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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

    Please consider registering. It takes 30 seconds, and will allow you to get the most out of the forum.
Name - Dave
Age - 29
Gender - Male
Location - Perth (SOR)
Training experience (if you have any that is) - Done crossfit for a while, done a few cycles of Wendler, now I want to lift heavy shit.
Any Interests - Lifting heavy shit, basketball

It would also be a good idea to say why you joined Ausbb - Ran out of other forums to troll ;)

Do you have any goals in mind? Training for my sport, I need to be strong, fast, powerful and agile. A 500kg total, plyometrics, olympic lifting and sprint intervals will help with these.
Hi there, just wanted to introduce myself.....

Name: Darkoz

Age: 50

Gender: Male

Current Weight: 80kg

Height: 5'10"

Location: Adelaide

Job: Building Designer

Training experience: I've been training (Bodybuilding style) on and off for the past 30 odd years, I started weight training at 19 years of age and was consistent up until my early 30s when I had a break for around 5 years but have been fairly consistent since.

I've always had a high metabalism so I've never had to worry about my fat levels but since giving up smoking 4 months ago (smoked for 26 years) I've put on a few kilos and am now the heaviset that I've ever been and unfortunately it's also the first time that my ABS aren't defined which I'm not bloody happy about, not to worry though I'm on my way to change that.

Thanks for reading
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Name: Twombles62 :p

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Current Weight: 83kg

Height: 187cm

Location: Melbourne

Job: Studying Commerce

Training experience: Trained pretty inefficiently for a year or so, used to be 87kg and a lot higher bodyfat so I think I'm at a pretty good place to start training properly.

I made a log thread so that I can keep on track of my progress and motivated! Thanks guys.

I recently had a long and hard think about my fitness goals and decided that I want to increase my overall strength which will hopefully bring size along for the ride. I don't want look back when im older and think, "wow, ive always been pretty much just an average guy (athletically)".

- Name - Leon
- Age - 23
- Gender - Male
- Body - 180cm, 71kg.
- Location - Brisbane Southside
- Training experience (if you have any that is) - No real weights training (apart from dumbells/pullup bar stuff at home) until i joined a gym 2 months ago. Again i'm one of those guys who didn't really know better at 17 and just did curls and pushups and wondered why i had good pecs and no general strength/size gains whatsoever.
- Any Interests - Sport, Weights, Women, Motorcycling, Cycling (racing)

I injured my shoulder through soccer back in May and didn't take it seriously at first. I ended up seeing a physio mid this year and was told i had multi-directional instability in my shoulder and needed to strengthen it by doing pushups against a wall and 1kg front raises! :S

I've since joined a gym and had about a dozen personal training sessions mainly to seek some professional advice about what i should be doing to rehabilitate my shoulder properly.

I've since progressed to about where i was pre-injury and i'm going to drop the personal training (its expensive! and im motivated enough to work out without someone counting) and embark on the Starting Strength program with possibly a minor amount of isolated shoulder work until everything feels 100%.

I also like the idea that at the local gym im going to (Suncorp stadium pcyc) the barbells and cages only get used by a few guys.

I joined Ausbb (after lurking for a while) because its a local bodybuilding forum mostly with good advice floating around, a positive culture and a minor amount of trolling (which is always good for a laugh anyway).

Goals would be 100kg bench, 140kg squat, 180kg deadlift. I currently haven't done anything heavy so its a bit hard to say where i'm at. Probably realistically at max 50% of all those weights. I think for my bench the most ive done is 4 sets of 10 reps at 50kg. Squats and deadlifts have been on 60kg but my personal trainer has kept the weights light for me to concentrate on the correct form, and which muscle groups i should be activating etc.

I've got a good diet, mostly good recovery, and a good beginner strength program on paper so hopefully i can start to get into it and see some good results.
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Name: Shashi

Profession: Student

Interests: bodybuilding

Current weight + height - 72kg at 1.71m

Interests - improving my physique.

Squat - 100kg 1RM
Bench - 60kg 1RM
Deadlift - 150kg 1RM
Hi guys!

