Name: Damir Pilipovic
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Training Experience: Started training when I was about 12. Was off and and on till 16 at which I started training as a serious pursuit. Trained continuously till the age of 27 and then due to factors that I won't go into stopped training till I was 34..then made a sort of comeback which lasted less than a year at which point I tore my right pec and left tricept while doing a set of bench presses with 200kg. I didn't train again til beg 2008 (age 38) again due to factors I won't go into here and I have trained continuously since then (abeit a pec and tricept tear)
Competition History: I won 1991 WA State Junior 100kg champ as well as Best Lifter.
In 1990 (aged 20) competed with WA state team at the Open Powerlifting Nationals - held in Melbourne was only IPF then (the last year before the bust up) earning a 5th place in the 100kg which was pretty good since I would have been one of the few clean lifters then.
I won 1991 Australian Junior Champs 100kg kg division.(IPF) Remember benching 177.5kg- more than anyone else regardless of weight division. (raw) and was a national record at the time until IPF (Powerlifting Australia) wiped all records following year.
About 1995 competed in an ad hoc bench press competition held over here in sunny Perth ($500) first prize at World Health and Fitness in Balcatta. The two other competitors were Adam Coe and Carl Rego. We all went over 500 pounds raw with Adam ultimately winning with a about a 530 pound bench---(3 of us going over 500 pounds raw is something that woudn't be seen again in a hurry) I'm sure Adam tried to sabotage me before the comp -giving me clembuterol mixed with the shakes like you wouldn't believe
In 1996 won 125kg CAPO Open title ...weighted in at 111kg (cause Adam Coe was in the 110kg class)...benched a respectable 227kg missing a national record of 240kg.
Recently competed in the National deadlift comp here in Perth deadlifting 300kg...I was stoked since I did one deadlift session prior ( before that I hadn't deadlifted in years) and the 300 came up easy.
Strengths: Always been very strong. At the moment would have to be my squat. In recent times (before my operation) have squatted 300kg x 3 reps RAW. Very close to that now. (Note: had a hernia operation about 10 months ago).
AIM: Break open and master records in Squat and Deadlift (will have to wait for op on chest and tricep and then we will see about that one)

PS. Yes thats me in the avatar...3 weeks prior to the 1996 CAPO National Powerlifting Champs