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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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Hi everyone

Name: Robyn
Age: 27
Gender: Fembot
Location: Perth, WA
Training experience: Been training (seriously) for around 1 year.
Any Interests: Anything to do with health, fitness, nutrition, training, figure comps- I'm hoping to compete in the near future.

I joined Ausbb to meet like-minded people with the same drive/ambition and goals as myself- It's difficult living this lifestyle when almost everyone in your life thinks of it as an obsession- I like to think of it as dedication to achieving the things that inspire me and make me feel great!
A bit about me-When I was 18yrs old I weighed 97kg. I was depressed, unhealthy and the weight was holding me back from living my life as a healthy 18yr old should be. After my "epiphany moment" I lost most of that weight through diet alone and reached 72kg which for me, at 176cm tall was quite healthy, although I was, I spose, "skinny fat". After reading countless oxygen magazines and muscle and fitness hers mags over the years- I thought.. why cant I do that? Why cant I look like those hot, athletic, chicky babes!? well.. that fact is, I COULD!! And well.. I havent looked back! I love lifting heavy, I love feeling fit and strong, and I LOVE peanut butter!.. so there's my story- as for the future- my forum name says it all FFF x
- Name: Matt
- Age: 40
- Location: Brisbane
- Training experience: Been doing weights a few years mainly to keep fit. Am now looking to bulk up

Keen to meet training buddy - Goodlife city or morningside. Cheers guys.
hey everybody
seen the "welcome dw_1" and thought wow 900 posts for me lol then realised its a code that shows for all newbies here

all good

well im AL aka da wresla
im 39 (40 soonish)
been training for 8 or 9 years now
was intrigued with powerlifting so trained that way for more than half of my time in the gym
best raw lifts were 197kg bench
265kg squat
285 dead

got my deads upto 300kg and playing with various shirts got my bench upto 220 but i gotta say those ploy closed back shirts really dont work for me!!!

im unable to bench atm as i have torn my right pec major (type 3 tear which i posted in the injuries forum already)

im also one of the bodyline admins
so there are some familiar faces here (spritcha mate pm me if you read this)

nice forum good work fellas

Hey Guys,

- Name - Kurt
- Age - 18
- Gender - M
- Location - Perth

I am new to weightlifting, currently in my second week. I have joined AUSBB to pretty much learn from all you guys and to gain some more knowledge in weights and other related topics.

I have started up a training log, please check it out, any comments are welcome, i am open to any suggestions you may have....after all i am here to learn!
- Name. Jazz from Super Butcher
- Age. 27
- Gender. Female
- Location. South East Queensland
- Training experience. Very little

I have joined Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding because I'm interested and would like to learn more about what dietary requirements Body Builders have. Especially in relation meat. I manage the social media for Super Butcher and I have had a few Body Builders request things like chicken breast nuggets, I wouldn't have assumed this was a sort after product for body builders but apparently so. So I'm keen to learn more.

Hey guys, found these forums yesterday and joined up for the recipes as there is just some epic goodness to be found there.

I'm a part time PT in Brisbane and although I'm not into bodybuilding I certainly include resistance training in my regime however I look forward to reading up and getting some solid info for any future clients.

Tim O'Shea introduction

Hi All

I am an amateur strongman competitor. Stumbled across this forum by accident and I thought it best to register if I was planning to lurk!

I am 32, 193cm and around 141kg.

I live in the Glasshouse Mountains area of South East Qld. I have been competing in strongman for about 18 months with some level of success. I am currently focussed on a comp in Lismore on 28 May.

I guess my training style would be described as a mutant version of Wendlers 5/3/1.

I am always keen to learn more about various styles of training, and other people's experience, so I am looking forward to cancelling out my appointments at work today and looking through the forum!

Hi everyone - anyone else from Albury/Wodonga area?

G'day folks,

I've been lifting for two years now (thrice weekly) and have gone from 76kg (184cm) to 86kg in that time. Starting to plateu somewhat now so I'm looking to change up my routine.

Would like to hear from anyone else who might be from the Albury/Wodonga area as fellow gym junkies seem to be pretty scarce around here

- Mick
Big Tim, sounds more like huge Tim, welcome big fella

Foxhill, Supershape Gym in Albury has lots of big strong guys, not sure if any post on here though, welcome