- Name Just paperz is good for now, silly username i know

- Age 16
- Gender M
- Location QLD
- Training experience Started very basic weightlifting in 09.
- Interests I love videogames yet id like to bodyguild, arent stereotypes silly?
I joined because there is a great wealth of info on here, and consistent support from the regulars.
Ive got a natural build for weightlifting and mass building, and id like to use that build for big ole' muscles.
I think my muscles may be out of proportion a bit, i feel im having trouble with squats and deadlift, so i test my leg muscles to see strength:
is it normal to be able to just lift 40kg with your quads
have difficulty lifting 30 with your hamstrings
all at the same time as doing 40kg squats?
Looking forward to all of the advice i can get
My current weight lifting goes something like this, please point out my mistakes
(im having trouble with getting actual weights, i can only take the weight up in 10 kgs, ive got no 2.5kgs or 1.25s
Exercise 1:
40kg deadlift X 3 X 8 (been feeling uncomfortable recently)
30kg bench press X 3 X 8
20kg Military Press (i feel like i should be at about 15 or 17, but alas, lack of weights i must sort out)
Day of rest inbetween
Exercise 2:
40kg squats X 3 X 8 (Squats are a lot easier than deadlifts, which is odd considering you're supposed to be able to lift heavier with deadlifts than squats?)
2 X 10 chinups (recently stopped doign assisted pushups [even then i had to stop at 8 and take it in minisets of 2], this has made chinups a lot harder, not sure if i can do them fully
20kg Standing Rows X 2 X 10 (this is probably too heavy, i feel like im at about 15 for an effective lift
thanks for any help