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Thanks mate, but still at 6'2" I'm still a streak of pelican shit haha.
Macca down at monkey magik in frankston is doing mine, if there is a tattoo thread here I might throw up some pics
I think there was a thread somewhere around here , just start your own , she'll be right
- Name : Paul
- Age : 43
- Gender : Male
- Location : Perth
- Training experience :

Have been training steadily for the last 2 years in my home gym and currently doing 531

Recent lifts @96kg bw

Squat 135kg
Bench 100kg
Deadlift 200kg
OH Press 65kg
- Name : Adam
- Age : 28
- Gender : Male
- Location : Melbourne
- Training experience :

Currently on my third round of 5/3/1 after giving the Sheiko #29 a run.

I am also an active dragonboat paddler and my team is consistently placing 2nd in the state and the team is hungry for more!

I also run a couple of touch rugby teams in the local leagues.

Current Stats
Height => 170cm
Weight => 80kg (was 74.5 in june gotta eat properly...)

Best lifts as set at the Novice comp at PTC on the 12/12
Deadlift 180kg
Squat 160kg
Bench 105kg

My goals are:
1. get to a bodyweight of 75kg
2. get the following by end of 2011 (wishful ):

  • Deadlift 220kg
  • Squat 180kg
  • Bench 140kg
  • 1km under 3:30
  • 10km under 55mins
  • sign up to ProRaw
Adam is a sensational lifter who hit PB's without hitting 100%, it was effortless lifting.

Lots of potential
Hi everyone, I've been lurking on these forums for a while now, and i guess its about time for me to introduce myself. Well here's just a quick overview.

Name: Dan
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Location: Strathfield, Sydney
Training experience:
I've done bs training previously in my early teenage years (most of you could probably relate). The training involved dumbells and other stupid isolation exercises, and I couldn't really string together a good month of weight training.

This time last year, i discovered thanks to a friend, the correct way to weight train. Barbells and compound exercises. Finally, i started noticing some progress, but again i couldn't workout properly for more than a month.

Finally, on my third attempt, I reckon that I've made this weight training thing stick at last (I guess that's why they say 'third time's the charm'). I got off my ass and found a job, and bought a decent home gym set for my brother and I. And now i have no excuses for lazyness. I've been working out seriously for just over 2 months now, and I've made good progress. I couldn't be happier.

Any interests: I'm a very sporty and competitive person, I enjoy playing basketball, touch football, oztag, swimming etc.

Why did i join ausbb? Well i thought it would be a great way to learn from likeminded people. And from people who have much more experience in the sport than I do.

Personal Goals: Definitely to get stronger, I don't have much interest in getting huge and dominating. The main priority is definitely to just keep adding weight to the bar. Sorry i can't be any more specific haha.

Well that's pretty much everything about me in a few minutes. I look forward to getting to know all of you better. And also learning heaps more along the way. Oh and don't forget getting stronger.
G'Day Dan,

I'd recommend you start a training log here.

It will give you accountability, and will allow you to track your progress.


Yeah will do. I'll try and get a log up sometime during this week. I currently already have this written training diary of mine, but its always good to have one on the forum as well so i can get suggestions and input.

Name: Hashi (everyone calls me hashi)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Location: Canberra
Training experience:

Been training for 2 years now, 6 months of that more BB type. Shifted over to 5x5 and did it several times, as well as some 5/3/1 which didnt do anything,
Doing sheiko 37 now.

Best training lifts @94kg
180kg squat
150kg bench
282.5kg Deadlift

Goals: get as strong as I can and compete more =)
Hashi, with a total exceeding 610kg @ under 95kg, ProRaw is screaming out to you lol

Welcome big fella
I have been training for about 8 months now try to just get my b/f down to 8 to 10%
Main lifts
bench 4/8/80kg
deadlift 4/8/130kg
squats 4/8/110kg
Looking forward to finding out the right way to train n eat
Morning team,
Name: Chris
Weight: floating between 98 and 101kg for the past yr
Age: 25 in March
Experience: Was training off and on for a few years just pretending really, During 2008/2009 I got really into my power lifting and strongman training got up to 114kg lifts at this weight
Deadlift / 240kg
Bench / 165kg
Squat / 190kg
Standing shoulder press(bar) 90kg x 4 reps.
However I did some fairly seriouse damage to my hip around June of 2009 so I had to ease off the heavy stuff for a while, Allthough I love just lifting as big as I can my first reason for training was to be a bodybuilder but I didnt beleive I could cutt very well being a big endo. But towards the end of 09 I think it was between Sep Dec I managed to drop my weight from 112kg down to 96 whilst still keeping a fair amount of my strength. After all this I began training to be a personal trainer but this requires a lot of cardio and after training in a manor that I enjoy but not love for all of 2010 and still not being offered my courses I have had it and am goin back into b/b.
Currently I have Burstists in my right shoulder, which is just a fancey way of saying fluid inpinging on my tendons. After this heals ill be back into it 100%.

