I made a metric version of the strength standards sheet, men on page 1, women on page 2.
thx alot for computing it into metric form

I made a metric version of the strength standards sheet, men on page 1, women on page 2.
I do prefer this one however, no tables, just enter the figures, there are metric tables also if you want aswell, to see what the next level is to set a goal.
Strength level calculator: measure ability in common exercises such as the deadlift, clean and press, bench press, squat and power clean
Fadi there are charts on that page aswell.
But ex olympic weightlifter,-- umm better than elite probably fits well. I would assume that once you were elite thats it...You are probably in the top 0.1% of the population
To be fair, the one with the most "better than elite" numbers is Nina, and hasn't she won some national competitions?Half my clientel would register Elite lifts on that. Here are a few of the BETTER THAN ELITE