Hi everyone, I've been lurking on these forums for a while now, and i guess its about time for me to introduce myself. Well here's just a quick overview.
Name: Dan
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Location: Strathfield, Sydney
Training experience:
I've done bs training previously in my early teenage years (most of you could probably relate). The training involved dumbells and other stupid isolation exercises, and I couldn't really string together a good month of weight training.
This time last year, i discovered thanks to a friend, the correct way to weight train. Barbells and compound exercises. Finally, i started noticing some progress, but again i couldn't workout properly for more than a month.
Finally, on my third attempt, I reckon that I've made this weight training thing stick at last (I guess that's why they say 'third time's the charm'). I got off my ass and found a job, and bought a decent home gym set for my brother and I. And now i have no excuses for lazyness. I've been working out seriously for just over 2 months now, and I've made good progress. I couldn't be happier.
Any interests: I'm a very sporty and competitive person, I enjoy playing basketball, touch football, oztag, swimming etc.
Why did i join ausbb? Well i thought it would be a great way to learn from likeminded people. And from people who have much more experience in the sport than I do.
Personal Goals: Definitely to get stronger, I don't have much interest in getting huge and dominating. The main priority is definitely to just keep adding weight to the bar. Sorry i can't be any more specific haha.
Well that's pretty much everything about me in a few minutes. I look forward to getting to know all of you better. And also learning heaps more along the way. Oh and don't forget getting stronger.