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Sexy time

How many times a week is normal/avg in a healthy relationship

  • 1-2

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • 2-3

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • 3-5

    Votes: 11 27.5%
  • 5-8

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • 10 +

    Votes: 2 5.0%

  • Total voters

X 2 man on the beating...I have no idea why you would need to beat it during a relationship and if you do find another girl lol...

Good stuff man - go out and smoosh plenty of girllys!
If I did have any desire to go back out with a chick or date or anything like tgat id say my diy habits would be cut in half, having said that I dont think theres anything wrong with beating up a storm if youve got a mrs.

also @ pistachio, I re read what I typed and it kind of came off I think as me having a dig at you nearly, that wasnt my intention.

Im also on my phone now and thats why spelling and grammer have gone to shit.

Didn't sound like a dig at all mate, it's all good!

Speaking from personal experience, I find it harder to fully enjoy myself if I'm beating it in a relationship. So that's why I don't do it at all.

Mind you, if I was with a girl who was only interested in like once a week, that'd be a different story. Although then I probably wouldn't be interested in her for too long either..

That's actually kinda my problem with all the girls I'm meeting at the moment. How do you find out what their sexual appetites are without sleeping with them all lol? I guess I'll just have to weave it into the conversation. If a girl isn't open to talk about sex, well, that's usually a bad sign right off the bat.. I have met a few girls who are really nice (and shy), might be a bit of a challenge to discuss it with them.
As they say though the shy ones are usually the freaks. I mean freaks in a good way though, they'll do unforgivable things once you crack it the first time.
As they say though the shy ones are usually the freaks. I mean freaks in a good way though, they'll do unforgivable things once you crack it the first time.

So I've heard.

I'm fairly confident that no matter what girl I end up with, I'll be able to persuade her to get into it at least 5 times a week. But I'd rather find a girl who already HAS the high libido, cos that way it shouldn't drop off later in life. But how to know who has the high libido and who doesn't....

Pretty much the best case scenario for me (and probably most guys) is a girl who is outwardly nice and you would guess was a virgin, but is a wild child in the bed. Preferably with one or two long term boyfriends before hand (ie lots of experience, but not lots of dicks).

is a virgin!

All of my experience comes from self pleasure
At the end of the day I dont care how much sexy time im having if it be twice a week or 10 times a week...aslong as the relationship is good and you love that person, sex should be something thats def down on the list of things that should be happening in the relationship...

seriously...it's no wonder you get laid...ALOT lol

Good man Joel
I realised that after being with the same woman for almost
15yrs I can't organise a 'root in a brothel'.

You need to sex her up again

Find the passion. Date her again?

As Joel says, treat her like a princess, fuck her like a porn star. Truest thing I ever heard.

Treated like a Princess = loved by your man
Fucked like a porn star = feverishly desired by your man

There is not a woman on earth, who wouldn't want THAT life my friends

Yeah. As someone mentioned I'm a late starter!

Latter end of 'this journey' will no doubt be awesome.




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OK, tips requested...

I love my missus to death, but her libido and mine are way out of kilter. Its just not right! I tell her daily how smoking hot she is and always praise her when she's getting changed in a cheeky kind of way. If she's standing there in her hot little underthings I'll say something sexy. She loves it and laps it up. Buuuut, we never ever seem to do the wild thing. Last time would have been our wedding anniversary in late January.

I'm one of those husbands that does a heap of chores around the house too, so I know I've got that covered. I bought her beautiful amber earings for valentines day but still no nookie. We've jokingly spoken about it in the past but it comes down to completely different libidos.

I've got a raging libido. I take matters into my own hands 2-3 times daily. My wife on the other hand wouldn't know the first thing about self pleasure and is almost never in the mood for sex. I've spoken to another good female friend of mine about it. She left her husband of 10 years who she had two gorgeous little girls with because HE had a limp libido. She could never get enough and he just wasn't putting out. She is gorgeous and it blew my mind. We agreed that if we hooked up it would be on! She commiserated with my plight. But its not that unusual unfortunately.

So, any ideas? How do I get the missus back in the sack? I know part of the problem is that I have a fairly large member. That's not a boast, to be honest a smaller one would probably get me in the sack more often. We don't do anything without lube so "spontaneous" away from home sex is never on as I don't carry lube around with me everywhere I go. Also not helped by having a 6YO son and living in a caravan at the moment while we build our new house. Zero separation.

I love this woman, but there should be something in the marriage contract that says they'll keep putting out when you hand over the ring. Maybe dating again is the right call. Time for just us, away from our son, and with somewhere we can get at it in private. Bloody difficult though...

Bella gorgeous, ever heard of a little thing called FWBs? LOLs...


Id say the biggest thing is get away from the son for abit...have time for yourself...go away...go out for dinner and stay at a hotel for the night...something....

Again like I said I dont think a relationship should be all about sex but having that contact and "special" time with your partner should still be there...even if its once a week or once a fortnight...

Mike Mike Mike.....

Ok I'm breathing again properly now....

You definitely need time away from your son. Kids are wonderful and we love them dearly, but you need time away, just you and your wife, together and alone (lube on hand preferably!)

As for the big appendage (ohhhh myyyyyy) if you two have always needed lube because you're on the larger side, make sure you have some with you - they do have smaller options to keep in the car etc you know

Come prepared or prepare to fail my friend! lol

And then there is the final thing, where yes, two people can have very different libido's and sadly, whilst we can try to sex things up and 'date' again and do interesting new things in the bedroom - it doesn't always work in the long term - because in the end, there is no synergy between your sexual appetites....and this is a quandry I know all too well.

I stayed with my daughters Dad for almost 11 years, I was very young when we met - but eventually, it drove me insane. He was happy to have sex once a month, one every few months even? VERY low libido.

Mine on the other hand, as you all well know, it OUT OF CONTROL lol

I felt like I was living with a brother. NOT my idea of happily-ever-after. So I left.

But I'm not suggesting anything so drastic. I guess it's just one of those things where you have to guage how important it is to you, in the context of your life with that person?

Hang in there, try some time away, just the two of you....lube on hand...and ravish her...!

And if you're still unsuccessful...perhaps you need to call me? lol
I did chuckle at that part.

Pro tip : Buy a fleshlite, you won't regret it. Also enter in the codename ROGAN and receive 15%off the number one sex toy for men.
Still waiting for the review. Was going to waddle down to my local sex store around the corner at lunch time and pick one up...
