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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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At least you're honest. Others have been banned for bullshit...
Name: Tom
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 86kgs
Location: Brisbane
Credit Card Number: 0459 823....

Hey guys. I've been training on and off for 6 years, consistently for 2 years. I was always the skinny kid, so I built a rudimentary "gym" in my back yard at my parents place and started lifting cheap plastic weights that I got from a garage sale. 6 years later and I've gone from 59kg (unknown bf%) to 86kg at ~11% bf, all naturally.

I've decided to focus on aesthetics for a while and see where that takes me, and I'm considering the switch from natty to "enhanced", so hoping I can pick up some solid advice on the topic when the time comes. I actually came across this site when I was researching the subject about a year ago, and I've been visiting ever since. Thought it was time for an account.
Hey guys! so many introductions Nice to meet you all, i guess I should also introduce myself
Name: Leila
Age: 25
Location: Perth
Occupation: HSE-Construction
Qualifications (that would be relevant to this site): Associate degree in Applied Nutrition
Training experience: since 2009-mostly weights. Although had surgery last year, gained almost 20 kilos, lost 10 kilos and now trying to achieve my goal weight !
Favorite training: Hate cardio, Love weights, and yoga.
Interests: My pug his name is elmo, Training, Nutrition, socializing-im a talker! studying (always studying something), good company, achieving goals, and during my down time (not that i get much) there is nothing better than watching DVDs on the couch ^.^

Thanks so much everyone for introducing yourself Hope we get a chance to talk sometime
Welcome to the forum [MENTION=16388]Dale[/MENTION]; [MENTION=16445]Achilles[/MENTION]; [MENTION=16442]88lana88[/MENTION]; happy posting
Hi All,

Im James, 23, M (in case you didn't guess), 6'3.5, touch over 100kg, live in Brisbane , no qualified training experience but been doing weights very inconsistently for years but did an 12wc this year and have learnt lots more and re found my love for working out/health hence why joining here.

I'm about 20-25% BF and weights are Squat (ATG all the way): 60kg (dont really know max got knee issues im in the process of sorting out/strengthening so I can get back to it), Bench 85kg, Deadlift 70kg (working this up as I ve never really focused on it.

Really want to get all these above 100kg and beyond. I am training now using 5/3/1 trying to increase my weights and also drop my BF.

Using myfitnesspal to track. Counting macros and am on F 55g C 205g P 190g well this is what I was on after i finished my 12 wc and then i stopped tracking and added more BF now want to get back to it.

Anyway this is where im at let me know if you have any advice/questions.
Welcome to the forum bud.
Hey all !

Name- Paul

Age- 30

Location- Brisbane

Training experience- trained on and off for over two years. Just getting back into the swing
of it and feel more motivated than ever.

Goals- Found it hard to bulk last time around so focus is on heavy lifting and heavier
eating! Keen interst in nutrition and workout plans. Looking for big gains at any cost..

All being said I look forward to all this forum has to offer.
Hey guys and girls! been floating around reading posts here for a couple of months so i decided to sign up and add my two cents to things..
My names Mitch, live west of Melbourne. 22 years old and have been hitting the gym for the last 2-3 years and taking it seriously the last 10 months or so. work in retail and play bball and cricket.
love doing strength training, squat, bench, deadlift ect.
just put together a gym in my garage to get away from the commercial gyms that were doing my head in for a while.

woo! first post!
Cograts on your first post [MENTION=16491]childishh[/MENTION];
Awesome effort.

Sent from Pluto Space Station
- Name: Jason
- Age: 42
- Gender: Male
- Location: Mid North Coast
- Training experience (if you have any that is): Just starting. Doing some running to get my cardio to somewhere descent. Then will hit the weights.
- Any Interests: Motor sport, Vw's and bikes.