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Welcome to all new members. Read up, pay close attention to the advice offered and if you're lucky you may achieve a similar physique transformation to mine.

new to ausbb

hey everyone... im Cam from sydney and am almost 24yrs old. im bout 175cm tall and bout 70kegs and consider myself a lightwieght.

ive always been into sports and training and have just gotten into lifting. started bout 3 months ago. for the first 4 weeks i trained once a week for 4 weeks so i didnt over do it and injury myself. the second 4 weeks i was twice a week for 4 weeks, and the last 4 weeks so far has been 3 times a week... bit confusing but i hope u get what i mean.

my workout is

sqauts (deep breathe at top) 1x20, 1x15
s/s pullovers 2x15
military press 3x8
bent rows 3x8
incline bench 2x8
b/b curls 2x8

when i started
sqauts - 30kg
p/overs - 10kg
m/press - 20kg
b/rows - 30kg
i/press - 20kg
b/b curls - 15kg

current lifts
sqauts - 72.5kg
p/overs - 15kg
m/press - 47.5kg
b/rows - 57.5kg
i/press - 57.5kg
b/b curls - 37.5kg(not super strict- bit of cheating)

i just have a few questions if anyone is willing to answer..

my sqauts i seem to be pushing slightly more of the front of my feet rather then the heel, is this an issue?

bent rows, how far do you bend over? near parallel and pull to nipple area? or 45deg and pull in towards belly button?

is drinking milk a bad choice straight after a w/o?

cheers looking forward to learning and posting on this site!

- Name: Mitch
- Age: 24
- Gender: Male
- Location: Bathurst N.S.W
- Training experience (if you have any that is): 3 years of gym training, nothing special
- Any Interests: Cars, Shifting weights, spending money i dont have
- Name: Mitch
- Age: 24
- Gender: Male
- Location: Bathurst N.S.W
- Training experience (if you have any that is): 3 years of gym training, nothing special
- Any Interests: Cars, Shifting weights, spending money i dont have

JD or Jeremy


Beaumaris, VIC

IT/admin full-time (medical company)
Freelance songwriter

Cars, music, beach, comedy, learning about the human body and biology in general

Training experience:
Only just signed up for my first gym membership 2 weeks ago. Have always had a naturally athletic build but now I want to bulk up!

To gain a substantial amount of weight and have that sculpted muscly body that every guy dreams of having (arms, pecs and abs)
Name: Hamish

Age: 28

Location: Perth

Training experience: off and on for 5 years, last 5 years religiously

Current stats are 5'9 109kg @ 9% BF

Competed last year in NZ and won my division regionally and came 2nd at the nationals. Took the last year off to put some mass on and bulked up to 121kg @ 20%. Have been coming down slowly and have my sights set on the IFBB shows in Perth in March and the amateur show in Melbourne the day before the Pro show. Will be in the open 90-100kg class.

I'm not a powerlifter but have done a bit of strength training and did one powerLifting comp earlier this year, my best lifts were
Bench - 195kg
Squat - 260kg
Dead - 240kg (struggled with a torn glute this year hence the relatively low deadlift)

I Train more to feel than just pushing heavy ass weights and have had good results.
Name: Trevor
Age: 37 (at time of writing)
Gender: Male
Location: Brisbane
Training experience (if you have any that is): Junior Soccer, Taekwondo
Any Interests: Cars, Sports, Family

Hi There. I came across this site after reading all the PTC newsletters. I like learning new stuff and improving myself. I sit at a desk all day for work and have had an ACL repaired.
Hi all, new to the forum here as i have a new found passion in my life.
My name is Sean, i am from the western suburbs of Melbourne, Australia.

Age: 23
Background: Have been training for the last 3 months.
Interests: Love my drifting, cars, motorbikes & having a damn good time.
Short term goal is to get my six pack showing.. This has been a goal of mine for many many years, i just never realized how hard it is to even get close to them showing.. Long term goal is to be one of the strongest little bastards in my gym for my weight. Another long term goal is to hit the 78-80kg mark and have a nice lean muscular build.
My main focus on training is to become very strong, stay healthy, fitness and increase my daily life confidence which in turn makes me a more pleasant person.
Previous injuries:
Dislocated left knee cap twice, dislocated left should 1 year ago. (Non gym related)
Mechanical technician at Holden, Produce assistant at Safeway, Studying Mechanical/Civil Engineering at Victoria University (part time night-school) & Running my own Business.
Max's WPI Protein powder, Fish oil tabs, Vit C , Multi Vitamins and what god gave me!
Personal Motivation:
Ronnie coleman (Yeah buddy! Lightweight baby) & Arnold of course.
Outside motivation:
PTC Newsletters are very inspiring. I have never been there, nor met anyone, however i am very motivated to head down and learn how to Powerlift old school style.

Im on my way to Buffville, aint NOTHING holding me back.

That just about sums it up,
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Sean, look up Ivan Silvestri at Fishermans bend, he was my training partner back in the day, and best man at my wedding.

He is around 160kg @ 6', shouldnt be hard to miss lol

I think he's an engineer or something.

Come for a visit sometime, and welcome
Thought I might post here. I'm just a lurker. I've been lurking on ns.com fitness section for years and lurking here for a while. I read these forums to learn. I usually find that any information I find can be obtained by reading through various sections or doing a search, so I don't tend to be much of a poster generally.

Just attempting to get back into lifting after a long time off with some chronic injuries. Going overseas for the christmas/new years break. Currently doing BP and DL's pretty much pain free on the PPP program. Hoping to be squatting pain free before I go too, then do a full cycle of all 3 on PPP in the new year when I get back.
- Age 27
- Gender Male
- Location Sunshine Coast, QLD
- Training experience (if you have any that is) Was getting into triathlon but gave that up. Then boxing, mma, bodyweight circuits etc, kb's and about a year of strength training
- Any Interests MMA, fast cars (I like my Toyotas) and motorbikes. Basketball. Just getting into kitesurfing.
kitesurfing, that is some crazy shit i have seen it on tv , but when i was down melbourne saw a few kitesurding shit they go out some distance and can some height
New to AusBB

Hey guys and girls,
just a quick intro.

I stumbled across this website when I was searching reviews on Powertec Rack vs Muscle Motion.

My name is Josue` (pronounce Hosway), turning 26 in a coupe of days and reside in Perth.

Always been interested in Health and Fitness since a young age.

Fav Foods - well I pretty much eat everything, my diet is my enemy of my training regime.

I got into proper bodybuilding training when I was 18, and until the last 2 years I hav ebeen doing Crossfit, I have got a couple of injuries so I decided to hit the weights room again.

Goals I would like to achieve - Get a 6 Pack again
Goals I have achieved - put on some decent size, and lifting pretty heavy.

Fav Song, all depends on the mood, I do like the Foo Fighters while I train, but I must say nothing pumps me up for than The Red Hot Chili Peppers.

TV Show - Simpsons and Seinfeld

Family/Pets - Got a gf of a few years now, a baby on the way, and a Bulmastiff x Golden Retriever - BJ

Hobbies - im trying to learn to play the guitar.

Well thats more than a quick intro. Hope to meet you all, and learn some new things from you all.