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Hey all, thought i'd drop a line and say hi

Name: Nick
Age: 25
Location: Darwin - Soon to Be Vancouver Canada
Occupation: Pilot
Experience: 8 years, on and off. 2.5 year break due to injury
Goal: Hit 120kg before leaving for Canada, 16%-18% BF and become the strongest person I possibly can.
Hey all, thought i'd drop a line and say hi

Name: Nick
Age: 25
Location: Darwin - Soon to Be Vancouver Canada
Occupation: Pilot
Experience: 8 years, on and off. 2.5 year break due to injury
Goal: Hit 120kg before leaving for Canada, 16%-18% BF and become the strongest person I possibly can.

Welcome Nick!
Where in Canada you heading?
@%1;Vancouver initially to get ourselves sorted and for me to convert my pilot license to a Canadian one, then where ever the work is, but we're kinda hoping Calgary, cheaper than Vancouver but still close to the Rockies and Banff for the boarding
Been a member for a while and thought it was time to get into it :)

- Name - Brad
- Age - 20
- Gender - Male
- Location - Country Vic
- Training experience (if you have any that is) - Been training on and off for probably the last year and a half
- Any Interests - Cars, Computers & Fitness
Been a member for a while and thought it was time to get into it :)

- Name - Brad
- Age - 20
- Gender - Male
- Location - Country Vic
- Training experience (if you have any that is) - Been training on and off for probably the last year and a half
- Any Interests - Cars, Computers & Fitness

Welcome aboard

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Introducing myself

Hi guys, I tried the link that was sent by admin where is says introduce yourself but it does not work, kept getting a server 404 error. And I am pretty sure I posted this in the wrong section, if so, please delete it.

Name - Chris
- Age - 42
- Gender - Male
- Location - Perth WA
- Training experience (if you have any that is) - 6 weeks of weights
- Any Interests - Cars, Computers & Fitness

I am decided to get my off my backside and do some training, I tried to playing social AFL for a season but found the club a tad clicky for my liking, anyway I would have preferred playing league anyway (since I am from NSW originally with sometime spent in QLD).

Started weight training 6 weeks ago and slowly but surely becoming addicted to it. I did try doing it previously but gave up too easily due to aches and pains, (and thought I was too old for it) but then discovered supplements that made recovery a lot quicker lol.

Yes I was a sceptic and thought supplements did not work, but to my surprise, they did (even the foul tasting creatine). Currently I am on the Gold Standard WPI which is easy to drink.

My immediate goals are:

1. Strength training (compound exercise) plus pull ups
2. Learning to eat healthily and cut down on sugary foods
3. Winning Lotto

If there is one thing about our great country of ours it’s the great incentives to stay healthy and fit, because the alternatives are not flash. Apart from the high cost of drugs, you have better luck in finding sasquatch and Santa cluse having lunch together at the north pole then you would finding a doctor!





Training Experience
I've been training since my early 20s. As most people, I had no idea and just did what I saw others do without understanding technique. No one ever explained the importance of compound lifts so I struggled with progress. About 2-3 years ago I revamped my training routines and finally started seeing results. However I only actually started to take nutrition seriously within the last year.

The usual guy stuff; cars, games, boobs.

Joined Because
Other forums I'm a part of have fitness sections but they are very limited with active members or people who know what they are talking about.

Late last year I made the most significant progress since getting into fitness/going to the gym. I did the 2013 Max's Challenge and went from 81kg to 69.7kg in 12 weeks. I've never done a cutting diet or any diet really. But it was 12 long weeks of being super strict with diet with no cheat days/meals. I was really happy with the result, and now understand my body better in regards to nutrition. I was able to maintain my results after the challenge and early this year I starting a bulking phase (that I've never really done before). I'm now 6 six weeks into it and up to 78kg. My abs are gone but getting a lot stronger. I plan to bulk for a total of 6 months, do challenge again this year and hopefully make top 10.

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Hi SteveP

Your pics show that you've made really good progress!

Also, I'd like to acknowledge the quality of your before-and-after pic pair.
So many B4&after pics have the "before" one looking glum, slumping, in bad lighting, daggy clothes or showing pasty white skin,
vs the "after" picture showing the subject looking cheerful, flexing, well-lit, and with a healthy-looking "tan".

Yours, however, are done very scientifically - in the same place, same lighting, much the same expression and posture, and with the newspapers to prove when each was taken.

The only enhancement is your colourful undies in the second shot - and, mate, you have earned them! Cheers :)
Thanks man. Yeah, the newspaper, not flexing and a well lit photo was a requirement of the Max's challenge. To be fair, I got a wax and fake tan for the after photo. Something I've never done before. Taking clear photos is really important as you can see your progress better.

I might start a training log and put up the other progress photos.
- Name - PETE

- Age - 30 Years young

- Gender - MALE

- Location - Tasmania

- Training experience - Under five years experience, however only in the last two years have I really taken my lifting serious, still learning and still feel like the new guy.

- Any Interests -
Surfing, Harleys, Thailand, Mountain biking, anything low with wheels and im partial to a quality live gig.

I joined AUSBB to increase my knowledge to aid myself in taking my training to the next level, also my nutrition knowledge could be increased. I am a member on numerous America forums but always prefer Australian in anything I do, so I am glad I stumbled back to Ausbb and finally joined up.

Thanks for taking the time to read.
Hi Guys, I'm sorry I think I posted this in the wrong place before. Still very new to these forums. I'll repost here hahahaha.

Hey guys, I also tried to click the link but kept getting the same error as Chrisbuild88.

Im 20 Y.o from Sydney have been training for a year pretty casually at CRUNCH fitness, which was a commercial gym. I saw some gains and got into the whole thing, counted calories for a while, tried protein powders, ate at caloric surplus/ deficit, macro splits and I saw some good results. Unfortunately, I am still at uni and starting to trasnsition into full time work, this got in the way of my lifting and I lost a lot of gains.

I still have a some muscle and 80% of my strength from hen i was working out 5 times a week. However, I am not happy with my current body shape/ image due to increased body fat %- I estimate at around 18% and also I feel liek my lifts could be alot better. Current 1rm: BencH: 80 kg, Squat: 100 kg: Dead lift: 130kg.

I made a decision to quit Crunch fitness due to what I felt was not an efficient way of working out i.e. travelling, crowded, gym stigmas and decided to build my own home gym. I am currently using an olympic barbell and some squat stands but saving some money to buy a power rack and deck out m garage and start to get really serious.

I joined the forums to get an idea of what everyone else is doing and also to see if there were any threads about power racks, especialy with people in my situation.

Other things about me: I study civil engineering, I like to play poker, I like to motorcycle (CBR250R) currently :P waiting out those green Ps.

Strength Goals: i want all my big 3 to be in triple digits, with squat and deadlift 150+

Sorry about no pictures, not comfortable enought with my body atm to post any.
