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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

    Please consider registering. It takes 30 seconds, and will allow you to get the most out of the forum.
- Name - Ed
- Age - 34
- Gender - Male
- Location - Canberra
- Training experience - None
- Any Interests - Fishing, Family

I joined Ausbb because after some quick research on the internet for suitable home gym equipment, it seemed to have the best real advice. Advice from people who have experience, and have been there done that.. I am unfit, out of shape and since leaving my trade for an office job years ago, have lost strength. If I don't turn it around soon, I will strugle to lift my kids onto my shoulders. I am looking forward to making change in my lifestyle, and setting a good example for my kids (by keeping fit, strong and healthy). This is my first post, but i already owe thanks to this forum for the knowledge gained over the last few days reading.


Hi everybody!

I'm Goober, but you can call me Goo.

I like lifting things....weights, beer cans, skirts....all the good things in life! You name it, I've lifted it.

I look forward to some good times ahead.
Name: Glenn

Age: 19


Current Weight: 96kgs (highest 130kg, lowest 90kg)

Height: 198cm

Rural Vic

Training experience: Started when i was 16, been on and off since.

Any Interests:
Lifting, Xbox, Music
- Name: Ben

- Age: 27

- Gender: Male

- Location: Tasmania

- Training experience: On and off for a few years which was all sports related but never anything series ( I actually thought it was a waste of time when I first started playing competitive sport being in the gym doing weights and not spending that time practicing more the fundamentals :p

- Any Interests: Building/restoring hot rods & old cars, surfing & water sports, motor sport (Moto GP, Super bikes etc) and golf

I've been a long time reader and thought it was time to take the first steps to building a better, stronger, healthier and happy me. I've been crook for the past 5+ years and due to ill health and a bad frame of mind I've put on a few extra kilos (weigh 105kg's to be exact) but the ironic thing is I have muppet arms that would give kermit a run for his money, chicken legs and a nice ROUND belly where my stomach used to be. Not an ideal description for someone my height (190cms) so I purchased a squat rack with lat pull down facility, 7' Olympic bar & 150kg's of Olympic rubber weights, couple of kettle bells and a incline/decline bench.

My main goals are obviously to lose the belly, increase overall body strength and hopefully put on a few kilos for the right reasons. In doing this I'll have a body that wont break down if I decided to play sport again and so I can enjoy the day to day things like I used to.

Will take a few "before" pictures and get them up and hopefully in a few months (starting this health kick at the coldest part of the year in Tassie was smart :eek: will have some progress pictures to share with you all.

Cheers Ben
I like the cut of their jibs Shrek.. seem like a good lot.

Pity they don't post a bit more?

Or do a Training Diary (no diary, it didn't happen)... ;)
Hi ya All
Admin here but please call me Graeme

I would like to welcome you to the Ausbb- Australian BodyBuilding Forums, Good to have you all on board. Don't forget to start your own Training Diary. Your Training Diary will help you stay motivated and keep track of your progress. When you train alone sometimes it is hard to get help, guidance, inspirtation and motivation which is where the Ausbb forums and the Ausbb Training Diaries will help you with finding others with similar stats and allow you to interact with each other.

* Click here to start your own training log (don't forget to put a link in your signature to your training diary).
* Once you have started your Training diary click here to add it to the lists (order by weight and order by age) this helps other guys find your log.

Keep in mind that it's always better to post whatever question that you might have in one of the related categories
- NickName: Swiz
- Age: 28
- Gender: M
- Location: Sydney
- Training experience 10 years
- Any Interests: Training

Hi Looking forward to trading ideas with all you bro's!

Right now 189lbs (139 lbs lean) came off 2.5 years of being a no good nugget slacker...was coming off depression from a bad breakup and working 60 hour weeks but thats girly talk lol

Right now on a keto and trying to train my whole body
Nickname - Pumpedup86
Name - Travis
Age - 24
Location - Perth

Love my strength and conditioning training, love to lift weights and just being in the gym.

One day my dream is to own the ultimate garage gym
- Name: Luke
- Age: 22
- Location: Latrobe Valley, Vic
- Occupation: Mechanical Engineer
- Training experience: Began lifting Dec 2010
- Any Interests: Drifting, Motorcross, Wakeboarding

Hey guys, I found this site through the fitness section on NS.com
I moved to Vic at the end of last year and decided to join the gym to keep me busy.

Starting weight was 67kg.
For the first few months i followed the PT's program which didnt include any squats, deads or shoulder press :eek:

After lurking NS and this site I learnt a lot and made my own program.

Current lifts:
Deads: 130kg x6
MP: 55kg x 8
SQ: 100kg x 6
BP: 75kg x 7
Wide grip chins: 18

BW now at 79kg


Hi people Queenslander checking in always nice to find a good Aussie site, I prefer local knowledge and relavent topics to Misc crap hope I am in the right place.
- Name Arnaud
- Age 24
- Gender M
- Location Perth, WA
-I am from France :P
- Have been training for a little bit over 1 year
I am mainly interested in powerlifting , I hope this will be a good place to start
my gym (UWA gym) is not the best place for powerlifting so I will be looking for a new one soon :P

main lifts, all raw without belt(no laughing !!)
BW: 71kg (increasing)
bench 85kg paused
deadlift 140kg
squat 90kg
- Name Ed
- Age 23
- Gender M
- Location NSW
- Training experience - trained for about a year (about 3 years ago) but had to cease due to a bout of pneumothorax and decided it is time to take it up again - due to the lazy lifestyle I have been living :(

Have been a long time reader, but have only just registered.