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Gai Le Douche....

Or is it Gail e Douche?

Either way, its the best user name since Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate.
Hi all

hey all,
Little about myself, Im Justin 27yo, and im from perth. Have just started getting into bodybuilding. Have lost alot of weight in the last year and a half. Mainly from my job and not eating much. Max i hit was 120kg and im 6"2. I currently weigh 83kg.

I am a plumber so am on my feet all day and sweating it out heaps while working. I still dont eat as much so gonna try a diet but its had to get a good diet as i cant cook or warm any thing at work.

at the moment, I dont eat any thing for break fest, I sometimes have lunch if i do its not much maybe some fruit and a sandwich. But always have a decent meal for dinner.

Gonna make a topic in the diet section so if any one can help me out that would be great.

I also have my own gym at home, which is this one. PowerRack 440 FREE 70 Kg Weight Plates | Gyms & Benches | Trojan Fitness

Name: Eric
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Current Weight: 119 kgs
Height: 180 cm
Location: Brisbane
Training experience:
On and off over the last ten years I've done some form of weight training on my own but I've never achieved much. I would class myself as a beginner.

Any Interests: Photography, Tennis, Software Development, Sketching

I've always been overweight. Since I was 21 I've made efforts to lose weight but never managed to get far. I'm happy to say that my lack of success was the result of poor education. At least now I know what I need to do and I will be successful. I've already lost nearly 10kgs in as many weeks. 30 to go!

During the 10 years of trying to lose weight I've also lifted weights from time to time. Typically I've either focused on weight lifting or cardio and when I've focused on weight lifting I didn't really pay attention to my nutrition at the same time.

Anyway, now I'm going through the Couch 2 5k running programme and Stronglifts 5x5. Weight (fat) loss is my focus right now so I'm not worried about not progressing quickly with Stronglifts. Once I reach an acceptable body fat percentage I'll turn my attention to progressing with the weight lifting.

I joined Ausbb because being muscular and lean is eventually where I want to be. After reading a few threads I realised that this board contains more useful information than most body building sites.

Hi Guys,

Quick Intro: Ive always tried to live a healthy life, exercising when I can (mix of cardio, riding, gym) . Since about 18 I've gone through phases on and off with working out. Anyway long story short im back into it again after a few months off. Just started 3 weeks ago, here are my stats as of that time.

Location: brisbane
Age: 25
Height: 183cm
Weight: 91kg
Bodyfat: 17% approx

I have no idea what my 1 MR's are as I have never done any in my life. Its nothing i've ever tried to benchmark myself on. Instead I always look for improvements in my routine. (Mixing between 5x5, German, Superset 3x10's)

Current Goal: Get to 100kg no matter what the cost within 8 weeks

Future Goal (after 12 weeks): Get to 90kg and <10% body fat

Currently im 3/4 weeks in and around 95kg and 18% body fat. More milk and eggs I should get to 100 :)

Not sure if anyone will bother to read this, but I'm curious on peoples thoughts with Deep squats. I love doing these and have never really done half assed squats that I see most people do (when I say deep I mean my ass is within 1" of the floor). I can't do massive weight when I do these but I feel the gains would be better with me doing 100kg deep squats than 140kg half squats ... Can anyone point me to a thread on this ?

Cheers :rolleyes:
Hey guys,

Just joined..

Stumbled across the forum while looking for reviews on a decent power rack.
Was looking at the powertec rack, but just ordered MM power rack with the ausbb discount..

- Age 41
- Gender Male
- Location Camden NSW
- Training for about 5 years
- Current weight 80kg
- Height 183

Goal keep adding muscle without the fat gut.
Did SI joint in my back about 8 months ago, haven't been able to squat or deadlift for months :mad:

Not 1rm just my max's.
Squat: 130kg
Deadlift: 160kg
Bench: 120kg
OH press 70kg
Gday from a frustrated newby

- Age 42
- Gender Male
- Location Brisbane
- Training 1 year
- Current weight 89kg
- Height 180cm

Hey there people. I'm a 43 year old guy from Brisbane. Over the past 12 months I have been hitting the gym in blocks of about 3 months at a time and doing a bit of holidaying in between. I have now been back at the gym pretty much 5-6 days per week for about 6 weeks.

I initially started the gym work as part of a work cover program after a minor knee operation. After the first month I decided I wanted to do something about my physical appearance. Build some muscle and lose the flab. I started working with a trainer for 1 day a week and realised after the first day with him that I had been kidding myself with the sorts of workouts I had been giving myself. I had never really lifted weights until failure. I really found out what a workout was supposed to feel like after those first 4 sessions with a trainer.

The trainer asked me what my goals were and a few details about my diet and he gave me a high protein diet plan designed to increase my protein intake and speed up my metabolism. I stuck with this plan and began working out almost every day as my motivation was so high. I also bought supplements and pretty much stuck to my diet. I was exercising different muscle groups on each day. Ex: Monday - Shoulders, Tues - Chest, Wed - Back, Thurs - Arms, Friday - Legs.

