I do agree that we should be supporting our country, however the way you have voiced your opinion, you come across like a bogan or country red-neck... and you seem to have some strong anti-American views...
On a serious note, I'd like to know how you know Australian WPI/WPC is superior in terms of quality to that of American Whey? From the independent COA's I've seen of US and AUS Whey, they seem on par.
In addition, isn't the WPI from Bulk Nutrients sourced from NZ?
While there is some commercial crap out there, I'd like to point out that there are some truely innovative supps out there, using somewhat ingenious compounds. These compounds will eventually filter down to your average Australian supps.
While you may have an opinion, I don't think its fair for you to question someone using their own money, on spending 'commerical crap'. I don't mind paying a little more from Aussie stores, however when they increase the price to where we are paying double, I draw the line there.
The documentary you are referring to is somewhat true, however if you know which companies actually are concerned about quality control (through independant testing) and produce products backed by science, you will understand that the doco was somewhat over dramatised.
I'm not American by the way.
my last order a few weeks ago:
2x scivation xtend 90serves @ 36.99usd...109.95aud saving me 145
2x Primaforce DAA @ 19.49usd.............. 59.95 aud saving 80
2x usp labs jack3d @ 24.99usd............... 59.95 aud saving 70
1x lg sciences trifecta stack 79.99usd......299.95aud saving 220
shipping costs 99.57usd I saved 415 minus a few dollars as the aud was 99 something.
this is more savings then usual for this size order due to the MAJOR premium on the trifecta stack they charge in Australia. And you could pick up things a little cheaper then the aud prices ive given but they're pretty average some places charge more.
the bigger the order the more I save. I try to stay away from the overpriced over hyped junk, xtend-bcaas, DAA- I have seen a few studies on thought id try it out, Jack3d- I cycle pre workout sups and feel they give me better focus energy and pumps, trifecta stack- I've heard good things about it but maybe it is overpriced and overhyped.. ill find out when I start using it. Other than that I usually order creatine mono for about 20usd for 1kg, and if I could buy whey I would its 63.99 for 10lbs of scivation whey.
What crap? Bcaas, daa, pre workout supp??Money is an issue for you and you waste it on that crap? Each to their own I guess.
*Wpi unflavoured aus
*Cocao organic purchased aus but made in Peru but proceeds of this go towards rainforrest reforestation in 3rd world countries.
*steiva extract purchased in aus no idea of origin
* creatine monohydrate aus
* bcaa's aus
* glutamine aus
* vitamin c aus
* macro greens USA (can nit find anywhere is aus to buy it)
* DIM (same as above)
* driving nettle root (same as above)
I purchase the above 3 from iherb which I believe is a good company who's interest in health is pure.
*fish oil aus
I have a good diet from foods all grown in Australian, I prefer to buy a local markets to support my community over Coles.
I am not rich as you can see my supplements are probably cheaper then yours but more importantly healthier.
If you read the start of the tyread I acknowledge NZ as being another country I was happy to buy off of. The processing plant in NZ is known as the best it the world. I strogly believe the protein down under is the best and I too debt think there was a difference until Fadi first pointed it out.
I'm not forcing or making people do what I say so don't get your jocks all tied up mate nor am I directly attacking anyone. If you can't handle a simple discussion stay out of it because the next time you imply I'm a hogan due to my choices of suppliers I will take offense to it.
Everything I have learnt is from the guru's of this site when it comes to supplements as I was very misguided when I first came here. Abother reason I don't purchase products like that is that the wisest people on this forum don't encourage it, they don't achknowledge the description on the side of the bottle and it's only ever new people that talk about it...
If t wasn't for australias mining boom we wouldn't have ANYTHING on te American dollar.. Do you really think that will last for ever? What else do we actually export? Bugger all in the scheme of things. Agricultural goods? Nope we are being dominated by countries 1/20th our size. Tech? .... Don't think so. So what??? What happens when this giant mine we are on depletes or can no longer be used due to population of mining areas? Personally I would rather not be a tight arse and support our country from the start. Support Australian owned, Australian grown produce.
