haha sounds just like me! I was "in training" for the world's hottest burger in Bris which I found out had 1 tbspn of mega death on it (amongst other things). I was slowly increasing my dosage (you know progressive chilli overload
) until one day at work...BOOM! Off to the toilets, laying on the ground in the fetal position holding stomach. Felt like my stomach was trying to implode on itself. It wasn't even that hot in my mouth though. Went white as a ghost and couldn't stand up for about 5mins I reckon. That was only about 1/2 tspn of mega death with cottage cheese. That was when I gave up the dream of the world's hottest burger
And thanks for the links
And also on the topic of chillie's I just planted my birds eye and ghost chillies yesterday. No idea how long they take but should have mass amounts of chillis soon(ish)
tofu pad thai
prawn pad thai