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The off season

Told you to go see someone you dick!

Is it disc or vertabrae spiz?

I've done the disc at l4/5 and l5/s1 so don't sweat it you'll come back.
Posted via Mobile Device
To show how much Fat Dave has improved, at the State titles in May, he benched 100kg and missed 105kg.

Last night he went

105 x 5
105 x 5
105 x 5
105 x 3
105 x 3
80 x 17
80 x 13

Bench press is his weakest lift. I hope to have him total 600kg by next years Nats
the x-ray shows it going through the spine between L5 and S1 i dont know what it means, i was freaking out when i saw it , it stood out like dogs balls,you no me nick hot flushes man i just wanted to run .....but i cant haha.
More honest to goodness gyms (not some bs wellness centre with a no chalk no grunting policy) with trainers who actually know how to get people results and coach compound movements equals more people getting those results, looking and feeling good, and promoting that to others.
Perhaps, but it's a slow process.

The other day I was told that "deep squats aren't for beginners."
I said, "What's a beginner?"
"Someone who hasn't been in a gym before."
"Okay, what if they've not been in a gym, but say they played state league volleyball for three years? Beginner?"
"Well, I guess it's up to your judgment, but err on the side of shallow. The vast majority of people will be fine, and even if they do get injured it's probably not the squats, but still - go slow. Obviously you have more leeway with your PT clients, I am just talking about giving programmes to people."
"Like your guy I trained once, the big guy, he went pretty deep, you progressed him, right?"
"Yes. He started out 165kg. Of course I didn't have him squat below parallel with a weight on him in the first session. First two weeks he just sat on a chair and got back up without using a torso weight shift to do it. Next two weeks, a lower chair, and added some weight. After that, a milk crate. Then I took the crate away. Now he's 140kg and front squats 70kg as you saw. But that took 4-5 months."

People do accept it, but very, very reluctantly.

Good luck with that injury, Spiros, get well soon.
We've been doing 10 x 10 and 5 x 5 for bench in the gym recently, and today I had a few boys test PB's.

Alen, up from 120kg to 127.5kg
Gareth, up from 120kg to 125kg
Rory, up from 105kg to 110kg
Pierre, up from 110kg to 112.5kg

Alen also squatted 150kg x 10 @ 90kg

Ceffo and Kapow from here trained today, good to see more ausbb boys at PTC.

Ceff is an excellent bencher, an easy 110kg@ 75kg, he has more in him, we were simply going over form.

Once he put on the Oli lifting shoes, his squat form was mint. His hips rise too soon on deadlifts though.
We've been doing 10 x 10 and 5 x 5 for bench in the gym recently, and today I had a few boys test PB's.

Alen, up from 120kg to 127.5kg
Gareth, up from 120kg to 125kg
Rory, up from 105kg to 110kg
Pierre, up from 110kg to 112.5kg

Alen also squatted 150kg x 10 @ 90kg

Ceffo and Kapow from here trained today, good to see more ausbb boys at PTC.

Ceff is an excellent bencher, an easy 110kg@ 75kg, he has more in him, we were simply going over form.

Once he put on the Oli lifting shoes, his squat form was mint. His hips rise too soon on deadlifts though.
Alen is 90kg - 185/127.5/220
Kelly is 82kg - 175/161/260
Daryl is 70kg - 160/120/180
Dim is 73kg - 145/100/190
Max is 79kg - 175/110/230

Is that enough or do you want others Oli?
Sean last night pulled 207kg on the trap bar for a PB

Luke cleaned and push pressed 100kg, both are PB's

Bender cleaned 80kg for a PB

Had around 10 clients do "From Russia with love"

No one spewed