I'm Daniel, i'm currently a 17 year old male living in Sydney's inner west suburbs.
I've been lifting for a year and a half. I wouldn't even call the year lifting though, I was just mucking around with one body part a day routines, not knowing why I did not progress in strength. My bench was at 40, could not even touch my chest, I avoided squats overall because someone had persuaded me that they make you short, avoided deadlifts too because of all those youtube accidents, heck the word even has 'dead' in it!
About 6 months ago I decided to go on a 5x5 routine and only train 3 times a week. My squats went up from nothing to 120, deadlifts from 0 to 140, bench to 60 and OHP to 40. This may not seem like much to you guys but its a heck of a lot to me after wasting that one year humping dumbbells.
Anywho, i've decided to join this site to help me pursue my one goal of bettering myself. Mainly the reason I started lifting. So hopefully I can continue learning off you lovely people (i've been lurking in the background for quite some time as I wanted to start a home gym and didn't know what to get). I thank you guys for that! I'll try and post some pics of the gym on the home gym thread when its done, Graeme from littleblokefitness (very nice guy) sold me a package and its coming right now hopefully. Hopefully I could upload some videos and you guys can help me critique my form

Interests - guitar, fishing, martial arts.