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Sexy time

How many times a week is normal/avg in a healthy relationship

  • 1-2

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • 2-3

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • 3-5

    Votes: 11 27.5%
  • 5-8

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • 10 +

    Votes: 2 5.0%

  • Total voters
I would like to apologise for being an 'attention seeking whore/slut'.

That was not the intention, but have apparently offended the 'serious' BB's around here.

So I'm just going to read through the threads I need and get on with what I came here for.

Boys, it's been fun.

Apologies if I offended anyone. Didn't mean to :confused:

Thanks for the laughs though.

Jo x
I would like to apologise for being an 'attention seeking whore/slut'.

That was not the intention, but have apparently offended the 'serious' BB's around here.

So I'm just going to read through the threads I need and get on with what I came here for.

Boys, it's been fun.

Apologies if I offended anyone. Didn't mean to :confused:

Thanks for the laughs though.

Jo x

You're joking, right?

You've had about 5 of us wanting to do unforgivable things to you (in a nice, gentlemanly way of course) and you have 1 guy say 1 little thing and you're going to leave us here hanging.... Not cool man, not cool.
I would like to apologise for being an 'attention seeking whore/slut'.

That was not the intention, but have apparently offended the 'serious' BB's around here.

So I'm just going to read through the threads I need and get on with what I came here for.

Boys, it's been fun.

Apologies if I offended anyone. Didn't mean to :confused:

Thanks for the laughs though.

Jo x

If all your claims are true I applaud you for being honest!

Very few would do that.

If anyone has been offended.. well then you need to take a
good hard look at your reason behind it.

I for one welcome any topic that 'sparks' this type of discussion.

P.S. I'm yet to achieve the level of mastery required to make a
woman a 'puddle of goo' :)
Morgan being a tosspot, that is all.

Obviously no sense of humour regardless of this being legit or not.
of course it's legit? lol

Jesus, I'm just a chick - nothing special, not a hottie, not where I want to be physically...but I'm all honesty and heart gentleman...nothing I say is shit.

Nor is it ever said to offend anyone. I feel bad that he's annoyed. Not the intention. It was the 'sex thread' and we were....talking sex. I thought that would be acceptable?

Although tits on display was probably not a good idea - but it's only skin? I have no issues with myself or my body...so I'm not scared of anyone seeing it.

I've come a long way from where I was. And even at my heaviest, I had no issue with my body. My aim has been to be healthy...physically strong and fit and lean - and I'm getting there.

This has been fun...the boys make me laugh tremendously and if, on this journey, I get to giggle along the way....well jesus, I'm lucky?? :)

Thank you Shrek, appreciate you not banning me lolol

Is legit.
Is a woman.
Is not a man.
Is a squirter.
Has good boobs.
No arse to speak of, sadly.
Am 36.
Like to laugh.

All true.

For the record, I would never wear clear hooker heels - I'm not a skank.
The short shorts? I wish. Not in this body and not yet though lol

Thanks boys.

I heart you.

I would like to apologise for being an 'attention seeking whore/slut'.

That was not the intention, but have apparently offended the 'serious' BB's around here.

So I'm just going to read through the threads I need and get on with what I came here for.

Boys, it's been fun.

Apologies if I offended anyone. Didn't mean to :confused:

Thanks for the laughs though.

Jo x

Who said this?
With a thread title of "Sexy Time" we're hardly going to be talking serious bodybuilding here

it's ok Darkoz...it doesn't matter now.

I just don't like being referred to as a slut/whore. Especially as I'm not!!! lol

I am almost a nun (besides the self pleasure of course, but I'm sure Nun's must also indulge in the past time??) lol

A picture of my boobs, hardly makes me a whore? You boys have your boobs out all the time...it's only skin for goodness sake.

Besides, my boobs are nice.

Now I should post a picture of my non-existent arse? That would deeply offend the rest of you - and my work here should be done? lolol

Yes, I thought it was the sex discussion thread too.......oooooooooooopps;)
Now I should post a picture of my non-existent arse?
KungFooGoo starts holding his breath

Also im sure me talking about having sexy time with a cup would offend more people then you getting your girls out.
lol KungFooGoo...I can't WAIT to hear about your fleshlight experience...those things look SO weird!!

Oh well, you can't please all of the people, all of the time. It's impossible?

But I had a good laugh along the way :p

Please don't hold your breath for a picture of my 'doesn't exist' arse. It aint gonna happen....maybe after some training, I may have some 'roundness' to speak of? Then more than happy to post? lol
...........wtf just happened.

I'm like 34 pages??? start reading, finish reading

...........wtf just happened.

epic thread