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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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Hi People like to introduce myself

- Name Daniel Anderson
- Age 28
- Gender Male
- Location Sydney
- Weight 67.5kgs
- Training experience Was involved in TKD competed Nationally and Internationally for NZ. Now been in the gym doing strength work for about 2 and half years done a few comps in PA and have an up and coming crew.

I'm one of Shortys mates, Hope I can be accepted into everyones Powerlifting World regardles of which Federation.
Welcome new members, Been an influx of power lifters lately which is great regardless of how or for which fed they choose to lift for.
I second Hello, as long as you can lift big who gives a shit what fed you lift under. You will all bring some experience and knowledge to the table for us to learn from. Welcome.
hey everone im david from n.s.w have only been back lifting for a month now
im 5-11 80 kg im looking to bulk up and cut off 5 to 10 body fat
Name: Bongobongo -
Age: old -
Gender: male -
Location: Australia -
Training: Powerlifting focus
Experience (if you have any that is): 6 or years of focused training; lift with PA (IPF) -
Any Interests: PL and strength
Goals: long to medium term, in comp (ipf)- squat 900lbs or 410kg, bench 661lbs or 300kg, deadlift 705lbs or 320kg. Raw squat: 330kg, Raw bench: 240kg, Raw deadlift: 310kg. I honestly believe these are possible.Posted via Mobile Device
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Did you not just compete in the Worlds Bench Press Nathan with a lift of 290kg?

10. Baxter Nathan AUS 290,0 305,0 317,5
the vids aren't me, thats for sure. Great lifts though.
Going by his lifts and PA, I figured it was either Nathan or Steve, I guess I picked the wrong one lol

I wont post up vids of Steve, you guys can google him, unless bongo wants to tell us his name