Hi everyone!
Name: Linh
Age: 27
Location: Brunswick, Melb
Training experience: bit over 1 year
Any Interests: swing dancing and most recently, weight lifting
Height: 171cm
Weight: 84kg (BF% about 20%, measured 3 weeks ago)
Current best lifts:
Deadlift 155kg
Squat: 120kg x2
Bench press: 77.5kg x5
Military press: 52.5kg x2
Powerclean: 50kg (only just started learning it for 2 sessions)
Last year I got into this, partially because in my dancing, I have to lift women up and throw them in the air,

partly cos I just want to get strong all over.
Found this site after reading PTC newsletters. I was pretty clueless about everything until then, and finally got my diet cleaned up. Was eating well, 5-6 meals a day before, but had a lot of starchy carbs (didn't know better) and a couple of beers when I go out. No more!
Good thing though I've always liked full body workouts so I stuck to compound lifts and ignored the lame curls & isolations that the PTs gave me.
Goals for this year:
BW: down to 80kg and BF% to 10%
Deadlift: 200kg
Squat: 120kg x20 and 160kg x1
Bench press: 100kg
OHP: 75kg
Powerclean: 80kg
Others: 10x 1 arm push-ups with either arm, 1 arm chin-up, 1 arm pull-up (with either arm).
See you around!