Hi Guys Please see insane ranting (some may say boring ranting lol) below for some dirt on me
Reason i joined to make some online friends with similar interests as I'm shy in person & to give and seek advice etc
Name: Matt
Age: 30
Gender: M
Location: NT, Australia
Occupation: Paper Work Shuffling Office Minion
Past Professions: Metal Fabricator & Truck Driver, Bouncer, Uni Student lol and possibly the president of a very small country inside my head... ;P.
Training Experiences: Been training since 24, Prefer machine due to injuries :/
Interests: Fitness, Health, Computer Gaming, Books, Motorcycles, Anime & nerd stuff :3
Current Weight: 127kg
Height: 186cm
Goals: Used to be 160kg of fat lost 75kg of that started bodybuilding got to 105kg then I recently got fatter 105kg (Lean) to 127kg due to long term injuries (Lazy/Pain/Depression), trying to cut up now and not lose what's left of my muscles and get my life back as I'm way to heavy.
Progress: Stand still in development for a few years now and i train alone

. Stuck at on the average at... 160kg lat pull downs 10 Reps per set(8x 20kg free plates), 160kg bench 6 Reps, Max out Preacher Curl machines with one arm 6-10 Reps, Incline bench Free weight bicep curl per arm 27.5kg 6 reps, 40kg Hammer Curl 6 reps, Seat Dip machine 240kg (12x 20kg free plates) to name a few slowly upping my cardio too now because i can walk again after major back injuries
Limitations: Lumber Lordosis, Scoliosis and fractures make a lot of exercises impossible for me like heavy shrugs, dead lifts etc

but i make do