Yes that was a long way to say hi

Cheers Lads
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- Name - Chris- Age - 29
- Gender - M

- Location -
- Training experience: Trained mostly for BBuilding for about 4 years met a girl got married got flabby now training at home want to put on some size and get stronger
Currently 6ft 110kgs dont want to drop too much weight just ditch the body fat
- Any Interests - Mountain biking, music, my dog, and 60hrs a week at work

Look foward to learning what i can from the site
- Name - Jesse - age - 21
- Gender - M
- Location - Brisbane
- Training experience: trained quite strictly in the past 5 months , packed on almost 25kgs, some of which is sure to be fat. current lifts
bench - 110
squat- 140
deadlift- 160/4
mp - 65/2

my goals are to compete at some point, hopefully add some quality dense muscle size over 2011 and hit the stage in 2012.

I look forward to learning alot from you guys.

- Name - jason
- Age - 25
- Gender - M
- Location - perth
- Training experience (if you have any that is) - joined a gym when i was 16 had no clue what i was doing though. 6 months later gave up.

then rejoined another gym when i was 18 spent about 2 years getting average results then learned how to train and eat properly
at 22 i was at my biggest which was 100kg at 12%bodyfat

best lifts at the time were

just getting back into it now going to spend a few months building up a decent base again will be using creatine as a supplement then will be looking into using some gear once i find what im after.

and yes im a kiwi

- Any Interests - girls, food, ps3, food, cars, weights, food

- Name - Chris aka QLDFirey
- Age. 32
- Gender. M
- Location. South West QLD
- Training experience (if you have any that is) on and off but about 4 months now of 5 days a week per one hour.
- Any Interests - am a professional firefighter in QLD.
- Name - Paul
- Age. 43
- Gender. M
- Location. Ipswich
- Training experience (if you have any that is) lifting on and off for many years, finally decided I'd had enough of being a lightweight(67kg) and got seriously stuck into training. Spent 6 months training hard as i could in my shed until I ran out of wight and space, joined a gym and haven't looked back, am so loving training now.
- Any Interests - MMA, Music, Mountain biking, it's a loooong list!

Hoping to pick up lots of diet tips to help me get to my goal of sub 10% bodyfat and keep my weight at 80kg.
Name: Adam
Age 29
Gender: Male
Location: Melbourne
Training Experience: Not much these days, but used to train fairly consistantly for many years.
Interests: Cars, Motorcycles, Sports, Watches, Food
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Name - Chris
Age- 24
Gender- Male
Location- Adelaide
Training Experience- Been Lifting for a couple of years mainly working on keeping myself in shape for football (afl). Looking to further development and knowledge in bodybuilding and nutrition.

Currently weighing in at around the 84-85kg mark at 176cm with BF% around the 13% according to scales (accuracy unknown... haha)

Joined up after searching through forums looking for information about nutrition and workouts etc.

Goals for the year ahead of 2011 are to maintain muscle and be around the 80kg mark for my wedding ahead in october.

I have quite a clean diet & Steady Workout routine outlined below. ANY AND ALL THOUGHTS appricated. Im always open to change if it can help me better my performance.

I have been reading up on the forums and looking at a few different workouts mixed in with diets re- 2200 calories diet etc.


3 Eggs , 1x Wholegrain Bread, Coffee

3hours later
2x 95g Cans Tuna , Banana or 30g Nuts

Chicken 150-170g
Salad ( Lettuce,spinach, Roasted Capsicum & Cherry Tomato, Avocado)
Feta Cheese 20-30g

MAx protein shake with water

200G Steak,Chicken, Lamb etc
Veg - Brocolli Beans Peas carrots
Potato/rice on occasions.

Night- Maxs nitetime on workout days


Mon- Chest Triceps
Push Ups 3x20
Flat Bench 3x8
Incline 2x12
Dips 3x10- weighted
Skull Crushers s/s pullovers 3x8

Tues - Shoulders
Arnie Press- 3x8
Side Raisers 3x8
Front Raises 3x8
Shrugs 3x8

Wed- Back & Biceps
Chins 3x Max
Deads 3x8
Bent Rows 3x8
DB curls 3x8
Reverse Curl 2x12

Friday- Legs & Abs
Squat 3x8
Front Squat 2x12
Leg ext 3x10
Calf Raises 2xMax
Crunches 3x50
Floor Wipers 3x10


Squat- 140kg, Bench 125kg, Deadlift 165kg (all weight ive got at home),