[MENTION=9034]kaz[/MENTION]; I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo firkin jealous right now, although I do have a pretty sweet bush hut in the middle of a state forrest so not completely complaing.....
When is the Ausbb block party there?
Did you build your hut? I'd love to build one with a brick fireplace to the side.
And does yours have a dunny?
Party in the summertime! Too bloody cold up there right now!
Sounds beautiful!My grandfather built the orginal part, then my uncles build the additional room and I almost but will never finish completely the latest extension of another bedroom and big undercover area which I am building a big open fireplace at the end so can sit under when raining.
Yep has a dunny but outside, a big longdrop.
And it is never too cold to head upto the hut and sit around a big fire, the temp only dictates the size of the fire not whether I go up there or not.
Mine is right at the start of the high country
Yes please!see if i cant get some pics up one fo these days.
Take pics please!! So i can be enviousheading uptotp the hut next weekend, taking the monday off as weel to turn it into a long weekend.....
no worries will do....Take pics please!! So i can be envious![]()
It depends on which company you buy from. Mine is a Mario brand and it has minimal poles, my brother bought one from MDC and they have a tonne of poles in different lengths but you dont need ropes for your awning as the poles make it free standing. They are all made and designed different!Kaz what are those trailer tents like to assemble? Ive seen some and they appear to have a fk load of poles :s