erfan merckx
Hi and welcome.
What is nlp?
thnx amac38

nlp stands for Neuro-linguistic programming , i really like it!
Hi and welcome.
What is nlp?
Welcome to the Ausbb team Ben. I hope you'd find the help that you're seeking here Sir.
G'day guys, I'm kim ( MALE! ) lol.
I'm 32, 89 kgs 6.2f and of normal build. I have been doing weights for 5 weeksI've attempted before but i'm really really keen to put some size on this time and stick with it. i won't wear t-shirts at work because i feel i'm to skinny! my wife hates that i feel that way but uno how it can be. I feel i'm addicted already! I train 5 days a week giving muscle groups 3 days rest. i spend 45 mins a day doing my workouts and take a protein supplement after wards. i eat 200 grams of tuna and 425grams of baked beans everyday. I also work out at around 7 pm and then rest.
Any suggestions on improving or am i doing anything wrong?
thanks guy's...Kim ( barnsey )
You mean you have 200gms of tuna every day, 6 x a day dont you?
One can has 425gms, surely you dont eat 1/2 can of tuna a day, typo?
where did you hear such nonsense?Heard great things about this site and it's good to join the team, Cheers.
where did you hear such nonsense?
nah, it's ok here..have fun.
Welcome all enjoy your stay
Name - Andrew
Age - 18
Gender - Male
Location - South-Western Sydney
Occupation - full time student: Bachelor of Design in Industrial Design at UTS
Training experience - about 7 months on Starting Strength
Interests - playing guitar, basketball
Current Weight - 83 - 85kg (i have dodgy scales) up from 69kg 7 months ago
Height - roughly 183cm
Goals - I just want to get stronger overall. In 5 months time I would like to be able to squat 150, deadlift 185 and bench 100. Im doubtful about the bench but this isn't the forum to discuss it. Perhaps I'll make a post in the Strength Training thread down the track.
Current Numbers I haven't tried out my one rep max on each of the lifts in a while but I estimate my lifts to be:
squat: 135
deadlift: 155
bench: 70
military press: 50 (I know for certain that this is my 1rm)
I also power clean but I've only started that recently and my form isn't so good so it might be a bit early to say what my maximum is.
A mate of mine told me about this site and I've found some really interesting and useful posts. From lurking for a while, I can see that Fadi and Markos seem to be strength training and body building encyclopaedias.
are you talking to me mate?Keep that up and it will be decades before you wear a t shirt big fella, you know muscle is built by eating protein, not lifting weights?