It is definitely a ganglion:
ultra sound has confirmed this. They are quite common in the hand area or around tendons near hand and feet.
The unfortunate thing is because my tendons and nerves have been previously damaged and the ganglion is growing in this region it will be micro surgery.
The specialist said "it will be a miserable operation" due to the scar tissue in the area. It will also involve my hand being in a cast for 3 weeks with limited mobility.
I have to have another ultra sound in 2 weeks so they can assess how quick it is growing and then they will make a final decision.
50% reduce in size and 50% just keep growing. This seems to be growing at a rapid rate.
Why don't my biceps grow this quick....bro?
The injury I thought was severe. I will never have full nerve sensation/touch or feeling in my hand again.
You sometimes forget how lucky you are .
From seeing some of the other peoples injuries after visiting the hospital for the last 16 months I feel grateful and realise my injury is nothing compared to some of the injuries and stories I heard from patients in the waiting room.
My injury is nothing compared to some of the people I met and seen......