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G'day all,

Jon, age 39, wt now 106kg @ about 13-14% BF. 6'2" and a large frame.

Used to lift when younger, but injuries and life got the better of me about 10 yrs ago, and then got slack and fat. Just started seriously getting back into training at the start of this year, and have gone from 122kg @ 30% with waist at 127cm to currently 98cm...

Had a few health scares, was getting older and more unfit and thought fuck it - the only difference between 'another fat forty yr old' bloke and 'another fit forty yr old bloke' is the 'I' part so it was time to do something about it!

Focus for most of this year has been cycles of cutting, with lean gains and fitness increases for my other main hobby of karate, and slow and steady consistency with a shitload of persistence seems to be working - funny that, hey

Goals for next year are to get to 10% - visible abs, as I still have some lovehandles and a small belly roll, and get serious with strength gains while not getting over 12% BF!

Good to see these boards - never knew they existed, AND people actually citing studies too

Used to cycle to work everyday (25k round trip) but stopped since going freelance/working from home. Apart from that, I've never been in a gym to train in my life, have always opted for the home option (P90X etc).

Decided to stop smoking and get real. Not keen to 'Bodybuild' but more to get fit, and find some definition and muscle in the right places.

Look forward to reading round here.
Hi all

Im new so ill introduce myself.
My name is Doc im male im 28 and im australian tho im starting to be ashamed to tell people that as this country is going to SH!T.
Ive joined because im looking to take my training and body to the next level.
here are my current stats.
28 years old male
Weight fairly lean ,can see my abs.110kg
Bench:1 rep max 160kg
Deadlift:1 rep max 200kg
Squat:Never done max but i do 30 reps of 140kg to parallel easy.
Pullups:Over 20 widegrip easy
Dipsver 20 deep easy.

I have joined because i have been training natural for over 10 years now and i am looking to take my body and training to the next level and i need advice on how to take steroids and what steroids to take.My goal is to be 118kg by december 25 2012 at the same body fat i am now.I train a min of 6 hours a day 5 days a week.I train before and after work and i use a form of HIT that ive modified for myself.If there is any super lean mass monsters on these boards that way over 115kg super lean that use anabolics can u please give me a shout out on how to make my dreams a reality.

Admin here but please call me Graeme

I would like to welcome you to the Ausbb- Australian BodyBuilding Forums, Good to have you all on board. Don't forget to start your own Training Diary. Your Training Diary will help you stay motivated and keep track of your progress. When you train alone sometimes it is hard to get help, guidance, inspirtation and motivation which is where the Ausbb forums and the Ausbb Training Diaries will help you with finding others with similar stats and allow you to interact with each other.

* Click here to start your own training log (don't forget to put a link in your signature to your training diary).
* Once you have started your Training diary click here to add it to the lists (order by weight and order by age) this helps other guys find your log.
im an even 6 foot.so i need to put on a lot more mass in the legs and back so realy need to take myself up to 120 before i will look even and full in all proportions.But ill just keep at it for another ten years and see where i can take it.

Hi all

Squat:Never done max but i do 30 reps of 140kg to parallel easy.
Pullups:Over 20 widegrip easy
Dipsver 20 deep easy.


You sir, are a machine.

I mean no offence but you saying you can do x and y 'easy' reminded me of this pumped up fellow. You're both crazy strong.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Vc9aN_kIIU&feature=player_embedded"]740 Pound Raw Deadlift @ 219 BW @ age 20 - YouTube[/ame]
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Hi Everyone,

My name is Damian, I'm a 36 year old living in BrisVegas. I haven't been in to the gym for nearly 10 years now, due to a back injury and, well, life in general.

I think I'm ready to get back into it now and that my back will hold up. I've started with sandbag training and can front squat 32.5 kg, deadlift 32.5 kg, one arm deadlift 20kg and overhead press 30kg (I only have ~32 kg of sand - I have more coming as a birthday present tho), so I think I am ready for the big time of barbell training once more.

I'm going to ease myself into it on a Starting Strength program with my first goal to build core strength, followed by all-round strength.

Hi my name is Luke. I'm 25 years old and I live in Melbourne.

I've been lifting properly for about 18-24 months. My main focus is strength training and am hoping to compete at a powerlifting meet in the next couple of years. Most likely a bench-only comp for now, or a push/pull meet, until I'm happier with my squat.

Recently developed an interest in strongman and have started integrating more strongman exercises into my training, although I need to build/acquire some implements to get more into it.

Training program is 5/3/1 on a 2-day-a-week schedule (squat/press, deadlift/bench). Current numbers, at 105kg bodyweight, are: 110kg front squat, 135kg back squat, 135kg bench, 190kg deadlift, 85kg press.

I've been playing basketball for clubs since I was 9 years old. I currently play 2 nights a week as a forward.
Welcome to the forum.

Wow your bench is equal to your squat???


I've always benched. I've never had an injury or issue where I haven't been able to bench. But I've done plenty of things to my legs, hips and back that have prevented me from squatting regularly, so I've got a lot more training time on the bench than I do squatting. And because I haven't back squatted consistently, my technique is also pretty bad to be honest, otherwise I'm sure I could squat more.
"A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step." Lao Tzu

Welcome to Ausbb - Australian Bodybuilding,[ausbbyou]

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Once again Welcome to to Ausbb - Australian Bodybuilding!

I feel honoured and humbled by your gesture Idi Admin, but I've been here for a while now.

BTW, is everyone else seeing the previous post as "DKD", or do they get their own name in there?
Yeah I thought it must've been like that, thanks mate. I think I got that kind of post when I first joined. Not sure why I got another one. Admin must have been heavy into the bourbon or sum such shit.