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Just finished steak and veg.
It was my third steak today.


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I've only been there for a few months, so I don't really have too many opinions on anyone yet.

Haha! Steamer packets. Good man, I live on those things for lunch.

Your steak was much bigger than mine though. I now feel inadequate and obligated to go do something manly. I may go deadlift my project car shell, that'd show you. :P

Again, OT:

Contemplating Meal 5

Still hungry, may have cold cuts/chicken, or shake in a bit.

Did you know normal caffeine intake can cause insulin resistance in people? I question this thinking of adding something that causes insulin resistance to a product to help with insulin resistance. That doesn't sit right with me, then there is the whole creative caffeine argument on top of that, one word comes to mind and that is gimmick. Not simply because I havnt "tried it" but because I understand the mechanism behind some of the ingredients that people that make this stuff don't seem to understand... Take out the caffeine and you have a different story the. Until that happens it's just another fad product.


Yes, he blends it all up himself.


It's taken with simple sugars to help utilize them more effeciently as energy. And unless you have tried, I don't think you have grounds to comment on what it does and doesn't do in all fairness. You have a fairly sharp eye though, I do tend towards insulin resistance, thus why I use it to help utilize the carbs as best I can. I also like DIM to help with estrogen balance.

Oh and the 4 scoops along with the rest of what I use, if you take another look is divided between 3 seperate drinks one pre/during/post. Seems to be working well for me.

To both of you, MO's always seemed like a nice enough guy to me. Haven't been in the whole forum scene that long though.

Back OT:

Meal 4:
Steak with salad. Close enough to a sambo, minus the bread :p

Posted via Mobile Device
Haha! Steamer packets. Good man, I live on those things for lunch.

Your steak was much bigger than mine though. I now feel inadequate and obligated to go do something manly. I may go deadlift my project car shell, that'd show you. :P

Again, OT:

Contemplating Meal 5

Still hungry, may have cold cuts/chicken, or shake in a bit.

They weren't the steamer packets but they were frozen vegies non the less.
Easy and simple and quite often cheaper than fresh ones. Also I can keep a few different varieties without them going off.
Did you know normal caffeine intake can cause insulin resistance in people? I question this thinking of adding something that causes insulin resistance to a product to help with insulin resistance. That doesn't sit right with me, then there is the whole creative caffeine argument on top of that, one word comes to mind and that is gimmick. Not simply because I havnt "tried it" but because I understand the mechanism behind some of the ingredients that people that make this stuff don't seem to understand... Take out the caffeine and you have a different story the. Until that happens it's just another fad product.

Posted via Mobile Device

The only caffeine I get is from green tea, I used to drink coffee back in high school, but haven't done so in years. I'm not particularly sure where you got the caffeine bit from? Is there something I missed or are you just refering to the insulin resistance bit in general?


Meal 5:
1 scoop whey
1 TB Natty Peanut butter
1 tsp Cinnamon


The only caffeine I get is from green tea, I used to drink coffee back in high school, but haven't done so in years. I'm not particularly sure where you got the caffeine bit from? Is there something I missed or are you just refering to the insulin resistance bit in general?


Meal 5:
1 scoop whey
1 TB Natty Peanut butter
1 tsp Cinnamon


isn't there caffeine in your insulin support
Blend? I thought younlisted caffeine in it (I might be wrong im an iPhone)
Posted via Mobile Device
Nope, none at all. As you say caffeine isn't the best thing for you. Even a little bit these days gives me a giant headache, so I steer clear from it. Honest mistake, most crappy "proprietary blends" are just a load of caffeine with some sugar and a few amino's.


Meal 1:
2 scoops whey
2 whole eggs
1 cup egg whites
1 cup 5-grain porridge
1tsp cinnamon
2 tsp un-sweetened cocoa.
Green Tea

Eggs and chocolatey porridge. Breakfast of champions.

My appogis sir, l
Stupid phone browser
Nope, none at all. As you say caffeine isn't the best thing for you. Even a little bit these days gives me a giant headache, so I steer clear from it. Honest mistake, most crappy "proprietary blends" are just a load of caffeine with some sugar and a few amino's.


Meal 1:
2 scoops whey
2 whole eggs
1 cup egg whites
1 cup 5-grain porridge
1tsp cinnamon
2 tsp un-sweetened cocoa.
Green Tea

Eggs and chocolatey porridge. Breakfast of champions.

Posted via Mobile Device
No problem at all n00bs. You had me worried that there was some form of caffeine that I didn't notice in the blend, I was going to say "but I never noticed it at all!"

Meal 2:
100g Lean round steak
1 "Homestyle" Woolies burger patty
A few Cashews and Walnuts

Was contemplating making it a burger while watching Carwin beat on Lesnar, but it was a nice twist at the end! Good to see some humbleness presented on both sides.

Need to get my eating back on track starting today...

7am - 4 Eggs Scrambled, Multi Vitamin, Glucosamine.

915am - 2 Scoops WPI in 500ml Water

1115am - 300g Roast Chicken, 200g mix Vegies (Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrot, Peas)

2:30pm - 185g Tuna in Olive Oil (drained)

5pm - 200g Roast Chicken

7:30pm - 5g Creatine in 120ml Apple Juice

8pm - 300gram Steak, 2 Eggs

9:30pm - 150g Cottage Cheese
3 scrambled eggs with diced tomato in wholemeal burrito
o/n protien shake

2x turkey , cottage cheese and salad sandwichs with wholemeal bread

tuna, onion and sweetcorn , wholemeal pasta bake

meal 3
Fruit salad big 300ml tub
o/n protien shake

Straight after hand ful of dates

meal 4 30mins after workout
chicken breast brown rice , broccali, carrots peas and kidney beans
(weird i know but just fancied the kidney beans)

meal 5 about 730pm
4 weetbix organic milk with a handfull of almonds thrown in.
o/n protein shake
7am - 4 Eggs Scrambled

10am - 2 scoops WPI in 500ml water

1230pm - 250g Chicken Breast with 200g steamed veges

230pm - 185g Tuna, not as drained as normal lol

5pm - 220g Steak, 150g veges

730pm - 5g Creatine in 150ml Apple Juice

8pm - 220g Steak, 150g Veges

930pm - 100g Cottage Cheese
Not enough...

Been sick for two weeks now, the second week with a nasty throat infection which meant I could hardly swallow.

Just weighed myself and I've lost 3kg of bodyweight in two weeks and I feel like it too. No strength, no energy. Got to start eating big again now to get my energy and pump back.

I hate being sick.

7am - 4 Eggs Scrambled

10am - 2 scoops WPI in 500ml water

1230pm - 250g Chicken Breast with 200g steamed veges

230pm - 185g Tuna, not as drained as normal lol

5pm - 220g Steak, 150g veges

730pm - 5g Creatine in 150ml Apple Juice

8pm - 220g Steak, 150g Veges

930pm - 100g Cottage Cheese
Jim, you eat way less than me and I'm on calories restirctions (as you are). I still think you can eat more, Add some fat. I like almonds esp with your protein shake and with your morning eggs. / cottage cheese at night.
Cottage cheese, strawberries and cinnamon for smoko today
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