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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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Hi :)

Name. Craig

Age. 21

Location. South Australia

Training. My training started around the age of 15 and a half to 16 years old, the first 3 years I trained and learnt a lot..the past 2 years I've taken it a lot more seriously.
Hi :)

Name. Craig

Age. 21

Location. South Australia

Training. My training started around the age of 15 and a half to 16 years old, the first 3 years I trained and learnt a lot..the past 2 years I've taken it a lot more seriously.
Welcome Craig, good luck with your goals :)

Hi All,

Signed up here in the hope of being motivated to keep fit. Have been on and off with exercise over the last few months - but working at a desk job with long hours has not made things easy. We will see how things go haha...

Good luck mecwulf, consistency will help you achieve your goals ;)
Hey guys.

I've been training on and off (inconsistently) since about last July. I didn't get serious until the start of the year but even then I was really lacking the motivation and drive to really get into the gym on a consistent basis whilst eating properly.

I'm now trying to get my head into it and bulk hard and make some incredible strength and size gains, that's my goal for the year.

It's great to be here guys.
Welcome Vinzr :)

Best of luck with your goals!

Start a training log, so you can track your progress & so we're all able to share your journey & offer lots of support along the way! :)
Hey Guys,

Been a elite level cyclist for the past few years but work has put paid to that. I have decided I'm going to do something I have always wanted to do and get strong.

Been training for the past month or so now and loving it.

Ausbb has been a wealth of knowledge so far for me as a complete novice to the gym scene.

I'm still a lightweight at 70kg @ 6'1" but hoping to go up to a lean 90kg or so. Lots of work ahead I think.

Hey Guys,

Been a elite level cyclist for the past few years but work has put paid to that. I have decided I'm going to do something I have always wanted to do and get strong.

Been training for the past month or so now and loving it.

Ausbb has been a wealth of knowledge so far for me as a complete novice to the gym scene.

I'm still a lightweight at 70kg @ 6'1" but hoping to go up to a lean 90kg or so. Lots of work ahead I think.


Hey welcome to ausbb tomtomtom! :)

Lots of knowledgable ladies and gents on the forum to help you with those goals ;)

Good luck!
- Name: brent
- Age:22
- Gender:male
- Location:Morayfield
- Training experience (if you have any that is) iv had no experience except working at home
- Any Interests: lossing old unhealthy habbits.

- Goals: to be able to play football with my kids (2 step kids) 1 born to me, i joined this site because i heard its a good place to seek help and get talking about old habbits and find friends and support.

- Current weight: 105.9kg

- Do i know what to do: NO IDEA

- What i want to become: i dont wanna be a rice pudding anymore im tired of being made fun of and not being taken seriously. I want to be a lean mean, stongman machine.

Hi all,

From what I have seen lurking, seems like a good forum with heaps of information available.
I am currently studying Exercise Physiology - which is different to exercise science! I have quite decent knowledge in the field of chronic disease rehabilitation and exercise prescription e.g. lifestyle change for diabetes, heart failure, neurological conditions, cancer etc. yet am lacking in strength and conditioning - a personal interest I have been pursuing.

I have been on and off with training, excuses really made due to uni, work and other time exhausting tasks, but I am sick of telling clients on prac/soon to be work force of the benefits and prescribing exercise for disease states when I ain't taking the appropriate steps myself!
Have been steadily back into cardio for about 1.5-2months and strength program just over a month...am keeping a log and am motivated for the time being.

Looking forward to learning a lot of the experienced bunch and hopefully contributing some of my own knowledge.

Hi all,

From what I have seen lurking, seems like a good forum with heaps of information available.
I am currently studying Exercise Physiology - which is different to exercise science! I have quite decent knowledge in the field of chronic disease rehabilitation and exercise prescription e.g. lifestyle change for diabetes, heart failure, neurological conditions, cancer etc. yet am lacking in strength and conditioning - a personal interest I have been pursuing.

I have been on and off with training, excuses really made due to uni, work and other time exhausting tasks, but I am sick of telling clients on prac/soon to be work force of the benefits and prescribing exercise for disease states when I ain't taking the appropriate steps myself!
Have been steadily back into cardio for about 1.5-2months and strength program just over a month...am keeping a log and am motivated for the time being.

Looking forward to learning a lot of the experienced bunch and hopefully contributing some of my own knowledge.


Sounds like your going to be a knowledgable asset to the forum, welcome my friend!
Hi Everyone,
Just a quick intro. i've already posted a couple questions on here and just now have i found this section.
Im 22 years old, from Melbourne.
About 6 years ago i was a fatty, no real girlfriends before than and people just looking at me as i walk past because of my weight. so i was 16 years old, weighing in at 120kg in about 8 months i got down to 82kg, with alot of dedication. every night without a doubt id go for run (interval running/jogging/sprinting/power walking) and never really had much carbs, no sugars and soft drinks.
Then i got into weight training about a year and a half ago, i started because my cousin been doing it for 11 years now and has come to the point were he could easily compete, his got the goal body i would love to achieve (no homo), so i started pretty much because i wanted to look like him,
after a couple months training i saw no difference in body, so i stopped going after, a while i made it my mission to get to my goal body so i started again, i got all the info. i could and still learning, training 4 times a week, harder than ever, my body is shaping up and im feeling great!!
Big commitment, but i love it.
I look forward to gaining advice and learning alot from this forum.
and yeah pretty much thats it. will post photos when.
(lol at the start i said 'quick intro' this isnt really that quick but yeah)

hey nothintoit, welcome to ausbb :)

Well done on your progress thus far and best of luck with your goals!

Start a training log up, so you can keep track of where you're going and we can all support you along the way ;)

Ohhhhhhhh and get some variety in that diet! :p
Hey everyone,

Name: Cameron

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Location: Sydney, Australia

Goals: At the start of the year I had a chest reconstruction. Getting back into weight lifting will be tricky with steel inside me, but I know I can do it. After the operation I dropped to about 69 kg (at 6"4) so I am desparate to regain some LBM. My long term goal is a lean 93kg.

Why I joined ausbb: This forum seems pretty civilised, I think I can learn here.

Name: Cameron
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Location: Sydney

In January I had a chest reconstruction. I lost quite a bit of weight and am keen to get back into lifting and gain some muscle mass.

There seems to be some pretty knowledgeable people around here, I should be able to learn a thing or two.
Hey everyone

I'm Alicia, I'm 28 n from

I've been training for 10 years now and have been a personal trainer for 8 years. I've run my own business - both
Mobile pt n had a studio.
I competed in 2009 twice - Inba Vic titles and the Inba aus titles in the sportsmodel category.

My goals are to possibly compete again sometime this year. I have been back home in Melbourne for 9 months now as I was living in NQ for 2 years, relaunching my Pt business at the end of the month and am really excited about what the future holds!

I joined this so I could bounce ideas about competing and pt'ing off everyone. I love chatting to like minded people! So I look forward to spending time on this forum!

Cheers! :)

I ❤my Jeep