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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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Hi Guys

Name: Vik
Age: 31
Gender: M
Location: Brisbane
Occupation: Sys engg
Training Experience: Have been training for a good long time now on and off for the last 7 years
Interests:Bit of a comic book nerd and video game nerd and I love working out
Current Weight: 85
Height: 180cm
Goals:need to sort out the fat

as my username suggest's I have terrible calves that dont seem to grow with the rest of my body, hopefully can get some advice on here, preety much tried multiple programs to sort it out,I Due work out my calves everytime I got to the gym which at the moment 3 times a gym but will ramp it up to 5 days once I get back into it.

anyways thanks for having me here , I absolutely love BB forums , so much knowledge to gain.
Hello All.

Joined tonight and look forward to spending some quality reading time, hopefully learning a whole range of information as I go.

Name - Scott
Age - 31
Gender - Male
Location - Hobart, TAS
Training experience - Zero.
Interests - Cars, Hiking, Movies etc.

Why did I join AUSBB?
I am 183cm tall (6'). Until recently I was 130kg, heavy smoker and completely inactive with terrible regard for dietary intake.

I am a very recent non smoker and have dropped down to 118kg, purely from a slightly better diet and hiking/walking.

I am about to start a strength program for the first time in my life and hopefully with a bit of additional walking, will cut my weight down to <100kg with plenty of strength and lean muscle. Can't wait to get stuck into it.
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Welcome to the forum @ScottyB; @destruktor; @chiknlegs; @JackAss; @Leiothrix; @tattslinger; @LilLifter; @Vascariz; @Andy3083; @thejamtin; @Barnicle;

Admin here but please call me Graeme

I would like to welcome you to the Ausbb- Australian BodyBuilding Forums, Good to have you all on board. Don't forget to start your own Training Diary. Your Training Diary will help you stay motivated and keep track of your progress. When you train alone sometimes it is hard to get help, guidance, inspirtation and motivation which is where the Ausbb forums and the Ausbb Training Diaries will help you with finding others with similar stats and allow you to interact with each other.

* Click here to start your own training log (don't forget to put a link in your signature to your training diary).
* Once you have started your Training diary click here to add it to the lists (order by weight and order by age) this helps other guys find your log
Name - Vu
Age - 29
Gender - Male
Location - Adelaide, SA
Training experience - limited.
Interests - Cars, Health, Sport.

Why did I join AUSBB?
I am 167cm tall (5'6'). Until recently I was 85kg, heavy smoker and completely inactive with terrible regard for dietary intake. similar to scott who joined yesterday :)

I am a very recently non smoker and have dropped down to 76kg now back at 80kg.

I am about to start a strength program for the first time in my life, will cut my weight down to 60-65kg to get my health and life back. i have always been very lucky with the genes naturally good and strong never really have to train hard always at optimal weight and strength but due to injuries last 4 years i've gone backwards with diet, exercise, smoking, working long hours.

been going at it alone for a month last week started goggling and found this forum so hopefully it will add to my motivation to keep my goals.
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Hello :-)

Im Troy - yet another lurker, been reading these boards for a little while now trying to sift through the mountain of information and opinions on here for some gold.

So far this feels like a community that will hopefully help me get to where i want to be, that is: to carefully work towards not being a weak lazy f$%ker anymore....

finding myself really liking the posts here, they switch between "information, help, more information, suggestion, questions, then theres always a 'Harden TFU' post, which funnily enough after the genuine help seems to often be the best answer!

so, about to lay my balls out for everyone to see (done some videos of my [lol]lifts that ill put in a training diary today) catharsis incoming - dont hurt me im a sensitive fellow.

short version:

im 33, 6'1, 82kg last month, live on the gold coast; i am weak like kitten and my goal is to be strong like cat.
want to learn how to lift properly and then to do so and get stronger on a consistent regular basis for at least a full year to start a lifting base. dont really care about looks as long as i dont turn into too much of a fatty with the milk, main goal is good form, get *some* strength and along the way help my flexibility and back issues (already made big gains in these areas after only a few weeks)

i must say i love lifting so far even with the setbacks and my low strength levels; i think ive found something i can do in some way or another for a very long time. in for the long haul!

if things go great id love to hit the basic novice lifting levels at some point, but thats a secondary goal to doing the bloody lifts correctly and not hurting myself.


id like to say a quick thanks to graeme/the admins/owners or whoever is responsible for this board, it seems a really solid community and hope i can add something to it (even if 'something' is just adding more videos of me trying to lift stuff in my undies and contributing heavily to the overall quota of dick jokes)

also ive started going through some of the logs on here and have to say some of the sh!t you guys can do is astounding. inspirational, and just fackin cool... went through a bunch of Oni and Sticky's logs, and seeing what you guys have accomplished is of great help to me... not because i think im capable of anything like that, but just that its great to see others kick some ass.

well, off to start a training log and upload my videos for your critique!


will put my fitness history and a longer version in my training log, i do tend to get carried away when i start to type so walls of text will be probably be everywhere next to my name. dwi!
Has penis.

Been training about 5 years now I think. PB's are squat 200kgx3x5, deadlift 220kgx3 or 200kgx3x3, bench uhh, 120kgx2x3 I think? Yeah, I know. I working on the last one. Goals are stronger and to up my total. I'd like to squat and deadlift 300kg. Probably more. Mostly here for bullshitting about lifting heavy stuff and going red in the face and because I donno lol.