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Just finished my leg workout and had a chicken breast coated in parmesan cheese with grilled garlic broccoli, asparagus and green beans as my post workout meal.

Bloody delicious:)

Feeling stuffed now.

Will have a protein shake before bed.
Lol^^^ headspins, nausea and that regret when you realise you went to far...

You just moved up 3 spaces on my awesomeness list...

I thought I was hard core chilli machine... Now I realise I'm just a pup...

years of practice and sheer bloodimindedness.

you'll get there, grasshopper :D

but the frying of one's insides is something I do not recommend ... :(
what about your back? its not even included on any of the days?

I would stick some deadlifts, lots of chinups (under and over), somethign for your lats and some sort of row in there for your back.

Also for triceps maybe add a french press or skullcrusher (basically the same thing) as they are great tricep killers

I got given a couple of those... didn't do anything crazy though sliced em up and put them in olive oil, the oil is sensational

I want to start growing some

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years of practice and sheer bloodimindedness.

you'll get there, grasshopper :D

but the frying of one's insides is something I do not recommend ... :(

haha sounds just like me! I was "in training" for the world's hottest burger in Bris which I found out had 1 tbspn of mega death on it (amongst other things). I was slowly increasing my dosage (you know progressive chilli overload :p) until one day at work...BOOM! Off to the toilets, laying on the ground in the fetal position holding stomach. Felt like my stomach was trying to implode on itself. It wasn't even that hot in my mouth though. Went white as a ghost and couldn't stand up for about 5mins I reckon. That was only about 1/2 tspn of mega death with cottage cheese. That was when I gave up the dream of the world's hottest burger :(

And thanks for the links :)

And also on the topic of chillie's I just planted my birds eye and ghost chillies yesterday. No idea how long they take but should have mass amounts of chillis soon(ish)

tofu pad thai

prawn pad thai
haha sounds just like me! I was "in training" for the world's hottest burger in Bris which I found out had 1 tbspn of mega death on it (amongst other things). I was slowly increasing my dosage (you know progressive chilli overload :p) until one day at work...BOOM! Off to the toilets, laying on the ground in the fetal position holding stomach. Felt like my stomach was trying to implode on itself. It wasn't even that hot in my mouth though. Went white as a ghost and couldn't stand up for about 5mins I reckon. That was only about 1/2 tspn of mega death with cottage cheese. That was when I gave up the dream of the world's hottest burger :(

And thanks for the links :)

And also on the topic of chillie's I just planted my birds eye and ghost chillies yesterday. No idea how long they take but should have mass amounts of chillis soon(ish)

tofu pad thai

prawn pad thai

Really need to plant some ghost chillies!!
LOL Chris ... nice to know I'm not the only chilli dufus :D

But hey, that's the thing with the habaneros. You don't feel them straight away. It's about 10 mins later when all of a sudden :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

hehe live and learn...

I'm still growing and eating them but I'm staying clear of the jolokias.
Off the ice cream and on the proghurt

150g bornhoffen plain yoghurt
30g no bull bannana wpc
20g carmens.gluten free museli

Fucking delicous, no baskin robbins peppermint choc chip but still scratched my itch

you always see the Bodybuilder type in the Supermarket buying Bornhoffen ......... I don't like it, needs the flavor I guess of a Whey Powder.
you always see the Bodybuilder type in the Supermarket buying Bornhoffen ......... I don't like it, needs the flavor I guess of a Whey Powder.

I alternate between that and the farmers union greek yoghurt. Try it with some museli in there or the other thing I do is a pinch of stevia with frozen berries in the microwave till it's a a mushy berry sauce then mix with the yoghurt.

Little over 1 cal per gram and better then the store bought flavoure yog's which are full of sugar which fucks up the carb to protein ratio.
I alternate between that and the farmers union greek yoghurt. Try it with some museli in there or the other thing I do is a pinch of stevia with frozen berries in the microwave till it's a a mushy berry sauce then mix with the yoghurt.

Little over 1 cal per gram and better then the store bought flavoure yog's which are full of sugar which fucks up the carb to protein ratio.
yeah sounds good. I'm a bit dairy intolerant I think so I blend up fruits, orange, apple, bananas, pineapple, rockmelon, whatever you like. Chuck in 75 gram of WPC, vanilla usually but chocolate tastes good, throw in a bit of Olive oil blend it up. You can drink it or eat it with a spoon throughout the day.

Just put the Whey powder in about half way, usually before the pineapple so the powder doesn't stick to the blender bowl. Not sure of the macros but I don't count calories usually, it'd be somewhere just over 80g protein. Digests pretty quick for a preworkout meal in the morning too.
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Fark. Haven't had a meat pie for years. Met a mate at his patisserie & he gave me 3 pies and a sausage roll. All made there with French pastry. It would have been rude not to eat them! So tasty.
Brb, swimming from here to New Zealand burning them off. Lol
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