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Tried to reintroduce dairy into my diet, problems again..

Have ordered IGG testing... Lets see what i can actually take and what is causing poblems...

You would be suprised, Now i have to limit my ammine intake, so no more cocoa chocoalte or cheeses..

Doesnt leave me with much...
Jim, you eat way less than me and I'm on calories restirctions (as you are). I still think you can eat more, Add some fat. I like almonds esp with your protein shake and with your morning eggs. / cottage cheese at night.

Really, i thought i was getting close to eating at my maintenance and was thinking about dropping it. Even eating what i posted im never hungry...

I like almonds so i might get some, how many do you have at a time Shrek?

Would you mind posting up what you would in a day so i can compare to it?

Still sound like your sister?


How did you come up with the connection between the things listed above and dairy?

Btw Iam honestly asking not taking the piss! - Iam very interested

How did you come up with the connection between the things listed above and dairy?

Btw Iam honestly asking not taking the piss! - Iam very interested

Leeky gut the permiability of theitnestinal wall is changed, Proteins are absorbed that shouldnt be then the body "attacks" and devlops an intolerance to this.. This then results in lack of absorbtion of alot of nutrients. This can then lead to vitmain dependencies.. I.e some schitzophrenics require 30000mg of niacin a day.

If the body isnt absorbing things it can build neurotransmitters out of what it is attacking and not absorbing...

I will start a thread on this if you like? A Gp will not know this, remember they study phamacology.. They prescribe a medicine to a disorder/disease they dont find out well why? And how do we avoid it....

Best thing to do? Take charge..

Go here

PathLabIM.com.au - PathLab Integrative Medicinehttp://www.pathlabim.com.au/page.jsp?p_id=2

Order Food Allergy - General IgG (96 Foods) test code is IgG96.

That is just a basic but ALOT of other things are needed, you need to know what to do to fix the problem, you will need to find an orthomolecular phsyciatrist or someone who practices funcitonal medicine. There are people who do so in australia its just you have to find them.. They are sick of healing people and "preaching" then being marked as lunatics. (hey it happens on this forum as well). Best thing to do? Let people find the truth and come to you to be sorted out, you save all the bullshit because someone who wants to get better will do everything in their power to...

... I think i am just going to post this other guys story it is long but someones words mean more then a textbook anyday..
Really, i thought i was getting close to eating at my maintenance and was thinking about dropping it. Even eating what i posted im never hungry...

I like almonds so i might get some, how many do you have at a time Shrek?

Would you mind posting up what you would in a day so i can compare to it?
Something like this
1, 250ml eggwhites + 2 whole egss scrambled with spinach (sometimes onion and capsicum too)
2. 185gms tuna, 200gms veg or 200gms chicken with 200gms veg or salad
3. Same
4. Wpi shake with 15 almonds
5. Same as meal 2
6. Chicken or egg whites with 15 almonds.
Going to have a look at the markets tomorrow morning for some Almonds. Whats a good price for them so i dont get ripped lol. Never bought them before.

By looks of it you are eating allot more vegies/salad so i will start to eat more from Monday.

I guess im still getting used to eating throughout the day rather than at the 3 main times. ie breakfast/lunch/dinner. Still feels weird to mung down some chicken and veggies at like 3pm and then again at 6pm lol. Gotta break that mindset!

Thanks for posting that up Shrek :)
Just had my first attempt at a mince dish.. Want to start having it once a day instead of having tuna & rice twice. Stuff I used was;

500g mince
1 can of 4 bean mix
Mixed vegetables
2tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
1tbsp Yellow curry paste

Eating it now, tastes pretty good :)
What did it taste like Tom?

It tasted pretty good. It just tasted like a curry mince dish, which is what it was I guess haha. The only thing I didn't quite like was the beans were hardish, I was hoping they would go soft when I put them in the pan. Not that big of a deal though :p Gonna start having it once a day.
Rolled oats cooked in milk and inhanced with honey.

Im drinking filtered water from my Brita water filter jug i love that thing.
would anyone ever eat human? Lets say you worked in a morgue... well you know where im going from here.

If humans eat chickens then why wouldnt they eat their own kind otherwise it seems like they are just picking on the chickens. - not an exact quote but kryton said something like it in a red dwarfe epasode
would anyone ever eat human? Lets say you worked in a morgue... well you know where im going from here.

If humans eat chickens then why wouldnt they eat their own kind otherwise it seems like they are just picking on the chickens. - not an exact quote but kryton said something like it in a red dwarfe epasode

you have head problems
Got my almonds on the weekend! Todays eating as follows:

7am: 4 Eggs scrambled

9am: 2 Scoops WPI in water + 15 Almonds

11am: 150g Chicken Breast

1230pm: 3 Rissoles with 200g Veg

3pm: 185g Tuna in olive oil + 15 Almonds

6pm: 200g Steak with 200g Veg

9pm: 150g Cottage Cheese
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Got my almonds on the weekend! Todays eating as follows:

7am: 4 Eggs scrambled

9am: 2 Scoops WPI + 15 Almonds

11am: 150g Chicken Breast

1230pm: 3 Rissoles with 200g Veg

3pm: 185g Tuna in olive oil + 15 Almonds

6pm: 200g Steak with 200g Veg

9pm: 150g Cottage Cheese

Mate are you doing a Keto diet?
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