Name: Scott
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Weight: 68kg
Height: 174cm

Squat - 135kg 5RM
Bench - 75kg 5RM
Deadlift - 160kg 3RM

Just took a big hit in training, forced 2 month break to move cities and get reorganised. Just back into things this week and happy to see I havent lost too much. On the road to getting a home gym.
Admin here but please call me Graeme

I would like to welcome you to the Ausbb- Australian BodyBuilding Forums, Good to have you all on board. Don't forget to start your own Training Diary. Your Training Diary will help you stay motivated and keep track of your progress. When you train alone sometimes it is hard to get help, guidance, inspirtation and motivation which is where the Ausbb forums and the Ausbb Training Diaries will help you with finding others with similar stats and allow you to interact with each other.

* Click here to start your own training log (don't forget to put a link in your signature to your training diary).
* Once you have started your Training diary click here to add it to the lists (order by weight and order by age) this helps other guys find your log.
Name: zan
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Weight: 67kg
Height: 181cm

Bench - 50kg 5RM

Squat -Deadlift - Haven't pushed these exercises yet as I want to get good form first. As you can tell from bench it wouldn't be very high... I guess that's why i'm here though :)

Reason started doing weights: Sick of being the skinny guy

Short term goals:
50 pushups
5 minue prone hold (plank)
these 2 are part of fitness testing i undertake

long term goals:
100kg bench press
150kg squat
180kg dead lift

G'day everyone.

Name : Ben

Age : 29

Gender : Male

Height : 183cm

Weight: 80kg

Location: Gold Coast

Occupation: Student

Interests : Music, motorbikes, camping, bodyboarding.

Training Experience : Don't really have any training experience. Used to do a lot of bodyboarding and pushie riding when I was younger. More recently played indoor soccer for a couple of years. Haven't played in about six months.

I joined Ausbb because I want to get into weight training and this site seems to have a lot of good, acurate infomation from experienced people.

Due to being a student and not playing indoor soccer anymore I don't really get much exercise. I want to build up my strength, stamina and flexability for bodyboarding and think the best, most convenient way of doing this would be with a home gym setup.

I plan to get a power rack and some free weights from gym direct and start doing something very similar to the beginners program on here.

Thanks, Ben.
Name: Kelvin
Gender: Male
occupation: student

Training Experience:

I started training for 3months before i tore my shoulder labrum during a sporting accident. Although i didn't opt for surgery as the tear was not major, shoulder has been feeling better so am going to try to get back into it.

Bench - 47.5kg
OHP - 30kg
Squat - 70kg
Deadlift 70kg
Admin here but please call me Graeme

I would like to welcome you to the Ausbb- Australian BodyBuilding Forums, Good to have you all on board. Don't forget to start your own Training Diary. Your Training Diary will help you stay motivated and keep track of your progress. When you train alone sometimes it is hard to get help, guidance, inspirtation and motivation which is where the Ausbb forums and the Ausbb Training Diaries will help you with finding others with similar stats and allow you to interact with each other.

* Click here to start your own training log (don't forget to put a link in your signature to your training diary).
* Once you have started your Training diary click here to add it to the lists (order by weight and order by age) this helps other guys find your log.
Hi everyone,

Where are my manners...

Name: Leigh

Height 6ft

Age: 27

Weight 107kg

Condition: 11% (?)

I have no scientific training in any field

Interested in ergogenic aids, bodybuilding and powerlifting

Hopefully can add some value to the forum
Hi just joined here, so my first post should be an intro of myself hu?
ok so

- Name Louise
- Age 27
- Gender F
- Location Perth Australia
- Training experience (if you have any that is) Training since last year. Really got into the past few months and hope to really ramp up the gym effort.
- Any Interests Running, My two dogs, the beach, and shopping (of course)

Joined to get some info on how to get results faster. I've added heaps of muscle lately, which I'm pretty happy about. Trying to work on the diet so you can see them a bit easier, but really would love to get more toned- or cut I suppose.

Looking forward to meeting everyone and having a snoop around the forum :)
Yo! Im Gruph how us doin?

Age 30

Weight 90

Height 172

Location Melbourne

Training seroiusly 4 yrs

Began training to improve my lifestyle and health fell in love with nutrition and lifting heavy shit

I joined to learn and share experiences

Current goals stop smoking (grrrr) 10%bf keep out of trouble

Long term goal not to sweat the small shit in life continue to be happy oh yer and marry some bad ass hot beaaatch who behaves at least 25% of the time for cryst sake haha