No problems here if you post your assets again![]()
lol thanks Mick

Appreciative of your generous support lol
No problems here if you post your assets again![]()
5700+ posts in 2 months? Wow.
As I said in another thread along these lines, never take recommendations of a plastic and reconstructive surgeons. Look at and research which techniques and products they use. Be aware, you will need a check up every few years to make sure the ladies are in good shape, that means you will need to go back to Argentina/Chile/Thailand etc. every few years instead of locally. If something fucks up, local surgeons will charge you well above their usual rate to fix it up.
Never, ever, get a procedure done by a cosmetic surgeon. That title does not exist, anyone with an MBBS or MD can call themselves one.
Do your own research and look at the hospitals they operate out of. Look at their infection rates and complication rates. Getting medical procedures done overseas is pure stupidity in Australia.
Good advice GailLeDouche
I wouldn't say going overseas is pure stupidy however? Plenty of people do. The plastic surgery holidays to Thailand and Maylasia have been the fastest growing tourism niche for the last 5 years, especially for Australians, as it's so close to home?
My girlfriend is Chilean, she and her family visit Argentina every year or other year. She was born there and speaks fluent spanish. She was entirely comfortable with the decision she made and more than thrilled with the results. As I mentioned previously, the same Dr has also given her mother a complete overhaul some years ago and her sister had liposuction from the same man on a seperate trip. So he was a trusted source, known for his good work.
But you are correct in that this decision is a very individual one and adequate research needs to be done, on the Dr's/the surgery and the ratio of success to 5 year success/complications, post surgery. I would assume for anyone venturing down this path, this would be a given?
This is purely cosmetic, elective surgery. There is nothing wrong with these people that they require medical intervention. They are making a choice to have a procedure done and all surgical procedures carry a risk.
Mocha has been thinking about this for a long time, I'm sure we, as a forum, are just a sounding board for her - she's a clever cookie. I'm certain she is doing, has done and will continue to do a large amount of research before making a decision on how she will move forward.
In the end, we're all different and some people choose to go off-shore, others don't. And they all have their own reasons. Nobody is stupid, we're human. That's all
And yes, I have a large post count...?
A transformation picture which imo is pretty darn good performed by an American plastic surgeon currently working out of and leading the reconstructive section of the largest hospital dedicated to this elective surgery, in Thailand. The woman in the picture, is a 29yo Australian.
View attachment 2736
Photo's don't mean shit. Ultrasounds show the true work of a surgeon, as do full inspections of the area. Photos from certain angles hide entry scars.
A lot of people assume that people have thought of the consequences, or have looked at all options from all surgeons. Reality is, the vast majority don't, especially for cosmetic procedures, thanks to reality TV, is now thought of as safe. A same-day, lunch time, service. Not one that carries a disproportional risk to benefit.
I personally would never take a Chilean doctor over an Australian one. Nor would I take a Chilean hospital over an Australian one. Their infection rates are sky high, and the training of the nurses in South America is terrible.
Finally, just because the health tourism to SEA has increased, does not mean it is a good idea. The photo's you show of an American Surgeon, what is his record in the US? Why did he move his practice to SEA? Lower standard of living, lower wage. These things, you can't request from the boards (mainly because international trained doctors don't join them). You can request them from surgical boards in Australia, US and UK.
Would you go overseas to save money on a CABG? Fuck no. Would you go overseas to save on a rhinoplasty? Fuck yes.
That reasoning, is stupid.
I suppose you could say, why is their a Doctors Without Borders? Or why did Fred Hollows donate so much of his time and energy to a cause that didn't profit him much directly at all? The answer? Who knows. Maybe it looks good on the credentials? Maybe they feel they need to give back? Maybe they're truly just good people? lol
I'd hardly put Fred Hollows and Médecins Sans Frontières in the same group as someone doing mammoplasty in Thailand. One continues to get paid a shitload of dough, living it up in a 3rd world country, getting paid to do procedures while in Thailand. The others get paid peanuts and live in shithouse conditions, getting paid nothing extra for their procedures.
Plenty of people suffer and die right here in Australia from complications of cosmetic/reconstructive surgery?
both implants had leaked and had to be removed
I wouldn't say plenty. There are currently no statistics on the mortality rate because any random hack can perform a procedure.
That is, sadly, a risk factor of many implants. If your mother got that done overseas instead of in Australia. Corrections are not covered by medicare, nor private health insurance (well, some do cover it due to breast cancer). Inside of Australia (depending on timeframe) it would have been covered by the Surgeon. It's like buying anything from overseas, rarely can you take it to any shop here and get it fixed.
Can't fathom the $10k+ surgery
My wife has 32 GG and she hates the give her the worst back problems, she would get rid of then instantly if she could.
Holy shit, that's big for a small frame Jaz. Has she looked into breast reduction? She'd probably qualify under medicare for almost a full rebate given that they cause her physical pain and if she can get a Dr to say they're the cause of back issues, headaches and neck tension - she'd be a shoe in?
I dunno man, I wanted to save up and surprise her wit it then looked and it was 12k ad 8k with private health cover :/ if you know anything else loop holes that'll help or anything shoot us a PM and yeh she's very tiny maybe 5"2 or 5"3
I dunno man, I wanted to save up and surprise her wit it then looked and it was 12k ad 8k with private health cover :/ if you know anything else loop holes that'll help or anything shoot us a PM and yeh she's very tiny maybe 5"2 or 5"3
My cousin had hers reduced, cost her nothing but had to go on a waiting list with public hospital system