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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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G'day fellas.

JJ - took your time introducing yourself man lol, never seen a bloke with so many posts put up an intro.

Roger you dog, hell of a beastly pic mate, feel free to PM me for any bodybuilding tips, lol

Aussienoob - inspirational stuff mate, great story, keep at it. Check out BigJim for a real inspiration story. He be beastly.

humanhefner - you any relation?
Hello all

I logged into AUSBB a l o n g time ago. It may have been in 2008 (!), something like that. I fell off the forum after being stuck with work commitments and left the weights alone for a long time. I picked them up again for a few months at a time, then fell back into old habits.
Now I'm 42 and in not too bad shape. I didn't fatten up too much and for a year now, I've been hitting the gym hard.
I learned a lot over the years: what worked for me and what didn't. The best lesson I learned was to stop comparing myself to other people. Only after that, did I start to make gains in the gym.
My stats today are:

  • 42 years old and in the best shape I've ever been in
  • male
  • live in Sydney
  • married
  • about 181cm high
  • weigh 82.5kgs
  • I wear 33 inch waist jeans (can't see my abs but I'm getting there)
I'm in the gym 4 days a week and cycle my routine every 2 months.
I'm by no means an expert on body building or anything else to do with health matters. My profession is Technology, so I usually keep my mouth shut about things I don't know much about.
Any way, enough chit chat. Why are you reading this and not working out?
good to have you back on board Enceladus , one of the biggest things that a lot face is comparing themselves to others it takes a bit of work to get over that hurdle

no one is expert in anything there is always something new to learn , but what you can do is share your experience and things that you have learnt, you never know it might just help out others

Ooh just saw this!

Real name: Graham
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 177cm
Weight: 71-72kg
Location: Kilsyth (VIC)
Training experience:
Played basketball from 96/96 til 06(ish)
Played junior and Colts footy at Mooroolbark from 99-2006 then spent the next 2 years injured with what turned out to be Compartment syndrome in both calves
Had bi-lateral release and played for Yarra Glen in 09, but retired early due to a dodgy knee which is now an ongoing issue ie I'm actually icing it right now just from work
Also done boxing on and off since the end of 07 and took up several other Martial Arts in September this year
As for as lifting goes, I've had a gym membership at Spartans in Kilsyth for a year but up until probably September (when I got back from o/s) I was fiddling around doing ineffective programs (particularly since I was lifting to improve athletic performance above all else).
A bit of googling (and asking around) lead me to some more basic programs for athletes and since then I've been flying. I'm also 1 passed assessment away from being a qualified Gym Instructor (I should have PT covered by the start of Feb next year).

As for why I signed up - I love learning about what different people do for training. I'm one of those people that could spend hours sifting through YouTube vids trying to find exercises I've never seen or done before and analysing them to try and figure out if they're worth while. I found the forum initially through Markos' thread dealing with the Frankston footballers (it even persuaded me to go down and see him a couple of Saturday arvo's ago).

As for goals (apart from holding my knees together ), I'd love to get a bit more MA training under my belt so I can start competing with a long term goal to MMA.
Strength goals are a 2 x BW squat, 1.5 x BW flat bench and 3 x BW deadlift, though obviously strength/power endurance is more important to me than maximum strength.

At the moment my lifts look like this:
Deadlift - 160kg 1RM set on Monday night
Bench press - I'd estimate about an 80kg 1RM, as I've done 6 x 1 @ 70kg with feet up and 45s between sets
Squat - with Markos I did 100kg x 2, which was the most I'd ever squatted (I normally work with bands and a box)
Clean & Jerk - 70kg
Chin Up - 1RM of BW + 30kg (supinated grip)
And although kinda irrelevant I can do 35 BW parallel bar dips for an all out max reps set

But yeah, that's a little about me
Last edited:

G'day Enchilada I love you. But I love burritos more. Excellent point you make above and a lesson well learnt for anyone smart enough to take heed of it. Unfortunately I aint one of them. Couldn't resist comparing myself:

  • 42 years old and approaching the best shape ever
  • male
  • live in Sydney
  • married
  • 183 cm
  • 91 kg
  • no idea about pant size, I'm shit with that stuff

You may be the twin brother they never told me about.
Nice, saw the vid of Max doing the hang cleans in the other thread.

I've been meaning to come down one Friday arvo after work but I've been without a car so it's kinda difficult to get there. Then there's obviously the matter of getting home as well . . .
- Name: Adam

- Age: 22

-Weight: 83.5KG

- Gender: Male

- Location: Brisbane

-Supplements: MAX’s WPI, Fish Oil, L-Glutamine, Creatine, NO Xplode.

- Any Interests: Weight lifting and Boxing

- Training experience: I have been doing weight training since I was 17 on and off, training only upper body. With in the last 6months I’ve changed my training now working upper and lower body. I'm in the gym 4 days a week doing weight training.

Goal is to drop body fat and pack on a shit load of muscle. Dropped 12.5KG's in the past 4months and have still gone up in weights and reps every week!!! Applying for the Police force in the New Year so I want to be a MACHINE… I most likely will get a fare bit of crap from most you guys bout wanting to be a copper lol…

Anyways I look forward to getting advice and ideas from all of you to help improve my training. Thanks in advance
- Name: Carl
- Age: 19
- Gender: male
- Location: Adelaide
- Training experience (if you have any that is): been training on and off for 2 yrs just doing body building routines not really seriously used to weigh 130kg then followed a diet and did running everyday got down to 100kg now back to 110kgs with more muscle,but still mainly fat just started the beginner program in the strength forums
my goal is 85/90kgs or visible abs and be fitter and faster for football
strength goals squats-160kg benchpress-110kg deadlift-200kgs
- Any Interests: aussie rules and weight lifting

I joined the forum to learn about weight lifting and to get motivated, and after seeing some ppls pics and diaries im pretty pumped to start seeing the same results
Name: Jack
Age: 19, almost 20
Gender: male
Location: Frankston
Training experience: started training with Markos at PTC almost 6 months ago, never lifted a weight before that.

Interests: cars and aviation
Goals: bench 110, squat 160 and deadlift 200.

Joined ausbb to help me reach my goals, learn more and for motivation.

I initially started training to get fit and lose weight, I didn’t think I’d like it that much but since then I’ve become really interested in lifting love training at PTC.


Jack is the clown I told to do the 130kg squat program, so he squatted 130kg x 5 lol

He got real strong real quick without us noticing

He failed 40kg x 5 bench when he started a few months ago, reps 100kg now

Welcome Jack.
Name: Graeme
Age: 25
Gender: male
Location: Sydney
Training experience: started training at broadway gym. Spent 4 or 5 months on the program they gave me. Small changes but nothing noteable. I was directed to this site by another use: apiewithhoboliftingaroma. He used to send pms around or occasionally post for me if I had questions. Through this site I came across PTC's website and their threads about strength standards and training. Realised I was fucking around so am now on the PTC beginner program. I also joined pro raw, member number 3 I think.
Interests: music, boxing, league, football, film
Goals: Realistic - PTC standards Bench 100, Squat 140, Deadlift 180. Pipedream - Bench >150, squat >200, dead >220. Would love to pull off those lifts at about 85kgs. Currently 95kgs
Welcome Graeme, I was wondering who the fuck you were lol

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