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The off season

obvioulsy with a stuffed sholder myself when I bench im all for something that can assist in stopping it hurting so I can push harder... That said either way im easy.
Fat Dave smashed 200kg squat tonight.

His current PB's are 200kg squat/117.5kg bench/220kg deadlift, all done without a belt

He also MP 80kg tonight, which is also a PB

Jack deadlifted 170kg x 3, 170kg was a PB, he tripled it
Dave, Good job !
I've mentioned Ryan on here before, he's the builder with the bad back that started lifting a few months ago as the doctors couldnt fix him, he's had the problem for a few years.

Anyway, an update on his progress. Tonight he squatted 160kg, just missed 170kg, he had already done 130/140/150/160 before he tried.

This goes well with his 240kg deadlift and 125kg bench.

He's never even seen a belt, and his back is easily his strongest body part now.
Lower back. He was spending $80 a week at the physio/chiro.

His brother and brother in law were training at PTC.

We started with KB's to get it stronger as it was very weak. As with most back issues, everyone that feels a niggle will avoid all exercise.

I have a few exercises I have people do, and if I notice they can do them with no discomfort, in good form, and the client tells me there is no pain, we simply keep moving ahead.

The fact Ryan was able to pull 240kg shows that all that was wrong with his back is that it was weak, and he wasnt exercising it. He hasnt had a single issue with it since he started at PTC, and he's on the tools everyday at work.

Strange how not one doctor he saw suggested deadlifting to fix his back. I'd love him to go back with his video of his 240kg pull with no belt and show them lol

James is similar, only he pulled 200kg, but he is 61
Some people really are clueless...I was specifically told by a PT that I was guaranteed to injure myself if I kept deadlifting and I should really only be using 60kg as anymore than that was unnecessary.

I put on extra bumpers and did 120 for reps just to show what I thought of his advice.
....they don't. Most people aren't willing to work hard and train hard. They teach old men and women how to use a rowing machine...
Im sure i read somewhere that Benedict Magnusson had very bad back problems, he may have even broken his back, and he said something along the lines of " deadlift makes my back feel good".
There are many trainers out there that are infinitely better than me, its just the amount of duds that creates problems.

Unless they change the current system, its going to continue to go downhill.

The whole system needs an overhaul, but it wont happen, too much money beiong made by too many people.

I constantly get asked why I dont advertise or have a business card etc.

I figure as long as people seek me out and not the other way round, I'll get the kind of client I want to spend time helping.

So far so good. I had 27 lifters come through PTC on Monday night.
No, I stopped visiting cocklovers.com, they seem to know it all, pretty big strong guys over there, I spend 99% of my time posting on here now. I got intimidated by all those memory stick wielding guys

If people want advice, they can seek me out, I'm not going all over the place wasting time, I dont even click on those links you guys post up sorry, but I'm sure its very funny lol

Fix it or f u c k it back routine has been successful, but its not something I can do over the net
There are many trainers out there that are infinitely better than me, its just the amount of duds that creates problems.

Unless they change the current system, its going to continue to go downhill.

The whole system needs an overhaul, but it wont happen, too much money beiong made by too many people.

I think it's more up to the people who know (good trainers etc) to change things.

If people only know about the huge chains (FF and Fernwood etc) it is going to be the first place they go to. If their first experiences with training/physical activity are terrible (especially with a PT) what are the chances of them making progress or, more importantly, sticking with it long term? Slim.

More honest to goodness gyms (not some bs wellness centre with a no chalk no grunting policy) with trainers who actually know how to get people results and coach compound movements equals more people getting those results, looking and feeling good, and promoting that to others.

Waiting for people to switch on and realise they are going/being led in the wrong direction is not going to change things imo.
When people ask me about my training methods, I always get a similar response, they are afraid they will hurt their back or knees, or, dont want to get too big.....this bullshit comes from stupid PTs preaching the wrong shit. I just keep telling them to do what they are doing.... seriously...stupid.
Deadlifts, squats, full cleans, snatches and all great exercises get a bad wrap because people DO GET INJURED performing them.

If you do them correctly you'll be fine until yuo get strong then you'll get you fair share of injuries, comes with the territory,

But the amount of people performing these incorrectly and getting the resulting injuries gives them a bad wrap.

Same with driving high powered cars. Driving them correctly will leave you feeling all happy in the pants. Driving one incorrectly will leave you wrapped against a tree quick smart.

Most people will stick to driving mitsubishi lancers for this reason.
got my x-rays back ....turns out i had broken my back between L5 and S1 wish i had known,then also a recent fracture always felt pain deadlifting sharp but thought we all get that,still pulled 250x5 on the trap bar,but paying for it know.he said L5 is so far out its ugly ....explains why my back wheels feel like there about to pop,i love the deadlift.