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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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average or below lifter

stumbled across here when I realised it wasn't completely full of people lifting weights to look pretty..

some usernames look familiar.. as they were/are on NS.com
and it looks a little more active here..

umm.. also, I got a PM from admin which I can't read till I have 10 posts.. lol
Hey I'm Dave. I'm 28 and a muay thai fighter. Ive been training with weights for about 5 years now.

Dave? What an unusual name.

Did you ever know that you're my AntiHero?
You're everything I wish I couldn't be
I could fly lower than a beagle
And you are the wind beneath my wings

I share your passion for martial arts, although only as a spectator. No doubt you share my passion for Bette Midler love songs.

You've been a member since May 09 and you're only saying hello now? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, where I come from you'd cop a Muay Thai clinch around the neck and some Anderson Silva knees to the face for that kind of rudity.

I might even have to get Mr TTT on to you. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, that would be bad, he's 3 times the bad-ass that the original Mr T was.

Don't be a stranger!
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- Name : Mike
- Age : 32
- Gender : Male
- Location : Australia
- Training experience (if you have any that is) : Weights occasionly over 15 years, fighting sports about the same over 20 years. Overall only the basics.
- Any Interests : As above.

It would also be a good idea to say why you joined Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding
: Mainly to lurk.

Do you have any goals in mind? Are you looking to start training? Are you trying to gain or lose weight? Perhaps you are already an experienced trainer and are looking to share your experience with others?
: I've realised the best gains I made were when I was younger and just trained for fun. In between I tried various routines and splits which usually resulted only in injuries. Back to just lifting for fun, while dealing with a moderately serious medical issue (which limits types of lifts and impact activities). Now I'm lifting for fun again, I'm making gains like I did when I was a teenager. No diaries, no diets, no set days/splits/or routines.
Hi Kharn here im a 22yr old male, 6'4" and 75kg's living in brisbane been browsing over various forums of bodybuilding for a while now and thought this be my best place to kick off I had done some minor body building when I was slightly younger at around 16 I did it 'hardcore' in my eyes and got some GREAT results!

I started the year off when I turned 16 at 75ish KG's like what I am now and SKY ROCKETTED to over 115kg's! all lifts went through the roof, most noticeable would of been my 45degee leg press workout starting at a mere 90kg's (which I laughed at towards the end of my bodybuilding time) up to 660kg's!!! (one reason I did not go higher was because the machine couldn't hold anymore weight plates.

I had a personal trainer in the gym with me 3 times a week for an hour he was a GREAT mentor now for what turned me off......I was consuming SOO MUCH supplements that too even look at 1 would make me gag/dry reach or even vomit a bit in my mouth... if I recall rite it was something along the lines of (and this is only the PROTEIN POWDER not inc all the otehr shit I was on) 14 30g scoops throughout the day or nearly 1/2 a KILO! a day....

My main aim here is to learn... learn, learn, LEARN!!! Knowledge is POWER! I have done a Diploma of Fitness at yeronga TAFE but just sit on the diploma feeling all high n mighty haha (I make trailers for a living.... axles make great barbells hehe)

I am looking at starting up my bodybuilding routine/career again and have had a look at a fair few of the beginners programs containing and am ready to get rolling again, I am just not 110% on my diet and supplements required, I do know that the DIET is the BE-ALL-END-ALL of bodybuilding something of which I DID NOT come to terms with when I was younger (prolly a maturity thing)

Once I get everything sorted on my end I'll get started and record ALL my results on here, I forsee some EXTREME results more so then b4! (muscle history!!!/memory)

- Name: Iain

- Age: 22

- Gender: Male

- Location: West Sydney

- Training experience: I was following a crappy program consisting of EZ bar curls, bench presses, lat pulldowns and tricep pressdowns for about four months with some, but mostly limited progress.

However, I eventually decided to begin a serious program and bought a power rack and a copy of Mark Rippetoe and Lon Kilgore's Starting Strength. I'm now in the market for a new bench and barbell so I can do all my squats, deadlifts and bench presses properly.

I'm mostly training for strength (and to a smaller extent, bigger, sexier muscles), and hopefully I can begin a consistent and effective program soon.

- Interests: Global affairs, history, economics and politics, as well as cooking and reading.

I joined AusBB because I felt I needed an Australian community with whom I could discuss weightlifting. Hopefully, we can all share stimulating times with one another.

Squats (Best to date)

180kg x 2
140kg x 15
137.5kg x 20

Never tried 1rm


140kg x 1


220kg x 1

Military press strict

100kg x 1


Went 30 minutes cleaning 110kg repetitively for about 5 reps of 10 sets

Clean and jerk

110kg with a lot more room to move

Front Squat

150kg x 1


140kg behind neck jerk

Lifts done at 90kg at around 11% body fat at 1.75cm

aiming now to get to 110kg at around 12 - 13% bf

have trained properly ie weightlifting since november 08 when i weighed 75kg.
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Gday guys. Kev here. Just getting into powerlifting. Would love to learn more about the sport. cheers
Hi Guys,

My Name is Chris, I've been browsing a few sites and one of the guys from the OCAUforums linked AUSBB so I thought I'd check it out.

I'm 31, Male and work in IT at a Ski Resort

My partner was looking for motivation to drop some weight to join the army (we both weighed around 110kg) so decided to give it a go with her.

We've both lost a solid 20kg and held it off for the last 6 months, but I'm not content with just loosing the weight so I've been doing a fair bit of cardio & weight work to get it shape for Touch footy season.

I'm a solid build 6'1" hovering around the 88-90kg mark, and want to stay around this but build up alot more muscle tone. I've been going to the gym 3-4 times a week for the last 9 months and
been enjoying the both the psychical and emotional gains from being more active

Interests: Going to the Gym, Computer Gaming, and have fun with friends
Hi all

My name is Alex, 29 and I live in Brisbane.

Like GTiRolla I've also looked at some other sites and came in here from a link on OCAU (probably off the same thread (one about power cage's))

I'm here to get a better understanding of how lifting weights can help me become healthier over a long period, rather than my usual effort of fitness of just a little while.

I don't have a lot of training experience, so I'm trying to get bit of knowledge from here (and am trying to order a copy of Starting Strength from somewhere as well for a reasonable price)


Welcome too all the new guys, this place has had a huge influx lately. I cant even remember how i found it
when i first started Ausbb I wasn't expecting it to take off the way that it has, glad that all you peeps found the place
Its only getting bigger big fella, we have internationals checking it out now, some have joined

James, very impressive.

Got any pics man?