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training supplements

Whether you buy on-line or in store you are going to be ripped off in Australia. Most of the international brands are controlled by only a few people. There is a virtual cartel operating in Australia that no one is prepared to challenge. GNC supplements are 4 or 5 times what you'd pay in the US, even with the $AUS at virtual parity to the $US. Why anyone still shops there is beyond me. For this reason, even locally made product has massive wholesale margin.

My advice...spend the money on good quality food and if you must use supplements buy them from overseas.

Amen to that!

Your advice is counter productive to this countries supplement future. Eat good Australian food an buy good Australian products. If the aus dollar wasnt equal you wouldn't even have a point... It won't be equal for long

So your saying that we should pay 4x the price because its good for the aus supplement industry? yeah right... The aussie dollar IS on par with the USD and has been hovering close to for some time now.. and will likely continue to hover close to the usd. So you cant say he or I dont have a point. The point is it IS cheaper to buy overseas. It doesnt matter how or why to most people.
I'm saying why buy the crap to start with? Why buy over priced commercialized shite? Why not eat right and buy cheap Australian whey which is BETTER quality! If you want to to go the trouble of importing something that you can buy for $20 more in aus I would personally buy in aus. Support austrlaian business and jobs. Less chance of freight problems.

If t wasn't for australias mining boom we wouldn't have ANYTHING on te American dollar.. Do you really think that will last for ever? What else do we actually export? Bugger all in the scheme of things. Agricultural goods? Nope we are being dominated by countries 1/20th our size. Tech? .... Don't think so. So what??? What happens when this giant mine we are on depletes or can no longer be used due to population of mining areas? Personally I would rather not be a tight arse and support our country from the start. Support Australian owned, Australian grown produce.

American farms overpopulated with cattle that are fed corn..

Australian free range dairy cows fed what the earth intended them to eat...
Australia is a free country and when can buy goods where ever we like illegalities aside.

G.H, have you ever bought an imported car, clothes, electrical goods (TV etc)?

I think yes, so your argument is mute.
I'm saying why buy the crap to start with? Why buy over priced commercialized shite? Why not eat right and buy cheap Australian whey which is BETTER quality! If you want to to go the trouble of importing something that you can buy for $20 more in aus I would personally buy in aus. Support austrlaian business and jobs. Less chance of freight problems.

If t wasn't for australias mining boom we wouldn't have ANYTHING on te American dollar.. Do you really think that will last for ever? What else do we actually export? Bugger all in the scheme of things. Agricultural goods? Nope we are being dominated by countries 1/20th our size. Tech? .... Don't think so. So what??? What happens when this giant mine we are on depletes or can no longer be used due to population of mining areas? Personally I would rather not be a tight arse and support our country from the start. Support Australian owned, Australian grown produce.

American farms overpopulated with cattle that are fed corn..

Australian free range dairy cows fed what the earth intended them to eat...

blah blah our dollar is strong in the present so take advantage of it while you can.. who knows what the future holds? you don't.. and nor do I so who cares. But as for now and the near future Australia is booming we have a alot of wealth in resources and theres still ALOT of "good stuff" left in the ground and the ocean, yes one day they will run out but that day will not be in my lifetime or yours.
Not everyone is as rich as you, if you could buy in aus for $20 more so would I, but im not talking about saving $20 im talking AT LEAST $100 up to $300 EVERY TIME I make an order, which is at least every 3 months. Sorry I'm so tight but why pay full price when I can pay half price?
I buy Australian when I can shrek and I'm not trying to make people do what I say and I reserve the right to share my opinion on a matter that is close to heart.. Rich as me? It's cheaper to buy bulk Aussie whey, it's better quality and you support your country. Ok ok you can buy a tub of superpump and import it cheaper at the moment... But if money is tight why are you buying superpump? Why are you wasting money on commercial crap?

Curious what do you buy from America? Share your last order with us that saved $300...

Onto the future I think I have a pretty down to earth understanding of it... I personally see the future of wealth not in resources but in food. The worlds population is booming and what ever countries have strong food exports will win in the end. The agricultural super powers will be the new America and China.

I think harder faster stronger raises good points about the American supplment industry and how $&@&ing shit it is. I cast my vote everytime I spend my money even if my vote cost me more i.e organic food and Australian portein.
I don't buy from the US myself because I hate the Customs drama's and have had 3 seizures in the past. Also I usually only buy whey and aminos these days and it's cheap enough here.
Yeah I know what you do your one of the people who turned me onto doing it myself. I mean if you struggle with money a bit of wpc and a few aminos is all you need... Not importing from another country buying brands that have huge overheads and expenses that are generally just hype.

I still want to know ebagz.. What did you save 300 on? What products? What company do you buy from? If your tight on cash why are you spending big on supplements anyway?
I buy Australian when I can shrek and I'm not trying to make people do what I say and I reserve the right to share my opinion on a matter that is close to heart.. Rich as me? It's cheaper to buy bulk Aussie whey, it's better quality and you support your country. Ok ok you can buy a tub of superpump and import it cheaper at the moment... But if money is tight why are you buying superpump? Why are you wasting money on commercial crap?

Curious what do you buy from America? Share your last order with us that saved $300...

Onto the future I think I have a pretty down to earth understanding of it... I personally see the future of wealth not in resources but in food. The worlds population is booming and what ever countries have strong food exports will win in the end. The agricultural super powers will be the new America and China.