American farms overpopulated with cattle that are fed corn..
Australian free range dairy cows fed what the earth intended them to eat...
What crap? Bcaas, daa, pre workout supp??
Yeah ill accept it if you call the trifecta stack crap but you have you tried it? It's a one off buy.. maybe your right and its a waste of money but i'll find out when I use it, im saving it for a rainy day, ill log it.
Alot of people use pre workout supps and benefit from them.
The Daa is a first for me ill log it, if i don't feel any benefits from it I won't be buying it again.
As for the other stuff im sorry the proceeds don't help 3rd world countries or aren't from Australia but I see all of them bar the pre workout supp and daa on your list. Don't you ever try new things out? Oh and your creatine and bccas are healthier than mine???? interesting.
Just wondering how much you pay for wpi, bcaas & glutamine?
I don't take it personally you have your opinion and I respect that BUT I also have my opinion and I feel I make some valid points. First of all I know strength and size don't come from supplements, and that in fact you don't need supplements at all to be healthy strong and muscular. Yes I know that proper training and diet and rest are all you need to build a decent physique. But there is evidence to suggest that some supplements work. Creatine, amino acids, whey protein do help i'm sure you would agree. Do I need a preworkout supplement? No, just as I don't need any supplements. But does it work for me?yes. Does it give me more energy?yes. Better pumps? yes. I cycle them no more then 12 weeks on and then 12 weeks off, And do I notice a difference in my workouts when I use it? Yes. They're cheap enough anyway.I use to try thing out yes. I use to spend allot of money on the latest supplments yes. You told me you stuggle for money though? I'm trying to give you good adive which was given to me in the EXACT same tone. In fact it was Fadi who ripped it into me about the supplement I was taking. I thought he was a real prick at the time but I knew there was a possibility that he could be right. I week or two passed and I realised how stupid I was that I thought size and strength came from supplements and not from diet and hard work.
Other people have winced educated me on pre workout supps. Noobs has particulary strong views on caffine being used in them which I am inclined to agree with. If you need a buzz before a workout to put in hard work... Well someoenthing else is wrong.
You buy bcaa's in fancy packaging where as I buy them no frills. You pay postage, I get mine delivered free.
Now anyone who says that get s good pump from jack3d I can never take seriously. Jadck3d is a few amino aicids and caffine isn't it?
Onto my supplment being healthier. Read them again. Most of them are health related. No trifecta stack, no caffine filled pre workout, I know where they were made and I only use them to make up where my diet lacks.
Now I WILL still try new things out but I won't spend a cent until I know it could be legit. Until I've researched the ingredients and seen all the positives and negative.
Prices on my supplements can be found;
Professionalwhey.com think au
eBay (a mate of mine owns an eBay store that sells NZ protein, he is very clues on protein quality so I will pick his brain next time I see him for some more detailed answers for you)
I challenge you to think about what I have said and try not to think about it as me attacking you but trying to help you. Also could someone please link noob's caffeine article?
So your saying you buy brand name supplements cheaper then anything we can buy in bulk...
Cathart I'm sorry if I came on harsh but if I questioned somethig you believed in strongly and that you KNEW was right you too would defend it with passion. If I the. Implied your a bogan for promoting Australian growth I'm sure you would be upset by this.
Why not eat right and buy cheap Australian whey which is BETTER quality!
In America there is no laws to control how supplements are made and what is put in them. Let me ask you though? How do you know your American products are what youthink they are?
Now anyone who says that get s good pump from jack3d I can never take seriously. Jadck3d is a few amino aicids and caffine isn't it?
Mine is.I thought i kept it pretty simple bar the trifecta stack which is a one off my usual stack consists of aminos, creatine mono, pre workout supp, whey protein.. and things like vitamins, fish oil, glucosamine. I thought that was a pretty solid but basic stack.. what does everyone else's supplementation look like?
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