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Sexy time

How many times a week is normal/avg in a healthy relationship

  • 1-2

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • 2-3

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • 3-5

    Votes: 11 27.5%
  • 5-8

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • 10 +

    Votes: 2 5.0%

  • Total voters
Dear Joel,

Please remember you're training tonight (as you didn't do it this morning), there may be no 'go time' tonight?

Are you prepared? Mentally?

Will the best of intentions unravel?

Fortitude my friend. Fortitude.

But personally, I hope 'go time' is ON


I cracked...took abit longer to get the old fella running after training but I wanted it lol....

Def having a few days off though...totally smooshed out atm! Last thing I want is more sex....then I get home tonight and we are in bed...ahhh lol...nah def few days off!



I knew you'd buckle, good for you honey! lol
IDef having a few days off though...totally smooshed out atm! Last thing I want is more sex....then I get home tonight and we are in bed...ahhh lol...nah def few days off!

If l had a dollar for every time l heard you were going to take some 'time off' from the vagina. When will you learn, you cant say no to the mrs.
50 in a month isn't even twice a day, that's not that much really.

Especially if you are living with someone you are sexually compatible with who has a healthy appetite. Man, I can't wait to meet a chick who is game 24/7 and I can't wait to move out with that chick.

I'm right here...hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


We dont live together mate lol....and this has been going on nearly 8 months...

Nah buddy going to cut it down bruz lol
We dont live together mate lol....and this has been going on nearly 8 months...

Nah buddy going to cut it down bruz lol

You don't live together? Holy shit, that's an impressive effort Joel! lol

And may I just add, Joel's number averages out to almost twice a day, every day, for the last month (please take into account it has probably been 'go time' 5 times in one day and only once the next - but on average, twice a day, every day, 7 days a week)

Impressive my friend.

You may need to buy gf with equally high libido, an electric wheelchair at some point if we're 8 months in and it's still like this? lol
Ahh Pistachio, sounds like your trying to re live the glory days.

This KungFooGoo doesn't care and hasn't cared about getting vagina for 2 and a bit years now....Oh maybe longer? no idea. Don't see why its a competition with most guys to be honest, im happier beating up a storm then banging and getting close with a senorita

We have spoken about that acouple of times with eachother....why we are still smooshing so much after 8 months...like its normal maybe a month or 2 into a relationship...but after 8 months it tends to start to drop down to the avg 2-3 times a week very weird...but we are enjoying it so ahhh well...

agreed!! Enjoy it my friend! You are obviously both just very sexually compatible

And THAT is hard to find!

No glory days to be relived, I didn't have any in my youth. I was a late bloomer, and it just keeps getting better. I want to create my glory days now, and then relive them when I'm in my 40's.

I'm meeting heaps of new girls at the moment, just got to suss out a nice one with a ravenous libido...

And seriously? You'd prefer your own company? Dude... When I'm in a relationship, I never beat it at all. Save it all for the missus, makes it even better. The more you beat it, the less you enjoy regular sex.