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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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I found this site from some journal links etc on OCAU. Yeah, I'm a closet geek, it's part of my job!
Hey All

- Name Cassandra
- Age 24
- Gender Female
- Location: Melb
- Training experience (if you have any that is): Wt training for toning- 6 years.
- Any Interests: Body Attack and Zumba. Running on the beach with my training partner (dog bonnie).

Goals: Slim down to fit into my wedding dress
I wasn't sure where to ask the question, so I'll ask here. I have two private messages, one being a welcome message from the "forum" I think, but I can't read them. If I click on them, I get a message to say "
The administrator has restricted use of the private message system to members with less than 10 posts.

Other forums that have this restriction usually still allow you to view moderators messages etc.

Hi all my name is Ben and the site is asking me to tell you all something about myself haha. I started my powerlifting training around 12 months ago after doing long distance running and now have never looked back. Im currently sitting between 83 to 85 kgs benching 145kd pause, 170 squat with wraps, and deadlifting 220kgs. My main goal is to get as strong as i can possibly can but at the moment all i concerntrating on my squat it is my weakest lift. Any advice would be appreciated thanks and good luck to everyone.
Hey everyone!

- Name: Jackson
- Age: 18
- Gender: Male
- Location: Sydney, Australia
- Training experience (if you have any that is): been in the gym since about 13 but no formal qual's
- Any Interests: I started performing magic at parties & restaurants from about 14 & have since appeared on Hey Hey It's Saturday. It's what i want to do as a career, with fitness/underwear modeling on the side (hopefully=D). Also LOVE music & cross country running.

I joined AusBB because I've gotten serious about training since coming back from an injury about 2 years ago. I wanna reach my goals & help other reach theirs.

As a kid I was pretty overweight & finally fixed up my diet & started exercising at about 13 or 14. Dad got me in the gym doin some basic exercises like bench, lat pull down & cardio once a week, but I wasn't that interested. Got 'fit' by about 15 or 16, then dropped a 20kg plate on my big toe, & wasn't able to train for like half a year. I gained a considerable amount of fat cos I couldn't do any exercise. Then got into running in March 2009 and lost 12kg in 3 months & got the nickname "The Body" at school =D.

I've loved training & running ever since & aim to get real lean & ripped this summer (around 6-7%bf) & stay in single digit BF for the rest of my life (I hate the idea of bulking & cutting). I love training hard & getting stronger & fitter - competing in cross countries & finishing City 2 Surf (something i thought I'd never be able to do even after I got fit, let alone when i was overweight) has taught me that discipline, hard work & consistency is the main ingredient to great results.

I feel that training has done more than improve my fitness & health, it's improved my confidence, I'm now more alert & energetic, my performance at school drastically improved & has made me a better entertainer. I love no longer being ashamed of my body & having to hideaway & can now be proud of what my years of hard work have yielded. Getting serious about training was the best commitment I've ever made. it has changed me as a person & I couldn't imagine ever going back!

So that's more of my life story than an introduction but whatever
Great to meet you all,
Hi All,

- Name: Brett
- Age: 26
- Gender: Male
- Location: Sydney
- Training Experience: Been Lifting solid for 8Years now though you wouldn't think it to look at me.

Don't really do the forum thing much but I'm at the point now where I need help and so here I am.
good to have you all on board , I'm sure you will find all the info you are after

Jackson , sounds like a great life changing experierence , well done

brett , welcome to the forums , hope you can find the key that you are missing

Name: Ramon
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Location: Perth
Occupation: Doctor/dentist (dually trained)
Training exp: Not much. A few weeks at the local gym with a personal trainer. Now using a cheap Orbit Powerstation inherited from my bro along with running. Basically doing dips, chin ups and push ups. At some stage will think about weights.
Goals: My upper body has always looked very thin compared with my legs/thighs. Want to increase upper body strength + size (especially my scrawny asian pecs), reduce fat, improve abs, and improve general fitness.
Hey Shrek, I dont require a PT, i just prefer it, I dont like going to public gyms. He has his own private studio and i've just come to enjoy my sessions with him
Hi Guys,
Here is my info
Name: Pete
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Location: Sydney
Training exp: Nothing to really talk about.
After the birth of my son and watching him run around, I thought its time to stop the smoking and start looking after myself. Im 6'1" and 80kg and have commited to a regular gym routine at home. Goal is to pack on some muscle and get fitter.
Name: Maurice

Age: 46

Gender: M

Location: Windsor, NSW

Occupation: IT Geek

Past Professions: Sparky

Training Experiences: Bodyweight and Kettlebells for the last 3 years or so

Interests: Fitness, Health, Movement Skill

Current Weight: 74kg

Height: 178cm

Goals: Primary goal of building 5Kg of lean muscle, secondary goal to lose 5% body fat. I'll give myself 12 months for this, I'm not in any rush.

Progress: Started this body transformation thing about 3 years when I was 93Kgs and about 40% bodyfat. Currently at 74Kg and ~17% BF.
Info about me is as follows

- Name: Brad
- Age: 30
- Gender: Male
- Location: Adelaide, SA
- Training experience: Have been lifting on and off for over 10 years now and only recently have I started to put my head down and take it a little bit more seriously!
- Any Interests: Anything and everything sport, high performance cars and motor sport predominantly.

I joined to forum as I have always had an interest in lifting/bodybuilding and would like to hear and learn from other people's experiences as well as sharing my own.

Initially, over the next few months, I want to increase size as much as possible (although I am relatively solid as it is), lift as much as I can whilst trying to gain a more lean physique. Probably asking for too much lol but i'm lifting heavy 3-4 times a week, trying to eat as clean as possible and throwing in 3 seesions os HIIT per week.

That's pretty much it in a nut shell. After summer, i'll be looking at bulking up properly and reducing the cardio. See how we go!!
- Name: Mark
- Age: 20
- Gender: M
- Location: Perth
- Training experience (if you have any that is): started getting fit at 16 with BW stuff then at 17 did cert 3 and 4 in fitness (LOL), started working as a pt and learned that cert 3/4 is a joke with isolation stuff and now i pretty much use 5 different compound exercises because they are the best! now at uni studying to be a sports/rehab physio.
- Any Interests: stuff that challenges me physically and intellectually(females being a major challenge for the latter).

joined this site after seeing some talk of people from nissansilvia fitness forum moving here.

Do you have any goals in mind? just improve and learn and most of all have fun "better than yesterday"


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Name: Ben

Age: 27

Gender: M

Location: Tasmania

Occupation: Defence Force Recruiting

Training Experiences: Very limited the past few years due to health/injury

Interests: Motorsport, family & friends, music and the beach/water

Current Weight: 103kg

Height: 190

Goals: Increasing strength whilst reducing some of the "excess" bodyweight and bullet proofing my body so I dont have any further set backs with injury.

My first goal is to get out of the "slump" I've been in the past 3-4 years and to stop feeling sorry for myself and "JUST DO"