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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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- Name : Eli
- Age : 16
- Gender : M
- Location : Australia
- Training experience : lifting for about 1yr or more
- Any Interests : Gym junky

My goal is to bulk up and just get my body to that point where i can not wear a shirt and look better that all those other fools at the beach.
Name: Ade
Age: bloody old
Location: Melbourne
Training Experience: quite a few years
Reasons for training: disabled: weight training helps with mobility, recovery, pain management....etc.

I don't think I have much to offer the forum as I have to train a little differently from most people but I still love weight training with a passion. It does me a a world of good. I can't do traditional power moves (squats, dead lifts) but I can work around that with other exercises. Being disabled is no excuse for not maximizing what you can do physically.

I'm enjoying reading through the forums and hope that if other disabled people appear that I might be able to help them.

After a 7 month lay-off through a bit of a set-back because of my problems I have refashioned my home gym with new equipment: aside from free weights, I have an old half-rack, 160 odd kilo of standard plates, a standard bar, an Ironmaster IM2000 machine, an Ironmaster Superbench, and an assortment of dumb bells. I don't have a best for squat or dead lift, but my best bench was a 4x300 pounds, which I hope to better in the future.

bbzz Ade you are wrong , you have plenty to offer others , you can give us an insight into your different training methods , which is why we are all here to learn from each other , you never know who is lurking in the shadows could be some out there in the same position you are in

Welocme to the forums , enjoy your stay
- Name - Bjorn
- Age - 20
- Gender - Male
- Location - Melbourne
- Training experience - Been lifting for about a year
- Any Interests - Used to play sports till I fell of a motorbike and wrecked my shoulder..
Name - Dave
Age - 30
Gender - Male
Location - Eastern Europe (originally Brisbane)
Stats - 180cm, 70kg (70kg since age 15!!)
Training experience - Lifting for many years, but totally clueless
Interests - Rockclimbing, surfing, & snowboarding
have lost 45 kg. I was 114.8 kg when I started, got to down to 66.5 kg

DBEE, this is a sensational performance, you lost 40% of your previous body weight. That takes some old fashion ticker.

Very good job, you should serve as a real inspiration to many on here. Good luck with it all.
DBEE, this is a sensational performance, you lost 40% of your previous body weight. That takes some old fashion ticker

Thank you so much DKD! Am still feeling a bit down about not dropping my holiday weight gain (have been back since June). But stepping back for a sec and taking a look at the bigger picture...yes...I have actually worked bloody hard and acheived a great result.

I took a total holiday from dieting and exercise for the four weeks I was overseas, and I have been a little (!) slow to get back to it. I think I needed a mental break from such a rigourous diet and exercise routine. I know that my diet isn't as good as it was, treats have been slowly working their way back into my day - coffee, chocolate, cake etc.

But I'm going to stop beating myself up about it - that only leads to more eating Instead I'll draw some positives out of it - I think I have found my "tipping point" so to speak. That is, the max amount I can eat - with the min amount of exercise - and weight is staying steady.

Ultimately that's the point I wanted to get to - - albeit at around 65 Kg! So it's good to know that when I do eventually hit my goal weight I will have some "quality of life", and still be able to indulge in some treats without ballooning back up to 100+ kilos.

So holiday over, back to work - - time to lose that last 5 kg! It doesn't help that my PT is now on a holiday too! Have been slowly working my way through stickies and threads - really wish I had read Fadi's reply in the "High Calorie Shake" Thread before buying some fish oil caps last week aarrgh ...such is life...but have been quietly lurking and learning, and am learning a lot.

Couple of warning signs there I reckon DBEE. The treats slowly working there way back in could soon turn to a tidal wave if you're not careful.

It's interesting the different approaches you hear to dieting. I've heard many say they like one cheat meal a week. When I was dieting I didn't bother with a regular weekly cheat meal. If I had a cheat meal then it would be an irregular event, not a routine-type thing. Maybe every 2-3 weeks or whenever circumstances prevented me following my normal approach. And when I had one I didn't sweat it, it was no big deal to me, because I knew I'd revert to normal afterwards.

I used to love the free bikkies at my work, would have 2 in the morning and 2 in the arvo. Haven't touched one in a year. My cheat meals might be pizza or the like, but bikkies, cake, geez they've got nil nutritional value whatsoever.

