Great site, I'm glad I stumbled across it!
I'm Theo. 28 years old from Melbourne
It's been over a year since I trained in a gym (used to go to Doherty's Dandenong for just over 2 years), but had over a year off and now have come back on deck to give it a go again. I had some decent gains last time, but I'm a push bike rider, so it's hard to balance both, as the cardio and weights don't seem to agree so much!
I just bought a Force USA rack and weights from Graeme (littlebloke) last weekend, so looking forward to training at home and actually learning proper techniques from this website. Being a rider, I have fairly decent leg strength, but would love to improve on my upper body (chest really), hence being able to bench at home without fear of being ridiculed! I have a bit of a funny left shoulder so hoping to strengthen it up again so I can start benching properly. My last figures were OK for a beginner, but nothing too special;
Bench - 80KG max (almost died at 90!)
Squat - 120KG max
Dead - 110KG
(Obviously I don't count the bar in this, which I assume is the correct way to do so)
Leg Press - 320KG (or whatever 700lbs is in KG). Struggled towards the end, but it's a good feeling when you have finished them
If there's any cyclists here (road or mountain bike), I'd be keen to have a chat too!