I thought I was going ok but I then went overseas on holidays for 2 weeks and ate a lot differently and drank a fair bit of alcohol as well. I ended up having about a month off the gym and when I went back to the gym it was like I had never lifted anything before in my life. I felt I was back to square 1 again. I had also not really lost any fat or reduced my love handles or belly but seemed to be putting weight on.

I approached the trainer I had had initially and explained that I thought I was only getting fatter and he gave me a new diet plan. I stuck with this diet plan but was not attending the gym as I was spending a lot of time studying.

Since I have completed my studies I am now back at the gym every day nearly and have been using a calorie controlled diet and trying to shed this layer of body fat that seems to cover my body. I feel I have wasted the last 12 months in the gym as I have seen little or no result for my efforts. I don't feel my body shape has changed at all except to get fatter. I cant seem to build muscle in the areas I want IE: bigger rounder shoulders, arms, chest etc.

I suppose I am here to gain some knowledge and advice on what exactly I am doing wrong. I know that 42 is a bit late in life to be trying to get the body that I want but hey, better late than never.

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Name: Jock

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Location: Robina, QLD

Training experience: Very little, hit the gym up a bit when I was 17-18.

Any Interests: Riding fixed gear, gym and bike polo.

I've never been overweight with my BMI always being in the healthy range regardless of what kind of binges I have.

I've signed up to the forums because I entered a local gym's transformation challenge and thought why the hell not, since I don't really have weight to loose (ha I really do) I thought I'd try out some bulk muscle gaining for it which is doing my head in. I'm 1 month into it and I'm seeing results but not quite as high as I hoped. I really didn't know what to expect but I thought I would have achieved more in the past month then I did.
I went to the gym today and it was the first time I felt deflated about working out seeing others with their massive muscles and doing weights far beyond what I could picture myself doing.

Enough of the sob story, I also want to be more active since I'm gamer I spend a lot of time in front of the computer doing nothing of importance. I ride a little and I play bike polo which is also helping me get into the fitness mentality of it all.
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- Name Matthew

- Age 23

- Gender Male

- Location Perth

- Training experience: was working out lots about 3 years ago. now not so much. figured its time to learn up and get back into it.

- Any Interests 4wding, photography, automotives, travel
Name: Glenn

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Location: WA but not Perth

Training experience (if you have any that is): Been off and on since 17, serious for about last 1.5 years

Height/Weight: 176cm/83kg Still bulking brah

Progress: Upped all my Big 4 pretty substantially in last 3months

Any Interests: Training, cars, tatts, tits

Occupation: Big dirty Diesel mechanic

Reasons for Joining: Pretty big member on M&S, but decided to see what a local forum would be like.... cant beat local knowledge
- Name: Blue
- Age: 22
- Gender: Male
- Location: Melbourne
- Training experience: Newbing it up for 2 years
- Any Interests: Cats, dogs.
- Name: Mark
- Age: 24
- Gender: Male
- Location: Hunter Valley, NSW
- Training experience: Only just beginning with lifting
- Any Interests: Playing guitar, listening to technical metal, basketball, footy (up the knights)

Hey, I've joined Ausbb to gain more knowledge and get advice and tips with my routine and diet. I am taking record of my progress and will create a log in a few months. I love reading some of the changes members have had with their lives - it is so inspiring.

I have just got a hold of the PPP routine and will be following it closely. I got my force usa power rack/bench/weights set a little while ago and am happy I have found the PPP to keep myself going in the right direction.

I've always been skinny my whole life, being 6foot aswell I am a bit lanky. I've played basketball for 12 years, quitting about a year ago. Since then I have become unfit and really want to get back into a sport. I want to become stronger and gain some confidence that I have lost since I've stopped being active.

I have never really been into weight lifting before now and it's already starting to become addictive which I'm very happy about :D

My long term goal is to work my way towards the 100/140/180 lifts while keeping a stricter diet and to stay under 90kg (currently 72kg)

Cheers guys
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Name: David
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Location: Perth, WA
Ethnicity: Asian
Height: 165cm
Weight: 55kg
Training Experience: Basically none
Any Interests: Basic fitness, health

Hey guys, ive joined up ausbb to learn more about weight lifting and improving health in general. I am currently into running, where i can manage to do a half marathon every 2nd day or so in about 1hour 30mins. Aiming to lean down, then gain some muscle.

Currently doing a BCom/Law at UWA.
Name: Tom

Age: 22

: Male

: Canberra

: Defence

Training Experiences
: Trained with markos from PTC for about 4mnths when i was in melbourne . Had about 18mnths off and just got back into it last 6mnths , current lifts are Bench : 140 Deadlift: 200 Squat 160

Any Interests: Love my sport and my Cars and going out and have a good time ( not goood for the fitness )
Name: Venu

Age: 30

Gender: M

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Occupation: Electronics engineer

Past Professions: Electronics engineer

Training Experiences: Been training since 28

Interests: Fitness, Health, Movies

Current Weight: 84kg

Height: 173cm

Goals: I recently bulked up from 75 to 84kg, trying to cut up now. Hope to get stronger, 180squat, 200dead, 110bench. Yep, still a beginner and trying to get a little strong and fit.

Progress: Been doing power lifting programs like Sheiko #29, did 5x5 programs and quite like them. I generally train mon/wed/fri.