Anyway I lost 14kgs, you lost 48! Who am I to be giving you advice?
Couple of warning signs there I reckon DBEE.

I hear you DKD - loud and clear. And the whole reason I've joined the forum is to get advice and learn, so your input is greatly appreciated.

I don't want to the occasional treat to turn into a tidal wave either - I haven't been swamped by that tidal wave in well over a year now, and I don't really want to feel as though I'm drowning again.

I'm still figuring this out as I go - and can only really go on trial and error.

I don't want to get into a cycle of famine and then feast, if you know what I mean? In the early days of this journey, I found the cheat meal too much to handle, it was as if all bets were off, and I found myself undoing a whole week's worth of work in one foul swoop. My definition of a "meal" at that point...entree, main, dessert, wine, bread...you get the idea.

I found it easier (emotionally) to schedule small treats throughout the week. For example 35g Lindt Dark Chocolate each Wednesday (177 cals). Wed is a half day at work followed by a heavy session with my PT. Always looked forward to having my Lindt in front of Spicks and Specks each Wed night. And then Sunday lunch at Mums - (not what it used to be, promise!) we would finish with a Skinny Cow icecream treat (usually 100 - 150 cals).

You make a valid point, and have given me food for thought (oh no she didn't - oh yes she did). I have taken the foot off the pedal diet wise, and my progress has stalled. I know what I have to do - go back to weighing, measuring, and writing down my food and excercise.

But (and apologies if I'm highjacking this thread) - how / when do we maintain? For obvious reasons weight loss must stop at some point. Then what? I have heard that the recidivism rate for the morbidly obese is worse than that of alcoholics. If you know of anyone on this forum who has successfully undergone a transformation (fat to fit, or skinny to built, not picky) please point me towards their diary, or some threads. I want to know how to find balance when I get to my goal weight. I've been focused on hitting a certain number for such a long time, and I'm almost there .. but it's like I'm tripping myself up???

I don't know if I'm doing a very good job of describing myself...going for a walk to clear my head.

There is a fair bit of useful info on the site, have a hunt around. There is a member called SarahX (or similar) whose story might be of interest to you.

I used to love the chockies, but I've got a disdain for that sort of food now. I regard it almost as my enemy, rather than something to look forward to.

Also, don't worry so much, you're obviously doing great. My post was probably too alarmist, sorry!
- Name - Clive
- Age - 25
- Gender - M
- Location - Perth
- Training experience - Started in about '04 after moving to Australia and rehabbing a Anterior Cruciate recon, been very on and off during that period as sport seems to get in the way. (well during rugby season, I don't seem to have enough time to hit the gym, so I don't like paying for gym membership and not using it for half the year, then after rugby, I like the break for a while, then don't really want to join the gym for only a couple months prior to Rugby starting up again) Slack I know.
- Any Interests - Rugby, Music.

Anyhow, I decided to take the year off rugby this year as I was sick of all the little injuries and niggles, unfortunately I still didn't join the gym until very recently. Time to get flat for Summer.
after a long lay of i started training raw
best to date
push press(rack)133.5

comps in 1991 1st state champs (drug free fed)
best assisted lifts@ 97kg
squat 227.7kg
bench no shirt 175x2kg
dead belt oh the shame.300kg
started ripping pecks in 97 total 3.
Last edited:
Name: Jed
Age: 19
Gender: M
Location: Perth
Interests: Have played soccer since I was 5 and live for the sport.
I basically joined as I would like to bulk up and was hoping people could point me in the right direction and give me some pointers. I weigh in at 58kg and am 165cm. I am toned but would like to bulk up and build strength. Where should I go?
Name: Paul Age: 19

Gender: Male

Location: Grafton, NSW

Occupation: Correctional Officer

Interests: Flogging crims

Current Weight: 98

Height: 196

Just trying to have some fun and get in better shape, been training on and off for a few years, interested in all sport.

hey mate welcome
try check out
ptc's begginers program
mark ripptoes starting stregnth
- Name: Rob
- Age: 24
- Gender: M
- Location: Adelaide
- Training experience: Started weights training in oct 2009
- Any Interests: Gym, running, cookng, nightlife.