I think harder faster stronger raises good points about the American supplment industry and how $&@&ing shit it is. I cast my vote everytime I spend my money even if my vote cost me more i.e organic food and Australian portein.

I do agree that we should be supporting our country, however the way you have voiced your opinion, you come across like a bogan or country red-neck... and you seem to have some strong anti-American views...

On a serious note, I'd like to know how you know Australian WPI/WPC is superior in terms of quality to that of American Whey? From the independent COA's I've seen of US and AUS Whey, they seem on par.
In addition, isn't the WPI from Bulk Nutrients sourced from NZ?

While there is some commercial crap out there, I'd like to point out that there are some truely innovative supps out there, using somewhat ingenious compounds. These compounds will eventually filter down to your average Australian supps.

While you may have an opinion, I don't think its fair for you to question someone using their own money, on spending 'commerical crap'. I don't mind paying a little more from Aussie stores, however when they increase the price to where we are paying double, I draw the line there.

The documentary you are referring to is somewhat true, however if you know which companies actually are concerned about quality control (through independant testing) and produce products backed by science, you will understand that the doco was somewhat over dramatised.

I'm not American by the way.
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my last order a few weeks ago:
2x scivation xtend 90serves @ 36.99usd...109.95aud saving me 145
2x Primaforce DAA @ 19.49usd.............. 59.95 aud saving 80
2x usp labs jack3d @ 24.99usd............... 59.95 aud saving 70
1x lg sciences trifecta stack 79.99usd......299.95aud saving 220
shipping costs 99.57usd I saved 415 minus a few dollars as the aud was 99 something.

this is more savings then usual for this size order due to the MAJOR premium on the trifecta stack they charge in Australia. And you could pick up things a little cheaper then the aud prices ive given but they're pretty average some places charge more.

the bigger the order the more I save. I try to stay away from the overpriced over hyped junk, xtend-bcaas, DAA- I have seen a few studies on thought id try it out, Jack3d- I cycle pre workout sups and feel they give me better focus energy and pumps, trifecta stack- I've heard good things about it but maybe it is overpriced and overhyped.. ill find out when I start using it. Other than that I usually order creatine mono for about 20usd for 1kg, and if I could buy whey I would its 63.99 for 10lbs of scivation whey.
You can pick up Xtend for around 70 to 80 bux on e-bay, still a bit more than what you paid but not the $109.95 as you suggested. jacked can also be picked up for $45 and around $38 if you buy 4 in one go. So really the Aussie prices you have stated are over inflated.
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Google it. It's a pre workout supplement with caffeine, Dimeth and creatine etc. USP labs.
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Google it. It's a pre workout supplement with caffeine, Dimeth and creatine etc. USP labs.

I thought about googling it but I have 2 small children sitting behind me and it was a risk I wasn't going to take. Fair enough or should I am I banned from asking questions?
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hahah, I thought everyone knew what Jack3d was, it's been spammed hundreds of times here.

Ask as many questions as you like dude.
my last order a few weeks ago:
2x scivation xtend 90serves @ 36.99usd...109.95aud saving me 145
2x Primaforce DAA @ 19.49usd.............. 59.95 aud saving 80
2x usp labs jack3d @ 24.99usd............... 59.95 aud saving 70
1x lg sciences trifecta stack 79.99usd......299.95aud saving 220
shipping costs 99.57usd I saved 415 minus a few dollars as the aud was 99 something.

this is more savings then usual for this size order due to the MAJOR premium on the trifecta stack they charge in Australia. And you could pick up things a little cheaper then the aud prices ive given but they're pretty average some places charge more.

the bigger the order the more I save. I try to stay away from the overpriced over hyped junk, xtend-bcaas, DAA- I have seen a few studies on thought id try it out, Jack3d- I cycle pre workout sups and feel they give me better focus energy and pumps, trifecta stack- I've heard good things about it but maybe it is overpriced and overhyped.. ill find out when I start using it. Other than that I usually order creatine mono for about 20usd for 1kg, and if I could buy whey I would its 63.99 for 10lbs of scivation whey.

Xtend for $37?
You can pick up Xtend for around 70 to 80 bux on e-bay, still a bit more than what you paid but not the $109.95 as you suggested. jacked can also be picked up for $45 and around $38 if you buy 4 in one go. So really the Aussie prices you have stated are over inflated.
as I said you could get things a bit cheaper if you look around but the prices that I gave are by no means the most expensive in Australia, they're pretty average prices.. cheapest xtend on ebay is 84 which is more then double what I payed although that was a sale price usual is 47.. Jacked is fairly priced here.. I wouldnt order from the US just for jacked id buy it here but if im ordering other things 2 for 50 is pretty unbeatable
Man that is a lot of supps. I could not justify the cost to benefit ratio though it is a lot more awesome to purchase overseas with the aussie dollar at such a great rate.
Man that is a lot of supps. I could not justify the cost to benefit ratio though it is a lot more awesome to purchase overseas with the aussie dollar at such a great rate.

I thought i kept it pretty simple bar the trifecta stack which is a one off my usual stack consists of aminos, creatine mono, pre workout supp, whey protein.. and things like vitamins, fish oil, glucosamine. I thought that was a pretty solid but basic stack.. what does everyone else's supplementation look like?