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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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- Name: Christina Iero.
- Age: 20.
- Gender: Female.
- Location: Sydney, Australia.
- Training experience: Mostly Cardio...Weights, Not so much! (Although looking to start!)

I used to be quite active in school doing every sport I could, but then after I was lost and wound up taking it too far and developing an Eating Disorder which has taken me as low as 36.3kg and as high as 83.7kg. Now I think I sit somewhere around 75kg…

I'm not looking to go back to 36.3kg.
I'm looking for a happy medium, somewhere around 55kg although I want to be LEAN and STRONG, not skin and bones!

I've got a lot of learning to do, so I'm going to utilise every bit of information that AusBB has to offer!

I can't wait to meet everybody and to see where this is going to take me!

Hi Christina and welcome. That was a hell of a low weight...36, glad you're out of that zone. I recommend reading Fadi's posts on nutrition, lot of good stuff there.
Hi all
Just joined up and thought I'd get right to introducing myself.

33, live in Melb. Enjoy strength and cardio training working toward goals of a more focused and skilled Judo competitor which I train in a couple of times a week.

Found this forum just searching on a bit of local knowledge about supplements but I can see there's a lot of other stuff obviously too which I'll enjoy reading over the coming days.

Training experience, well Judo I guess and I also do some bjj to broaden my grappling skill set as well.

Interests outside this, what time i've got left over after work I'll watch movies, really broad tastes, just anything thats interesting and well made. Like a bit of hardcore and metal music wise, though tastes are pretty varied there too.

Well that'll do, look forward to chatting with you guys.
Hi All,

Just joined up after lurking for sometime both here and on StrongLifts. Have been doing the SL5x5 for approx. 6 months, prior to which I did 6 months of Max-OT. I'm a pretty busy guy and can comfortably make it to the gym 3 times per week and in this regard SL5x5 has suited me well although I experienced better gains in terms of strength and size doing Max-OT. I'm very open minded and would welcome any advice from fellow members in regard to training, nutrition etc.

Anyway some info...

- Name: Jacob

- Age: 22

- Gender: Male

- Location: Gold Coast

- Occupation: QS

- Training experience: Competed in a few sports at a national level and lifted in supplementary fashion. Have become more serious about lifting in the last 12-18 months since giving away professional competition.

- Any Interests: Still play sport recreationally (twice per week) and coach. Generally enjoy an active lifestyle in between work and university commitments.

- Goals: First and foremost I would like to see my weights go up and I would be happy to put on 5kg lean size over the next 3-6 months. I feel that this is pretty realistic given my circumstances and I would hope that through the advice of ausbb members I could achieve this.

Some stats...

- Weight: 77kg

- Height: 180cm

- Body Fat: No idea although I'm pretty lean.

- Lifts: Wouldn't really know what my 1RM's are but my 5RM's are as follows. SQUAT: 90kg, BENCH PRESS: 90kg, DEAD LIFT: 120kg, OVERHEAD PRESS: 55kg, POWER CLEAN: 60kg.

Anyway, happy to be here and hope to become a good member of the community.
Hey PTC,

Thanks for the welcome. Happy is a relative term for me. I've certainly seen some strength improvements and changes to my body but that being said I am aware that my stats are by no means impressive and I certainly have a long way to go. I'm a recreational lifter and in general I feel that my progress has been ok.

With that bodyweight/bodyfat and lifts i think we need pics.

Also how did you test your bodyfat? Something seems off because 9% @ 109 would be 99.19kg of lean muscle where as 20% @ 121 would only be 96.8kg lean muscle. Maybe I'm missing something.
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Hey I've been on here for a little while and thought I'd finally introduce myself

My names zac, I'm 17 and hail from brissie, QLD. I've had bugger all training experience mainly due to injuries the last 7 months. Once my injuries clear I'm looking to start PTC's beginner program, the last time I tried to lift I was 75kg, bench 85, squat 90, hadn't deadlifted....my lifts are shameful I know. But I'm looking to get serious once I'm recovered and stop being such a pussy haha

I used to be a pretty keen fisho but lately I've sorta lost interest in fishing as I haven't been able to hit the water for a while. My passion is cricket, I love it! I pretty much like all sports especially MMA. I'm very interested in nutrtion and love learning peoples diets and stuff.

My goals are to try and improve my sporting performance and functional strength...as well as looking good for the ladies

Hi all.
Joined today. I'm an ex competetive bodybuilder. Now just training to keep from turning into a pencil neck.
Training at the Goodlife fitness bunny gym in Chermside Nth Brisbane.
My avatar pic is from 2002, 10 weeks out from my last competition, NABBA South East Britain.
Fixed the pic!
I used to train fairly heavy with lots of 3x6s. Can't do that any more. Too tough for an old man. Now I train all exercises 1 set of 8 and 1 set of 20.
A 2 way split: legs and back and then chest, delts and arms over 3 days a week.
Nothing heavy any more. Bench 100Kg, seated dumbell presses with 30s, db curls with 25s.
No squatting - old man hips hurt too much lol.

Name - James
Age - 33
Gender - Man
Location - Perth
GYM - Trench Fitness CBD, The park, Sikaran Arnis Academy Dojo.
Training experience - On and off martial arts since 16, currently practising Sikaran Arnis, added lifting 2 years ago for functional strength in MA.
Any Interests - Fitness, Martial arts, web technologies, automotive tuning.

Joined up after checking this forum out a few times and noticing a quite comprehensive range of topics with a healthy community vibe, and it seemed like a good place to ask relative questions/ share experiences.
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Hello all

Hi, nick here wanted to let you guys and girls (if any) about me. a year and 6 month ago I was 147kg.... after a year on weight watches and nothing more I got down to 125kg. vie been going to the gym for 6 month for cardio and a little weight training here and there and now weight in at 112kg . My goal is to get to 100 kg.

I decided I wanted to bulk up in muscle and got a head start from the workers at gym but most people told me that it was no good what they gave me as a routine.

History: well as I said I was over weight (147kg) and lazy . So lazy my wife was going to leave me becourse all I did was sit on my bum and watch tv . If she wanted to do something with my 3 boys ( my boys are my life and do everything for them now ) she just go and I stay home.

Well something had to be done . So I got off my bum and went to a weight watches meeting . I got down to 125 kg but I needed more fat loss so I joined a gym. And started doing a few walks and jogs around my local park.

But then one day I pick up a barbell and did a few curls and the blood rush I felt go into my arm well let's say I got hooked . And been a freak ever since.

But with no teaching a young man can't learn I say .

So I cone here only to find out most of my program is a waste of time as I can get better results by going simple and that what going to do.

If your new to this forum I say take the time to talk fadi .

So now I begin the second part of my life and that doing the right things and not the stupid things

With the help of fadi workout program and advise I looking forward to reaching my goal of 100 kg and that's with muscle growth so fat loss looking to get down too 85 and with hard work put on about 15 kg in muscle. 85 +15 = 100 my goal

But I’ve now decide to go with Fadi workout plan for 3 month

I keep you all updated to how I’m going along the way...
Welcome Roger, Aussie and Human.

You sure were a big lad Roger,
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