Just wanted to say I love this program!
I'm about 6 weeks into it with a week and bit off due to a nasty cold and already I'm smashing PR from months of trying other routines.
I've come from struggling to do 5 reps of 30kg squats to easily doing 3x10 of 40kg. This may not seem like much, but I am (or was) ~63kg at 181cm. Mass wise I haven't noticed a difference, although the scales are going up. I suspect its all in my legs.
One thing though, all my lifts have significantly increased except my shoulder press. Is this because my shoulders are so small compared to my other muscles groups that they take longer to go up even 2.5kg in weight? I'm lucky if I get 1 more rep out before failing than what I did the session before.
Thanks for the great routine.