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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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Name: Dan
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Location: SA
Training experience: Started lifting in my teens to build strength for shot and discus. Years of on-again off-again training
Any Interests: My favourite hobby at the moment is home brewing

Why i joined AUSBB
I came across the place during my internet travels and it looked like a good forum to join.

Do you have any goals in mind?
I'm looking to get back into weight training with the primary goal being to build a solid strength foundation.

Where to from here
Starting point will be some dumbbell training and cardio to get back into the swing off things. Shortly I'll be moving to a larger house; my goal then is to set up a power rack and get some nice, heavy objects!

Look forward to chatting to you all
Hi Welcome to the forum

My favourite hobby at the moment is home brewing

Haha, was into this a few years ago and gave it all away, as it was the cause of all my problems, drinking way way way too much beer, instead of getting to the Gym training
Name : Jerome
Age : 26
Gender : male
Location : south sydney

Training experience : Spent most of my life inactive, was chronically depressed and I got advise to exercise. After 2 years of medication nothing has helped except for weights. This is my third attempt at stronglifts 5x5, ive lost lots of time due to breaking my hand and fucking my ankle but im progressing well now

Any Interests : Weight training, fitness, motorbikes

Do you have any goals in mind?
Get strong, bulk up, be fit and healthy

Are you looking to start training?
Been properly training for a year now, before that wasted a year mucking around in the gym getting no where before I stumbled across the stronglifts site. Started stronglifts 5x5 around this time last year made decent and slow progress with very poor form/technique but fucked my ankle so I had some time off training. Restarted at the start of this year and when I got back to old old working weights I broke my hand and had 4 months off. Restarted for the third time now and ive fixed my form on most of my lifts and im making good progress now.

Are you trying to gain or lose weight?
Trying to gain weight, ive been struggling as I have a physical job so I need to eat 5000+ calories and some days I struggle.

I joined ausbb because I stumbled across a thread in google about how weak medhi is, did some lurking for a week and I realise this place has alot of strong people compared to the stronglifts community and some very informative people so it looks like a good community to be a part of.
Cheers for the welcome DKD and Big Mick!

DKD, that pic is damn amusing/confusing, that fella is all torso and needs to spend more time squating

Big Mick i can undrstand where you're coming from re: home brewing. I am cutting back on the drinking part myself, conflicting hobbies eh!

Welcome Romie,
Hard luck on the ankle and hand, hope you can stay healthy and reach your goals!

- Name: Jace
- Age:18
- Gender:M
- Location:sydney
- Training experience (if you have any that is):started weights when i was playing footy 4-5 days a week at 15 team gym but had give it a break cause of a thyriod problem hoping to get back up and beyond my previous fitness
- Any Interests:footy,martial arts,surfing,skateboarding,mtb,motox,any musical instrument
current weight:around 52 i've never weighted much
goals:bit of everything streagth, endurance, speed, agility, focus on core mainly though and run 100m at 10.5 or under and some good long distance run times
progress: just started up again
WELCOME all and Big Mick, if you need any help from the Over 45's brigade (because lets face it, all your current lifts are shit) I'm here...

Name : Stephen
Age : 35
Gender : Male
Location : Melbourne
Training experience : Been training on and off since I was 17.
Any Interests : Training, the IFBB scene, Home theater/movies, Gadgets

I stumbled across AusBB in my internet travels.

Do you have any goals in mind? Changed in priorities, family, etc. has seen be take long layoffs from training and losing the gains I do make at the gym. Anyway been training consistently for the last six months with the goal of bringing down my bf. Currently on the third week of Lyle M's Ultimate Diet 2.0.

Name - laszlo
- Age - 17
- Gender - M
- Location - canberra
- Training experience (if you have any that is) - about 1 year play football for abour 12
- Any Interests - football (soccer)
Hi all,

My name is Renae,
I am 30 & an @ home mum of 3..
I live in Perth
I am about 4 months into a serious training routine..down 8kilos 5 to go (avoiding the 3 kids look)
I have joined the site to get good advice from like minded peeps.
Before kids I was a gym junkie.. 4-5 sessions a week.. achieved the 6 pack too.
Fastforward 9 years & I am now ready to get serious again..
Muscle building & cutting back is my main goal.

Interests are: Painting, Drawing, Tropical gardening & Landscape design.
Hey errbody!
My names Benedict, 17 and im in my final year at school. I reside in Sydney NSW, and im a typical skinny looking teen. Im 77kg at 6'2, with a 110kgx3 Squat, 75kgx2 Bench Press and 110kgx5 Deadlift. Im hoping to get onto starting strenght for the next 2-3 months to get both my weight and lifts up, aiming to get up to 85kg by the end of my HSC exams, late October. Im hoping to get a power rack set in my home as ive had enough of paying gym fee's and the power racks always being used. Nice to join this community that have similar interest to me. Ill catcha later everybody!

- Age
- Gender
- Location
- Training experience (if you have any that is)
- Any Interests
Hi ya All
Admin here but please call me Graeme

I would like to welcome you to the Ausbb- Australian BodyBuilding Forums, Good to have you all on board. Don't forget to start your own Training Diary. Your Training Diary will help you stay motivated and keep track of your progress. When you train alone sometimes it is hard to get help, guidance, inspirtation and motivation which is where the Ausbb forums and the Ausbb Training Diaries will help you with finding others with similar stats and allow you to interact with each other.

* Click here to start your own training log (don't forget to put a link in your signature to your training diary).
* Once you have started your Training diary click here to add it to the lists (order by weight and order by age) this helps other guys find your log.
I am Mark and I am interested in bodybuilding supplements and also in bodybuilding.
I am 5.7'' in height, 150 pound. I used to have some weight lifting and push ups regularly but I do not see much change in my body except my muscles. Those became quite hard and strong.
Hello all! My name is Andréas and 29 years old, live up north, Sweden to be specific. Been training for about 11 years now, had a major break which lasted about 2 year and things happend around the belly.. *sigh* Now I'm back, been training for about 2.5 years now... So 20 kilos lighter (and later...), I'm thinking of doing a little bulking towards the winter.
I do heavy weight training, but on occasions even cardio

That's all I can think of now!