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Dinner tonight is rissoles. Cannot fkn wait!

1.7kg of mince (Premium 5 Star)
3-4 Eggs
Minced Garlic (lots)
Chili Powder (lots)

Is going to be good!
Dinner tonight is rissoles. Cannot fkn wait!

1.7kg of mince (Premium 5 Star)
3-4 Eggs
Minced Garlic (lots)
Chili Powder (lots)

Is going to be good!

If you are ever on the go woolies have organic beef rissoles/ hamburger patties for aobut 5 bucks and they actually taste ****ing good! Well i think they do anyway.

Always good to have in the freezer.
If you are ever on the go woolies have organic beef rissoles/ hamburger patties for aobut 5 bucks and they actually taste ****ing good! Well i think they do anyway.

Always good to have in the freezer.

Damn YOU!!!!!!!!!!

I just upped the missus because she wanted me to eat the meat patties. We got home, and I read the ingredients. Nothing in there that I didnt know. I just thought they would be your typical crappy chopped up horse hoof crap.

Now I get none :(
Damn YOU!!!!!!!!!!

I just upped the missus because she wanted me to eat the meat patties. We got home, and I read the ingredients. Nothing in there that I didnt know. I just thought they would be your typical crappy chopped up horse hoof crap.

Now I get none :(

Lol you missed out...

Meal 1:
1 cup oats
scoop of muscle milk

Meal 2:
2 bits of toast
3 eggs

Meal 3:
250g mince

Meal 4: (post workout)
muscle milk

Meal 5:
250g mince

Meal 6:
250g mince

Meal 7:
250g mince

Meal 8 (dinner):
Don't know yet

Meal 9:
1L of milk
Everybody seems to be smashing the mince.
I love mince (I make the BEST shepards pie on the planet), but ive gone off it as i can't tell how much is proper meat. Home made mince, now thats something I can gobble!
Posted via Mobile Device
Get the butcher to mince it up for you. That's what I do. At least you know what you are getting.
Meal 1:
Protein Bar

Meal 2:
4 eggs
baked beans

Meal 3:
250g mince
1 orange

Meal 4:
Muscle milk

Meal 5:
250g mince
1 ornage

Meal 6:
Not sure

Meal 7:
500ml milk
scoop of protein
Meal 1:
2 scoops of whey/1L water
3 whole eggs/1 cup egg whites
4 pieces rice and pumpkin toast w/nut butter

Meal 2:
250g Chicken Breast
2-3 Cups of mixed steamed veg
Tablespoon nut butter or handful of almonds

Meal 3:
4 scoops whey
2 TBS Glycerol
2 tsp Sea salt
2 tsp Glycerine
2 tsp Insulin support blend
50g Dextrose/Malto blend
2 TBS L-Glutamine
1 FiniBar
1 or 2g Vit C

This makes 3 drinks with about 2L of water, all consumed pre/during/post workout.

Meal 4:
Not sure, what ever's for dinner. Could be a steak sambo with the works tonight.

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Meal 1:
2 scoops of whey/1L water
3 whole eggs/1 cup egg whites
4 pieces rice and pumpkin toast w/nut butter

Meal 2:
250g Chicken Breast
2-3 Cups of mixed steamed veg
Tablespoon nut butter or handful of almonds

Meal 3:
4 scoops whey
2 TBS Glycerol
2 tsp Sea salt
2 tsp Glycerine
2 tsp Insulin support blend
50g Dextrose/Malto blend
2 TBS L-Glutamine
1/2 FiniBar
1/2g Vit C

This makes 3 drinks with about 2L of water, all consumed pre/during/post workout.

Meal 4:
Not sure, what ever's for dinner. Could be a steak sambo with the works tonight.

What is this?
It's a blend of various insulin supportive compunds:

5g (I have 2 seperately) =

Na-R-ala: 350mg
Banaba: 240mg
D-Pinitol: 203mg
Cinnamon: 200mg
Biotin: 5mg
Chromium: 2mg
Leucine: 2,000mg
Taurine: 2,000mg

Mo over on SizeMatters forum makes it. I've found it to be really useful in nutrtient partitioning, especially when it comes to a stack of simple carbs around training time. I've only been using it for a few months now and the difference is night and day when you take carbs with it or without it.

It took a fair bit of trial and error to get a correct dose for me, and it does change depending on what I'm training at the time. Tonight is Deadlifts + accessory, so I'll be having the full whack.

Oh and you do need to have a sizeable amount of simple carbs with it/around it, at the risk of becoming hypoglycemic. It happened to me 4 times before I got my dose correct.

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Thanks IA, but I'm not welcome over at SM hahahaha

Seems like a good concoction though.
He must source the raw ingredients and them blends them in his lab?
Thanks IA, but I'm not welcome over at SM hahahaha

Seems like a good concoction though.
He must source the raw ingredients and them blends them in his lab?

I have also been banned by the infmaous "mo"

your not alone...

2mg of chromium is like taking 200mg of creatine a day..
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It's a blend of various insulin supportive compunds:

5g (I have 2 seperately) =

Na-R-ala: 350mg
Banaba: 240mg
D-Pinitol: 203mg
Cinnamon: 200mg
Biotin: 5mg
Chromium: 2mg
Leucine: 2,000mg
Taurine: 2,000mg

Mo over on SizeMatters forum makes it. I've found it to be really useful in nutrtient partitioning, especially when it comes to a stack of simple carbs around training time. I've only been using it for a few months now and the difference is night and day when you take carbs with it or without it.

It took a fair bit of trial and error to get a correct dose for me, and it does change depending on what I'm training at the time. Tonight is Deadlifts + accessory, so I'll be having the full whack.

Oh and you do need to have a sizeable amount of simple carbs with it/around it, at the risk of becoming hypoglycemic. It happened to me 4 times before I got my dose correct.


Then it isnt the supplement that is your problem what so ever...

I dont think "that concoction can draw blood sugars so low.. Also what is the point of taking something to balance blood sugar with sugar?

Thats simply is ridiculous... You could be insulin resistant.

Also 4 scoops of whey? Whats that 100g of protein pre workout? W H Y?
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Yes, he blends it all up himself.


It's taken with simple sugars to help utilize them more effeciently as energy. And unless you have tried, I don't think you have grounds to comment on what it does and doesn't do in all fairness. You have a fairly sharp eye though, I do tend towards insulin resistance, thus why I use it to help utilize the carbs as best I can. I also like DIM to help with estrogen balance.

Oh and the 4 scoops along with the rest of what I use, if you take another look is divided between 3 seperate drinks one pre/during/post. Seems to be working well for me.

To both of you, MO's always seemed like a nice enough guy to me. Haven't been in the whole forum scene that long though.

Back OT:

Meal 4:
Steak with salad. Close enough to a sambo, minus the bread :p

To both of you, MO's always seemed like a nice enough guy to me. Haven't been in the whole forum scene that long though.

Back OT:

Meal 4:
Steak with salad. Close enough to a sambo, minus the bread :p

Wasn't MO that banned me it was the old owner Jesper the friendly ghost. not sure who banned me the second time. maybe Mo, or his sidekick Larry or Curly...LOL

I too have streak and salad all mixed up..yummo.
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