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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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Hi guys,

- Name - Pete
- Age - 27
- Gender - M
- Location - Sydney
- Training experience - for years I played soccer and boxed until I hurt my knee and since Nov 12 I've been into weightlifting 5 days a week since (haven't missed a week yet)
- specs are 186cm tall, 84kg, 12.2% body fat.
- training goals are to get down to around 10% bodyfat but to increase muscle mass
biggest hindrance: low testosterone levels :-(
Pete have you blood work 2 show how low your levels? Low levels can be conected 2 depresion. An all kinds of shit. I have no idea bout mine? Lol i no i dont want 2 see. Its 2 much like a bull. Test is ya bread an butter bro. . . So im told. Lol
good luck bro.:)
I joined last night . Had 5 threads deleated. ?
Sorry as well as hear other peeps experiences. I hope 2 maybe learn some b4 i get booted.
So whats my odds a week a day . . . Admin ile try an behave. But
intertainment 4 me is key. Check out thread . Anabolic babys. . True story.
Eny way im a monster. Pressing 70kg db. .. Creatine 2 scoops a day.
Name: James
Age: 22
Gender: male
Location: Sunshine coast
Training experience: Been lifting for 3-4 years, Last year has been the best. Max squat: 180. Max Deadlift: 200. Bench: 125.. Really need to improve bench
Any Interests: Rugby league and work believe it or not
Name: PS

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Current Weight: 94 kg

Height: 184 cms


Training experience
Ive been training since I was 16 during my Rugby/Boxing days since which Ive had several long breaks due to injury. Needless to say I no longer play Rugby. For the past 6 years Ive been training seriously and competing Naturally in regional and state comps.

Any Interests:
Family, Bodybuilding, Gardening, 4x4, Fishing, Camping

I joined Ausbb because I crave knowledge and would to share my own experience.

Hello people. Lurked here for a while and recently made an account, so time to say hi :) Looking forward to getting to know some like-minded people here in due process, I'm here for the long haul!

Name: Andy Chisholm
Age: 25
Height: 180cm
Weight: 78kg
Location: Sydney
Occupation : High School Teacher - English, History, Career counselling
Interests: Powerlifting, Motorsport/cars, music (Moreso trance/house/progressive but any genre really, reading, beer, trolling the internet.

Deadlift: 192.5 x 1 (2.5bw@77kg)
Olympic Squat: 140 x 1 (1.8bw@78kg)
Bench (paused): 100 x 1 (1.3bw@77kg)

- Use Intermitent Fasting to gain strength/mass while staying lean
- Compete in powerlifting meets and keep improving my total
- long term goal: 3 x bw DL, 2.4 x bw squat, 1.8 x bw bench

Competition totals:
427.5@77kg - 26/08/2012 PTC Sydney

Training History

The beginning - Jan 2009 84kg@~20+%

Jan 2010 70kg@~10% BF

Late 2010/early 2011 mid-high 70kg

Didn't make much progress during 2011. Got a bit slack/bored at times, as well herniating my L4/L5.

Start of 2012 got interested in powerlifting rather than general bb'ing. Wish it happened earlier, absolutely loving it!
Recent pic: 77-78kg@~12% BF

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- Name: Rich Knapp
- Age: 46
- Gender: male
- Location: WI, USA
- Training experience: Since 1995 after I found out I had M.S.
- Any Interests: Competitive Bodybuilding and battery RC helicopters

It would also be a good idea to say why you joined Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding: Got into eating kangaroo and have a few friends in Aus. So thought I'd get a little more social.

Do you have any goals in mind? To be the best I can be and healthy as a person with M.S. can be. Next to be the best drug free wheelchair bodybuilder in the world.

Are you looking to start training? Every morning. ;) lol

Are you trying to gain or lose weight? Bulk or show prep???? ;) lol

Perhaps you are already an experienced trainer and are looking to share your experience with others? I love to spread the word about drug free wheelchair bodybuilding to both inspire and show other wheelchair people they can also do it that its not just a able body's sport.

I have done 15 shows and guest posed at 2 shows since 1999, took 7 firsts and placed in top 3 at 7 others. Only once I didn't place in the top 3 of my class.
11 of these shows was as a able body seen as even though I found out in mid 90's about my M.S. I could still stand and work my legs.

The last 4 shows were after my come back and in the wheelchair class were as a drug free and tested wheelchair, I am "Over All" unbeaten.
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Welcome to the forum

Admin here but please call me Graeme

I would like to welcome you to the Ausbb- Australian BodyBuilding Forums, Good to have you all on board. Don't forget to start your own Training Diary. Your Training Diary will help you stay motivated and keep track of your progress. When you train alone sometimes it is hard to get help, guidance, inspirtation and motivation which is where the Ausbb forums and the Ausbb Training Diaries will help you with finding others with similar stats and allow you to interact with each other.

* Click here to start your own training log (don't forget to put a link in your signature to your training diary).
* Once you have started your Training diary click here to add it to the lists (order by weight and order by age) this helps other guys find your log

Hi all, decided to sign up and join the community! Love that the material and people are all from Aus instead of the cesspool that BB.com has become.


Name: Chris
Age: 20
Height: 177cm
Weight: 68kg
Location: Perth
Occupation : Student (Medicine)
Interests: Lifting, Computers and electronics (I guess), Fashion and Music

Currently on SS and have never been to comp, so I don't really have 1RMs;

5RMs (starting/current/goal)

Squat 65kg/110kg/120kg (didn't have a squat rack for 5 out of 8 months, so that's why it's lagging behind)
Bench 57.5kg/87.5kg/95kg
Deadlift 100kg/142.5kg/150kg
OHP: 35kg/62.5kg/BW
Pull-ups: 10kg/30kg/35kg (weighted)


- Compete in a powerlifting meet
- Do a Tough Mudder in 2013
- Hit 1000lb total for the Big 3 at under 75kg
- Use what I know to help others be their best :)
- Eventually start up the best no-frills awesome gym in Perth


Started off at 61kg and did not know what I was doing, started using my home gym and doing tons of reps, then started on the 100 push-ups program. Pre-SS, I went from 40 -> 70 pushups on the 100 push-ups program. Found Stronglifts online (and then Starting Strength), and decided Starting Strength was better. Was on-and-off for about a month in Dec 2011, went on holiday for a month and then officially started consistently on March. Was messing around before, not being consistent with workouts and not increasing weight when I was supposed to.

30/12/2011 - 61kg

6/6/2012 - 65kg

15/8/2012 - 67kg

17/10/2012 - 68kg

Now that it's summer, focusing a bit more on cutting down and more hypertrophy-based sets. Problem has been not eating enough and not getting very good sleep (due to Uni). Hoping to hit 1000lb total next year and enter some comps (:

(Sorry for massive pics, not sure if I should resize or not)
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