool:
Hi ya All
Admin here but please call me Graeme

I would like to welcome you to the Ausbb- Australian BodyBuilding Forums, Good to have you all on board. Don't forget to start your own Training Diary. Your Training Diary will help you stay motivated and keep track of your progress. When you train alone sometimes it is hard to get help, guidance, inspirtation and motivation which is where the Ausbb forums and the Ausbb Training Diaries will help you with finding others with similar stats and allow you to interact with each other.

* Click here to start your own training log (don't forget to put a link in your signature to your training diary).
* Once you have started your Training diary click here to add it to the lists (order by weight and order by age) this helps other guys find your log.

Keep in min
Hi all y'all

Welcome to all newcomers. It's a big hello from me, and a big hello from my good buddy........

- Name: Alex
- Age: 21
- Gender: Male
- Location: Adelaide (Gawler)
- Training experience: Had a serious interest in cycling since the age of 8 and have been cycling at least 10 miles a day since the age of 11, that being upped to 30 miles a day for the last 4 years. Started powerlifting July 2011 as a way to get better at cycling and to just generally have a bit of muscle on me. I have deadlifted 170kg at a bodyweight of 65kg (178cm tall)
- Any Interests: Work in IT/Comms and have worked in electronics so I have a strong interest in that

It would also be a good idea to say why you joined Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding:
Recently emigrated Britain to start a new life in Australia. Googled for Australian bodybuilding/powerlifting forums and here I am!

My goals are increasing my strength and correcting muscle imbalances. I am very hamstring weak from lots of cycling so correcting that and getting my flexibility back up to scratch are my main goals
You emmigrated from Britain and ended up in Gawler.
What's wrong with that? :P
Plenty of work in the Gawler area, already earning 3x the wage I was in Britain!
Milk and beer is bloody expensive though. Any decent gyms in the Gawler area? SoFit looks decent but I have no idea what the equipment is like, I need a power rack or at the least a squat rack
Nothing wrong, I just think there are better choices.

I lived in Adelaide for 7 months and traveled around the city nearly everyday so i got to know it pretty well.

Anyhow, instead of buying beer, save the cash for a power rack.

Welcome to AusBB
What's up everyone!

- Name - PRIDE.
- Age - 32
- Gender - M
- Location - US
- Training experience - 10yrs+
- Any Interests - teaching / learning / growing, mentally and physically

I joined AusBB because I have some friends over on that side of the world and wanted to check out the boards over there to see if I can contribute in anyway. Been in the game for Many years, member on most every board at one time or another. Looking forward to checking this one out!