Hi all
Names Marcus. Im 31 your old male and i live in Perth and i have had a bit of of gym experience in the past.
I have joined up to try and help get me back on track.
I am a father to the most amazing, vibrant nearly 2 year old daughter...another reason i am trying to find the person i used to be as i want to be a person she can look up to as well as be proud of.
Currently working as a firefighter.
Weighing in at around 95kg and stand at 6'1
found myself in a big hole (depression) for the last two or so years and been finding it really hard to get myself back on track.
when i had some self respect and pride i was training 4-5 days splits.
really looking to find the motivation and hopefully support to get over this hump.
haven't set any goals as such yet with the exception of one which is improving on my PB Dead but will have to see where i start to give myself a realistic time frame.
anyway looking forward to hearing your thoughts and guidance.
HelloI guess I should post my profile as well...
I used to be really into fitness and gym in my uni days, I studied molecular pathways and genetic engineering (I don't want to list my true major lest you track me down, muahaha) and during then I hit the gym and library 3 times a day on a students budget. Had no life other than gym, studies and basketball and gaiaonline lolol back then but that was ages ago.
I think I hit my peak then, I actually hit a 3.8 % bodyfat and the guy who wanted to measure me on his new expensive scale was a med student. He was a really ripped PT but he was also a hard gainer like me and he always wanted to measure me. He was shocked at my bodyfat, he re-tested me about 4 or five times and said that was the lowest ever. He is a full fledged doctor now but not sure if he went into practice or did something like surgery. Anyway I was about 67 kgs, 3.8% bodyfat but looked really big for my weight. People always thought I was a good 15- 20 kgs heavier!! I could dunk the ball at 5 feet 10 inches and loved cycling (nothing but incline, and not long distances lolol) on my bicycle that my buddy got me from the dump. I fixed her up.
Now fast forward many years later I am not fat, as I never will be but I am definitely a litte on the skinny side. I cant put on weight, no matter how much I eat, so I will never be a buff fatty unless I take some kinda "juice" which I don't. I also want to stress I never took any protein supplements or creatinine or anythin except for once in a while those musashi growling dog grape protein bars (a ripoff at $3.99) as a treat as well as vitamins. Man that was expensive for me back then, lololol. I am getting back into training but more interested in functional muscles than ever before, and again back to training my chest to have a bit more "armor" lol.
Hi all
Going to try and stay active on the forum, might help me with motivation!
First lifted a weight at 20 about 12 years ago but never with any clear goals or attention to my diet. The past 2 years as I entered my 30's I started paying ore attention to my diet and slowly started tracking my lifts. Had a few set backs, injuries from training and a motorcycle accident in may this year so had to take time off.
Looking to both add muscle and get stronger. Been around the aussie boards for around 10-11 years as well.
Goals for the whole of the next coming year will be to stay injury free and work to a respectable level of strength. I always went into the gym for a pump and no real progression, I train mainly doing compounds now and hit everything at least twice a week and am getting good results, wish I'd trained like this in my 20s!
Welcome to the forum. ?NAME- Maddy
AGE- 17
TRAINING EXPERIENCE- Been in the gym consistently since I was 12/13 however have been seriously lifting since about 3 years ago (around 15). Mainly bodybuilding style training until just recently I have also added in some powerlifting.
INTERESTS- Training, eating, my 2 dogs and music.
WHY I JOINED? To try absorb as much knowledge as possible.
GOALS- My dream since I was just a kid (and still is) is to be a world class athlete. I've had the dream of gracing the Olympia stage for quite some time (what bodybuilder hasn't?) My goal is to build a physique that would have been Olympia worthy in the female bodybuilding division. This year (2017) I hope to acheive a pretty nerve racking goal of mine, I competed in my first novice powerlifting competition and achieved a 370kg total after not much powerlifting training a couple months back. For my second competition I hope to break the GPC record this year and try to get a total in the 400's. I want to be as strong as my body can possibly be and as developed as it can possibly be.
Howdy and welcome.Hi,
Up in Sunny Brisbane. Just started back at the Gym and trying peptides for the first time. its been a week and not noticing anything at the mo...although ive heard it can takes months so heres hoping!
Hullo. [emoji111] [emoji111]- Name : Chev - Age: I'll be 30 this year. - Gender: Bloke - Location: Radelaide - Training experience: I used to have half decent lifts 5 years ago. Does muscle memory last 5 years? I hope so. I'll also post some questions in the beginners routine post. - Any Interests: Being fit-ish and healthy-ish. Thanks.